Douglas DC-8 airliners


Valued Senior Member
This my friend is a Douglas DC-8 airliner:


According to the Universal Religion Scientology, about 75 million years ago Xenu the Alien Overlord and ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy" brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft shaped like Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together, stuck to the bodies of the living and continue to do this today. Hence these "Body Thetans" are responsible for all of humanities ills.

Has anyone here noticed how theists (like Xians, Scientologists, Muslims, etc...) post-hoc reinterpret their religious beliefs to justify the most asinine aspects of their mythology?

I've asked a female Xian why God thought it was fine and dandy for a man to take 4 wives (in the OT).
She replied: That's because God needed more people.
:bugeye: Why?
Well because he needed more people to worship him.
It's not for use to question the ways of God.

(note: we have billions too many people and the planet is now baking to death - Thanks God are you happy NOW !?!?!?)

Everyone knows the various faults of the various prophets, take Ron Hubbard, Moses, Mohammad or whomever. Now, whenever I bring these specific DC-8 type points, again and again I get this:
"well that's the way it was back then" or
"in the real world blah blah blah" or
"people back then needed to understand things in this way"
(as if they were too stupid to be taught any other way)

I think I can say with confidence that when we see these DC-8 airlines any reasonable person (who isn't a Scientologist) will immediately realize that old Ronny Boy was making it up as he went along and using contemporary sources and beliefs as his material for his "Religious Prophecies".

Anyone here disagree with that????
I didn't think so.

So what does the Scientologist do to rectify the situation? They make it up.
Well The Prophet Ron was just trying to communicate in a way that the primitive people of the 1960s could understand.. blah blah blah...

What I find fascinating is that apologists even take such a stance. In my mind it's admitting their Prophets were too stupid to clearly see a bit far in the future and preach accordingly. We all agree that polygamy and slavery are antithesis to egalitarian (or even semi-equal) society. One would think that a "real live prophet with advice from the God head" would be able to connect these same simple dots as clearly as you or I.

Yet they didn't.

The truth is these guys were charismatic but had as much foresight as Jim Jones.

Hence the apologist: "In the Real World... back then ... blah blah blah..."

The next time you hear an apologist feed you that one-liner just think of old Ronny boy and his fleet of DC-8 Douglas.

Hi draqon,

What's a meta-pseudo-religion?

pseudo-religion... isn't that like a double negative? :p