Double standard, or restrictive taboo?


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
We are all familiar with the social standard that says guys just find the idea of two girls being together sexually is a turn on. For the most part this tends to be true, with the exception of those individuals who really do have a fear or hatred of homosexuality (as opposed to say they hate homosexuality, but still like the idea of two girls together, anyway) I think that it is fair to say that most guys genuinely do find the proposition of two girls together to be a turn on, even if they themselves were not physically involved with the women, they’d sure like to watch.

On the other side of the coin, we have the idea that women don’t share this same feeling toward men. We have the idea that girls do not find two men being together sexually as a turnon, but instead as kind of icky, if not downright disgusting. It seems to me that this, as stated, is the general common perception of how the sexes view homosexuality.

Now, for the most part I have usually accepted that this really was how things worked, but I have observed, ever since I came to terms with the fact that I am gay, that there are in fact a fair number of women who actually find the idea of two guys being together sexually, to be a turnon.

I don’t know if I’ve just been privy to a few perverted individuals who by some extraordinary means have become the exception to the rule, or if this is actually a fairly common feeling, which is suppressed by the taboo status of male homosexuality (Which I believe has greater negative social connotations than that of female homosexuality, there have been threads on this particular topic already if you wish to post on that particular aspect).

In most instances, whenever I happen to be logged on to any internet service, such as news groups chat rooms or web bulletin boards, which are designed specifically for homosexual males, there are always a few heterosexual females present, who will, should the topic drift in such a direction, show their own support for the idea of two guys getting it on. To clarify that I’m not simply misreading some sort of support for homosexual rights, or some other issue like that, and to show that these aren’t your typical “faghags” like you may see on TV, I quote the following, from one such female, “guys + guys = hothothot”. As you can see the message is clear, and I must admit, that this simple mathematical formula seems to be held to be true by a large number of women whom I have spoken to.

Another good example would be that of an artist who’s works I’ve recently had the honor of being exposed to. Her name is Daria McGrain (I suggest doing a web search) author and artist for various works including Genus Male, and Sexual espionage which I will admit, with minimal attempt to break my metaphoric eye contact withyou, are gay porn comics (Both published by Radio Comix ). She is another, slightly higher profile example of a woman who finds two guys together, to be sexually titillating, and has indeed made a buck or two off of making some really superb depictions of just that (I recommend looking at some of her work even if you aren’t gay, just for the sheer fact that it is also completely hilarious, in it’s own particular way).

Anyway, my question to all of you, is if you have any opinion regarding this matter. Would you say that there is reason to make a hypothesis that the idea that girls dislike the idea of two men together sexually, or would you say that I’m simply seeing things that aren’t there? And if you are a female who happens to be turned on by the idea of to men being together sexually, please come forth, I’d love to be able to ad another tally mark to my score card!
And if you are a female who happens to be turned on by the idea of to men being together sexually, please come forth, I’d love to be able to ad another tally mark to my score card!

Of course, why do you think women fantasize about being "shared" by two men? I'm way too possessive to stand the idea of "sharing" with another woman, but for some reason the concept of being used by two men is quite interesting.

So I'd say it depends on individual taste more than anything.
Mmm pig on a spit *drool*

Actually, Xev, I was interested more in the idea of not having two partners for yourself, but instead how women feel more about the idea of being a voyeur, watching a homosexual couple.
Voyeur? Nah, I'd get bored.
Do men find the idea of just watching two women to be erotic? Fucking weirdos.
Of course not... the other girl was so much better looking, it would have made me feel bad to see your feelings of inadequacy.
Girl? Marquis, dressing a man up in lacy undies and bobby-stockings doesn't change the fact that he has a cock.
Oh no, I just couldn't bear to watch you take his 9 1/2 inch cock without lube. That must have hurt, experienced though you may be.
The only conclusion I can come to is that you were looking in the wrong room. I mean, I specifically took you up there so you could get some life experience, and you go spying on the gays instead of watching me. I'm quite disappointed!
Deny it all you want, I still have the negatives and I know for a fact that you kept the semen-stained lace underwear as a trophy.
Let me get this straight... I take you out for a good time, invite you to participate, and the only thing you did was get photos of two gay guys doing the wild thing? I'm even more disappointed ;)
Hey, I got the funniest pictures of you being tyrannized by some guy wearing Victoria's Secret undies.
You only got herpes.
Originally posted by Xev
Girl? Marquis, dressing a man up in lacy undies and bobby-stockings doesn't change the fact that he has a cock.

Thank god for that.