

Shake them dice and roll 'em
Valued Senior Member
I'm starting this thread because of a recent experience and would like to hear other people's views on those that spread the 'word' of God aka Door-Knockers.

At some point around the time Christians celebrate Easter I had a few Jehovas (sp?) Witnesses show up at my door preaching about the 'real' day Christ rose from the dead or what not. I think that's what they were on about. Something about Passover.

I politely told them that I was Pagan and had no interest in what they were preaching. The man seemed shocked and appalled all at the same time and then asked if "that was a personal choice". I told him "yes, I'm Pagan by choice. My mom is a Christian and my dad is an athiest. We're a big fuck-uppery of religion and spirituality. You should see Christmas at our house".

The man would not be dissuaded. Not only did he insist on reading me Bible scripture that made no sense to me whatsoever, but he asked to speak to my parents as well.

I repeated myself. I tried to be polite. But what I really wanted to do was tell him to get the fuck off my porch and slam the door in his face.

Does anyone else feel obligated at times to be polite to these door-knockers when they are so openly rude? I told him multiple times I was not interested and like a telemarketer he just kept at it. But he was old and looked like a priest or something so I was nice...somewhat.

What do people think of door-knockers?
I just tell them I am not interested and move on. To be honest they never have bothered me much, they always insist a little if you say no because they actually think they are saving you...:rolleyes:
I just tell them I am not interested and move on. To be honest they never have bothered me much, they always insist a little if you say no because they actually think they are saving you...:rolleyes:

Well they bother me...why you may ask? Because I live in Fuckville and they are everywhere!! Like flesh-eating zombies, you just can't get rid of them.

I can't tell you the number of times I have had people try and "save my soul".

And honestly, do they really think they are going to convert someone with a five minute door convo? I don't think so.
Well just do not open the door! They will leave in a few minutes if you do not open the door. can't you just be patient for a few minutes until they leave or can't you control yourself?
I make the most of it, although if one or more of the gals are good looking then I try to prolong their visit.

I'm more into the psychological aspect. Despite my distaste for religion I am nonetheless captivated by its power. I'm always studying their faces and analyzing the solicitor's words. You can't help but wonder how someone ever gets caught up in religion and how it influences lives the world over. It's an amazing thing to observe. So next time don't be in such a hurry to dump them from your doorstep. They are intriguing to say the least.

One observation: JW's dress nicer than most peddlars. Mormons around here dress like Quakers.
Hate them with a passion, Jesse. The non-Xtians are expected to tolerate that horseshit, and if we say anything to them for bothering us on our property, we're the assholes.
Well they bother me...why you may ask? Because I live in Fuckville and they are everywhere!! Like flesh-eating zombies, you just can't get rid of them.

I can't tell you the number of times I have had people try and "save my soul".

And honestly, do they really think they are going to convert someone with a five minute door convo? I don't think so.

where exactly is fuckville:).

I just tell them I have my own beliefs and tell them it must be rough having all those doors slammed in their face... they generally move on.
Always keep a goats head and a bloody knife handy. Tell them you were in the middle of something, use a measuring tape to asses their height and then invite them in, claiming they're the perfect height for the coffins.

Try not to laugh as they run down the street screaming.
Always keep a goats head and a bloody knife handy. Tell them you were in the middle of something, use a measuring tape to asses their height and then invite them in, claiming they're the perfect height for the coffins.

Try not to laugh as they run down the street screaming.

there is a special place in hell for you..:roflmao:
I think if the people knocking at my door were hot women in bikini's I would definitely listen to them.

But instead I get a bunch of old ladies or nerdy guys.
Get a friend to lie on the sidewalk just in front of your house and do a chalk outline like you see in those silly crime dramas. Drop an issue or two of "The Guidepost" next to it and I'm sure you won't even have them knock.
I politely told them

Why are you telling hostile strangers about your personal beliefs?

The man would not be dissuaded.

The thing in your hand is called a "door." To terminate the conversation at your leasure simply move it from the "open" position to the "closed" one.

Does anyone else feel obligated at times to be polite

I'm usually polite to just about any one to begin with, but I also decide when to finish and thus the conversations last only as long as I'm interested, which helps.

But to be honest they never have anything of note to say. They work from a script and have weak minds which is why they've been reduced to hawking their beliefs door-to-door.

Just say no thanks and shut the door and they go away on their own.