Don't spoil it for the rest of us


Registered Senior Member
Someone in here might think they're being funny but most of us visit to discuss things in a mature manner. Whoever is playing games (like mimicking Bebelina), it's not funny and it's it's not appreciated. Grow up. :mad:
Yes, it´s extremely immature.
Probably some sad lonely person who doesn´t have anything else to do.

I get the impression that the person has quite a number of identities and is lowering the standards of Sciforums.
National/Forums Emergency

We could consider these "games" as a threat to our forums and respond adequately. Bring in the artillery!. STOP! no artillery, we are sciforums right, best hackers we have and some high tech laser equipment:D :D
Oh and anybody who has supernatural mental powers.
I would say that these are natural powers, but that is another topic.

I like Bebelina, and everyone else here except for a couple of ass wipes.

Maybe we should just chill out and not take ourselves so serious?

Maybe, there is method to the madness?

just my opinion, thats all........

The beauty of the board is that we are diverse!!!! This is how we play out the differences in our belief systems to relate our opinions.

Bebelina can deal with it. I think if she had to she could hunt bear with a

Well, I do not take myself all that serious, but even I have limits and my limit definitely has been crossed now. The person is using my avatar, url:s and almost my name.
If this person isn´t banned and deleted from this forum immediately I will not stay in here, and that´s it.

Yeah. In order to ever care for what someone says, there must be some sense of trust. Playing around with fake personas, staging ones death... It´s just plain inconsiderate. Talking to dummies.. one might as well take the chatting to the IRS :(

bAbelina is not a joke or ontological terrorism, it´s a personal attack and as such can´t be tolerated.