don't know any of you...


Registered Member
but yo might be able to explain a dream i had.

i dream that i'm in my bed and i know its a dream and i know i am asleep and i try to wake myself up, i consciously know i want to wake up so i try and move and it feels like i'm moving out of my body. its not a nice feeling tho. Also my teeth start cracking and falling out. then when i do wake up its with a start and i'm sat up in bed, and i swear i make somekind of noise (like shouting or screamin.)

Anything, boys an girls?
Originally posted by _W4LLY_0wNz_
...and i try to wake myself up, i consciously know i want to wake up so i try and move and it feels like i'm moving out of my body. its not a nice feeling tho.
A bad odor is disturbing your sleep.
Also my teeth start cracking and falling out...
Brush your teeth before going to bed.

Dream interperitation is not an exact science, and seeing how as no one in here is a trusted confident, and possably long time friend of yours, and as such don't know really who you are on a deep psychological level, or what's currently going on in your life anything any of us could give you would be random guesses based on what these sorts of events in dreams USUALY mean, and we certainly couldn't link it back to anything in your life.

Essentialy You yourself would be better able to figure out what it means, then any of us would.

Fish, dont take the piss son, it aint right. I keeeeel you.


yeh thanks for that. keep replying and chattin to me as i have no friends, and i am bored in work.
Well, make some confidants and ask them! Maybe you should try a dream catcher? The belief it will work might make it or something.....:bugeye:
haha, my drem interpretation book says that falling out teeth mean you are either pregnant or ready to start a family *whatever*
Originally posted by valentino
haha, my drem interpretation book says that falling out teeth mean you are either pregnant or ready to start a family *whatever*

actually, when i was pregnant, i had dreams all the time about my teeth rotting and falling out. but, i also had them when i thought about seeing a dentist.....

Ealier today i dreamt that my ears were chopped off in an explosion, i was standing on top of a set of monkey bars in a huge forest/park? my ears were stinging and bleeding like nothing else. Then i drove in a sports car with Michael Jackson to have them put back on in a doctor's surgery, but when they did surgery it was like i was in a dentist's chair. seriously.
What do people make of this?
Dreams Represent your own Random your Sub-consious Mind might be signaling something which would create a Random Scenario which your Concious Brain would try to live through...
Anyways...welcome to ZION Mainframe Computer...err ...Sciforums Neb...

:D ;)
Originally posted by zion

Anyways...welcome to ZION Mainframe Computer...err ...Sciforums Neb...

:D ;)

Oh, as opposed to the homeland of the jews? You know, the learned elders of Zion, and all that? heh. I think it's funny when I see people online going by Zion or something like that, and not even realizing what zion, or a zionist is. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, just that it's kinda' silly to name yourelf after the focus of an ism, and not even know anything about it.
Originally posted by Enigma
actually, when i was pregnant, i had dreams all the time about my teeth rotting and falling out. but, i also had them when i thought about seeing a dentist.....


really? *frantically finds book to look up more stuff* if that was true . . . .

i had rotting teeth dreams all the time...i always assumed it was because i was pregnant and was very self-conscious. i figured my subconscious was just acting out my fears through an obscure way...


My name's philosophy is Based in a Movie that we call The Matrix.
I know what a Zion is.It is supposed to be a place like heaven...I have mentioned about my names philosophy a long time back when i came here.

But whats your problem?...

(*In Serious concerns about this freaked guy...Exits...*)

Heh, you're a bit off, there but I guess there's not much reason for me to explain it to you, guess this isn't the thread in which to do it, anyway.
I am NOW picking on peoples handles? Come on, spookz, get with the times, that's so last month!