Don't get hit by a car.

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Registered Senior Member
With all of the upcoming miracle cures and genetic fountians of youth, we could very well live for a thousand years.

Just don't get hit by a car.
We are human time bombs

We are genetically programmed to grow old. This is a fundamental part of our physical makeup. Why do we insist on interfering with it? All life on this planet is programmed to pass on their genes and then die, only we got clever! If we all end up with extended lives we run a very real risk of a propulation explosion, which will have secondary impacts upon the enviroment.

Mind you more people = more cars, so statistically you run a higher risk of getting run over in the future
Cars and people don't mix

It is human nature to mettle. It’s one thing that humans do that no species on earth does. Initially it was the home environment and expanded from there. We are tool users. And what do tool users do? They fix and change things, not necessarily for the better in the long run, but change things we do. We as a species do not look for the long run on the whole. Our view is much more limited than that. We usually look for what it is that we what to fix and no more. In tinkering with things it often blows up in our face. We want to be around longer so medical tech was developed in its most crudest form to help the valued soldier survive his wounds. Or the witch doctor so that he could help others survive. So we have altered the survival of the fittest rule. No longer is it necessary that the weak perish. Often times to the long run detriment of the race. But again we are indeed short sighted. So my word of advice is… before you go out strap on a bumper. You may need it.
I read somewhere that most mammal's synthesize their own Vitamin C (like Whales for example) but humans lost this capability somewhere along the evolutionary path. Also, if we did synthesize our own Vitamin C we would be able to live many hundreds of in the Old Testament.
Originally posted by Malaclypse
I read somewhere that most mammal's synthesize their own Vitamin C (like Whales for example) but humans lost this capability somewhere along the evolutionary path. Also, if we did synthesize our own Vitamin C we would be able to live many hundreds of in the Old Testament.
By that logic, an orange a day will let you live to see Bender in person in the year 3000.
Northern People make Vitamin C easy...

Northern People make Vitamin C easy. They suffer less from scurvy because of this. Whoever has the notion that humans don't produce Vitamin C is wrong in part because we do, its absorbed directly through the skin from our good friend the Sun.

"We all have our genetic limitations."

uh....not really

an orange a day will do absolutely nothing for you. for any benefit you need to take MASSIVE quantities (uh, the equivalent of maybe thousands of oranges a day).

Do a search under LINUS PAULING.......
Originally posted by rde
By that logic, an orange a day will let you live to see Bender in person in the year 3000.

Actually it's Vitamin D that we get from the sun =P or else Vitamin A... one of those two... not C... but anyways

I heard a while back that they used some chemical on fruit flies and it doubled their lifespan. They also used it on mice and it did the same thing. I can't remember exactly where I heard it but if they start using this on people... there could be some dire consequences in the long run.. but as of now... I want some! Who cares about the generations to come! hehe. Now I got to make sure not to get hit by a car :p
Oh... and another thing...
When you said that you'd need massive quantities of Vitamin C a day, that's not true. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body needs a certain amount of it per day. If you were to get 1000 times the vitamin c of an orange EVERY day, your body would start destroying about 99.9% of it after a while. After that, if you don't take in a ton of Vitamin C, your body will continue to destroy your vitamin C intake for a while (aka you're screwed)
Vitamin C may make you live longer (although no clue why) but taking 1000 times (give or take) would probably kill you in the long run :p
Actually your both wrong. Vitamin C IS[/] water soluble. but when you eat, lets say, 1000 oranges you just absorb the maximum amount that'll disolve into your bodies liquids. After that, all of the excess is just pissed out. So it won't kill you from overdose, change your metabilism to destroy Vitamin C, or make you live to be 500. It does help prevent scurvy though. :D The one you don't want to overdose with is Vitamin A. So avoid getting hit by cars and eating truckloads of carrots!

Please expand on this. Will we get x-ray vision? (Please be so!)
We are human time bombs

We are genetically programmed to grow old. This is a fundamental part of our physical makeup. Why do we insist on interfering with it? All life on this planet is programmed to pass on their genes and then die, only we got clever! If we all end up with extended lives we run a very real risk of a propulation explosion, which will have secondary impacts upon the enviroment.

Mind you more people = more cars, so statistically you run a higher risk of getting run over in the future

humans insist on interfering with death because being hurled unwillingly into the unknown sucks.
also there are plenty of other planets to move to, and humans almost have a way to get to them.
uh....not really

an orange a day will do absolutely nothing for you. for any benefit you need to take MASSIVE quantities (uh, the equivalent of maybe thousands of oranges a day).

Do a search under LINUS PAULING.......


I think if I ate 1000 oranges a day I would get very fat.
Blast from the past. This thread dates back to 2001. Try starting a new one, maybe.
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