Don't feed the bears

You Killed Jesus

Registered Senior Member
As I was traveling through the rocky mountains some time ago, I found that there were amazing dumbasses taking pictures of wild animals. Since the tourists felt it absolutely necessary to stop their oversized gas guzzling SUVs in the middle of the highway, I could not do much else but watch this display of buffoonery.

The tourists decided to put their children in front of the bears for the picture of a lifetime. It was quite the spectacle as the bears tore their children apart and ate them. Some were crying, some were laughing. The adults tried to fight the bears, but it did no good. The bears killed and ate them too. Soon enough forest rangers came and cleared the bears out. The deceased tourists' SUVs were towed and the rest of us were safe to proceed to our destinations. The survivors were arrested for provoking the beasts.

It was good.
LOL!! :D :D :D That has got to be the funniest thing I've ever read!!! hahahaha!!! Serves those tourists right, those dumbasses :D I hate it when people do these kinds of things, then blame the bears for it. Finally, revenge will be served!! :D

Tourist 1: "Duuuh..I'm gonna take a pictchur with da bear, duuuhh..."
*tourist puts head inside bear's drooling maw*
Tourist 1: "How's this, honey-AHHHHH!!"
*bear rips tourist apart*



Hey Bluesoul, you changed your av again. Cool
Ja, I've changed it :D I figured everyone was getting bored of looking at a bald, shirtless guy playing guitar, so I whipped up another one. Still blue, too :)

Noticed you've changed yours too :D Good choice, going with the Bartman
I used to travel the Smokies quite often when I lived in the area. One day I came to an area where there was an intermittant stream that was not flowing at the time. I found the place packed with vehicles. Wondering what was going on, I slowed down to gawk. Lo an behold there was a family in their car with windows rolled up and a bear on the hood. The other cars had stopped to take pictures and had sealed the family in place while they did so. No one seemed to have the slightest inkling of what danger could erupt in the blink of an eye.

I often wondered what happened as I left the place knowing full well I could not and would not fight any bear with bare hands...:D