dont bother reading. im just venting...


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
I can t wait until you realize how stupid you are and how everything has passed you by.
and i cant wait until you finish your hunt and realize how dumb it was in the firstplace.
You are wasting everything your given in life, becuase you spend so much time worrying about making things perfect, you forget to just do the little things to mke yourself happy.
Remeber when i told you that? ITS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER. smiling is one of them. so is believing in yourself. You need to wake up and realize you're never going to find someone to change your life and make everything PERFECT. perfect is the feeling you get when you finally accept things. If you still dwell on the negative, nothing will ever make you happy. and i think you are stupid to waste your whole life, in search of happiness, like its another little pill you can swallow.... you cant pick it up at Kmart , or mail order it from Russia. it comes from inside of you. when will you realize that?
um.. it wasn;t really aimed at you.. but.. GOOD! lol.. so when are you going to egypt anyhow?
I've had to tape my face to force it to smile constantly.

I got kicked in the head by a horse, once.

It hurt.

(just a little joke for yeh all)
On the contrary, you can mail order happiness from Russia!:D Just go to They even have a personal submersible!
:D :D :D
It sounds as if you are talking to someone you know. Instead of telling them, you are venting to us. (getting off your chest, so to say)

There are far worse things to do. It is a method of coping. I would tell you go for it. Sound off. It can not hurt.

In essence you are right though. If there is a peace to be found, it comes from the inside and can not be purchased. Things from around you can influance it though. Peaceful settings or emotional turbulance can strongly affect you.

For perfectionists the hardest thing to say is, "Ok it isn't up to standards, so what?" If you or who you are thinking this to can ever get it then it will be something accomplished. At times I too have high demands and expectations of myself. Others will say, I wish I could do as well. It takes time and it takes looking around to realize that all is not as bad as percieved.

It is not the earth shattering love of you life nor the special things that you go and do that make up life. It is the little things you do every day. Taking out the trash, morning coffee with your loved ones, washing the dishes so that each is clean for those who depend on you that make up life. Important? Yes, they are. without you doing them someone else would have to. (chores) Personally I love waking up to hold my loved one in the morning. She doesn't have to "look good" when she wakes, that doesn't matter. Besides, I am not human till that first cup of coffee. Know what I mean?

But I degress.

Best of luck in finding a "happiness pill". The nearest the pharmacy comes is something to alter your mood for a little while. It doesn't do the trick from what I have been able to observe. It is a mental attitude that will allow you or who you would take this to; best of wishes in finding the solution nightfall...
thank you for listening and understanding... just hope this post makes a little difference.....
Taking out the trash, morning coffee with your loved ones, washing the dishes so that each is clean for those who depend on you that make up life. Important? Yes, they are. without you doing them someone else would have to. (chores) Personally I love waking up to hold my loved one in the morning. She doesn't have to "look good" when she wakes, that doesn't matter. Besides, I am not human till that first cup of coffee. Know what I mean?

great ! just great !!
i ll do that all !!!

I am finding it hard to enjoy every moment.i guess high(not so) expectations are the reason.
I can t wait until you realize how stupid you are and how everything has passed you by.
and i cant wait until you finish your hunt and realize how dumb it was in the firstplace.
You are wasting everything your given in life, becuase you spend so much time worrying about making things perfect, you forget to just do the little things to mke yourself happy.
Remeber when i told you that? ITS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT MATTER. smiling is one of them. so is believing in yourself. You need to wake up and realize you're never going to find someone to change your life and make everything PERFECT. perfect is the feeling you get when you finally accept things. If you still dwell on the negative, nothing will ever make you happy. and i think you are stupid to waste your whole life, in search of happiness, like its another little pill you can swallow.... you cant pick it up at Kmart , or mail order it from Russia. it comes from inside of you. when will you realize that?

Isn't this from that movie with that guy?
but seriously. i find it disturbing when you dont see the forces that guide and connect us all. is there a way out of this trap we dig for ourselves? how could u even dream that happiness comes from within, when its not even there? wer is the happiness when ur constantly swimming in concrete? when u r roaming the streets in search of food during the day. when u sleep on the slab at night. who cares about anything when all u want is a decent meal 2 eat and a comfortable bed 2 sleep in. happiness comes from within? struggling for nothing and people want u 2 smile. then ur frustration seeps in 2 ur cores. living in the shelters surrounded by ex-cons, and drug addicts and schizophrenics. they r all around u, u r all in the same boat, and they all become ur friends. every day is just like the last.

i agree with many things you had said, i dissagree with the overall statement of this paragraph. If there was nothing inside of you to drive you. why not just end it all? if its THAT miserable and there is nothing good.... obviously theres NOTHING inside of you to keep you moving.. so why move?

although i find it funny that the person who i hoped would read this most never stopped in to say hi...