Don't ask don't tell, don't make me laugh!


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Registered Senior Member
The exodus of [homosexual] soldiers like Muller continues even as concerns grow about military troop strength, according to a new study. Some 770 people were discharged for homosexuality last year under the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

I’m fairly certain that once marriage is a protected right for homosexuals across the nation (perhaps before) focus will shift to the US military’s don’t ask don’t tell policy whereby if a soldier is found to be homosexual (by any means, not just through open admission as the policy’s name entails) can be dishonorably discharged.

Unlike the argument over anti-homosexual sodomy laws, or sodomy laws in general, it can’t really be argued that this is a rule which simply isn’t enforced; it is actualy enforced and has a real impact on every homosexual soldier in our armed forces.

Since "don't ask, don't tell" was adopted in 1994, nearly 10,000 military personnel have been discharged -- including linguists, nuclear warfare experts and other key specialists.

That's right, our own armed forces are shooting themselves in the foot by distorting valuable personnel for completely arbitrary reasons.

Now, I don't mean to imply that serving in the military is some sort of inherent right, it is certainly a privilege which should only be available to those who are able to meet the rational standards set forth to be a soldier, however who you enjoy having sex with is entirely irrelevant, and as such it's utterly senseless to get rid of soldiers, especially well trained specialists, just because of who they find attractive.

I have no idea what sort of message this policy is intended to send other than that our armed forces are criplingly homophobic. I could understand a homosexual being discharged for reasons linking back to his sexuality if he were to become some sort of nuisance, sexually harass other soldiers, or the like, but I'd also expect the same from any other soldier. As it stands I can't imagine that openly homosexual servicemen would cause even a fraction of the sexual harassment problems that straight men serving with women causes, and if anything I find that sexual harassment is far more likely to take place with a straight man as the offender, rather than the homosexual.

"The justification for the policy is that allowing gays and lesbians to serve would undermine military readiness,"

Uhh right. . . how is that again? If we've got all of these homosexuals already in the army but they aren't telling anyone, and they were somehow a burden to the military's readiness, then wouldn't they be easy to identify and discharge anyhow? The fact is that a homosexual man trained to be a soldier is just as much a boon to military effectiveness and readiness as is the next man in uniform. If you want to go weeping about who's a drag on military readiness why not point fingers at all women in the military, who have specific medical and hygienic needs that men do not, yet somehow the military seems to deal with that burden just fine.

"Don't ask, don't tell" allows gays to serve in the military as long as they keep their sexual orientation private and do not engage in homosexual acts.

I should certainly hope that all soldiers should be expected to refrain from expressing their sexuality while on active duty, and certainly not to be engaging in sex acts while on the job! By this reasoning any soldier who's still got his balls should be discharged, as they are a potential liability. If they are worried that homosexual soldiers would have sex with one another, then simply apply the same rules that apply to all other soldiers, no sex on the job! If the problem is the stereotype of homosexual men being particularly promiscuous or lustful, then I think it might be appropriate for some of the military brass to sit down and watch 15 minuets of television commercials, in which time they should realize that the entire advertising industry is based upon the axiom that straight men are horny all the time.

Hundreds of those discharged held high-level job specialties that required years of training and expertise, including 90 nuclear power engineers, 150 rocket and missile specialists and 49 nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare specialists.

Eighty-eight linguists were discharged, including at least seven Arab language specialists.

Haha, oh wonderful. Is this why we haven't found those WMD yet? I've changed my mind, maybe they ARE there but there's no one in the country qualified to identify them! haha. Remember folks, that's a whole fucking lot of your tax money going to train a bunch of people who are then fired on technicalities. Only in America!

Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness, a conservative advocacy group that opposes gays serving in the military, said the loss of gays and lesbians serving in specialized areas is irrelevant because they never should have been in those jobs in the first place.

"We need to defend the law, and the law says that homosexuality is incompatible with military service," Donnelly said. "There is no shortage of people in the military, and we do not need people who identify themselves as homosexual."

Well there's an enlightened point of view if I've ever heard one. They shouldn't have had their jobs in the first place? How does one qualify that exactly when job performance was not the reason for their discharge? I'd wager that the large majority of them had to be qualified, or they wouldn't have gotten their positions in the first place.

This last bit is particularly amusing, homosexuality is incomparable with military service? Well if she means that in the sense that romancing or fucking isn't the way to get a military ready then she's right, but being that any person with any sexuality engages in this behavior, and none of them should do it in the course of military duty, then I can't see what her point is. Is she trying to say, and stop me if you've heard this one already, that the definition of a soldier is one man and one gun, not one fag and his gun?

Haha, the stunning idiocy of the homophobic reactionary religious right is sometimes so blindingly awful that all I can do is laugh. I’ve got to admit though, the idea of a cabal of disenfranchised homosexual ex-soldiers who feel betrayed by their country going on some sort of domestic terror spree sounds like a really good starting point for a book, so I’ve got to thank the right-wingers for making it such a topically relevant premise.

I put it to you, fellow sciforums members, can you think of a single reason why a homosexual who otherwise meets (and as it seems in many cases exceeds) our armed forces standards for a soldier should be turned away or discharged simply because when his fellow soldiers talk lewdly about the chicks they've banged they reply "Oh I don't swing that way"?

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Social conservatives will oppose homosexuals as long as they can. It is a mix that they cannot and must not palate. On the one hand a social conservative must believe that everyone who serves in the military is a conservative superman saint. When this view is violated they go batshit insane. Just listen to how they try to deify Bush's service and vilify Kerry's service. The idea that a significant amount of military expertise rests in the hands of homosexuals, people that they irrationally believe to be the one creature that god hates. ( I believe shows that shellfish are 4x the abomination that gays are, using the only reputable source for such a proclamation, the infallible and inerrant word of god, the bible )

Of course once a draft occurs, I am sure that they will quickly forget their staunch stance that homosexuals should not be a part of the military, and begin harassing open homosexuals about how evil they are for making our army, composed of socially conservative supermen, fight for them without giving anything back, and not once acknowledge that they are the ones who kept the gays from contributing too!
Hmm I like your thinking there, moose. What you're proposing is that the idea of homosexuals serving their nation in the armed forces threatens the over simplistic paradigm which "social" conservatives (isn't that an oxymoron?) hold? I think you just might have something there.

Speaking from years of experience of dealing with homophobes and religious conservatives in general I think that it would be fair of me to make a stab at identifying how exactly this paradigm works. First off, you've got to understand that all homosexuals are wishy washy liberal atheists (or Satanists) who delight in defying God. We're indecisive, ineffectual and concerned only with getting laid and probably doing drugs while we aren't out cruising for children to molest. No homosexual would really like to serve in the military, because it's quite likely that we all hate America, too. Our men at arms, however, are brave and heroic examples of model citizenry. They all vote republican, and prey to the glory of the one true God as they defend our flag, and bring freedom to foreign lands, while bringing swift painful justice to our enemies. The idea that homosexuals might actually want to join the armed forces is something that they just can't reconcile. They can't imagine that some of those brave heroic men are actually also godless sodomites, and I'm sure that on some level they suspect that somehow it's some sort of devious plot to destroy the integrity of the military.

It's sad, but the more I look at it, the more it genuinely seems as though this is the line of thinking that is being used to defend the don't ask don't tell policy. America was never an experiment in seeing how well we can regulate who's allowed to fuck who, and that being what it is I'd have to recommend that some people take their heads out of their asses and realize that military service doesn't hinge at all on who you're attracted to, that's entirely outside the scope of what our armed forces are there to do.
The miltary has the right to to say they don't have the money, time, or resources to accomodate homosexual soldiers. Since they most likely use open showers, and the like, many men would feel their privacy being violated if they knew someone was homosexual. If a certain soldier was openely gay, the miltary, without spending additional resources, could not protect him from insults.
okinrus said:
The miltary has the right to to say they don't have the money, time, or resources to accomodate homosexual soldiers.

That's the beauty of homosexual soldiers, though, they don't require any extra handling, there are no special considerations that need to be taken into account.

But one point that invalidates your argument even more efficiently is the fact that the military already does accommodate homosexual soldiers. The problem here is that when they realize they are doing so then they fire them.

okinrus said:
If a certain soldier was openely gay, the miltary, without spending additional resources, could not protect him from insults.

The armed forces can't protect female soldiers from sexual harassment and rape, either, but they're still allowed to serve. I don't see that allowing openly homosexual people to serve would really change that dynamic, especially so long as servicemen and women are still expected to act in a professional manner.
okinrus said:
The miltary has the right to to say they don't have the money, time, or resources to accomodate homosexual soldiers.

Acctualy, homosexual soldiers already accomidate the military, smartass. The point of the article is in fact that thousands of them have been being let go for no reason at all. Other than a policy that they prove is unnessisary by their mere presence in their jobs.
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who'd want to be in an army, of ring merchants, looking at you when you bend over for the soap.
what use, are they in battle, (oo you bitch, talk to the hand, and a flick up of the hand, then turn and mince away.) yea make's me feel, very safe.
Who they hell cares if they are looking at you?

All the more reason for them to save your ass.
the preacher said:
what use, are they in battle, (oo you bitch, talk to the hand, and a flick up of the hand, then turn and mince away.) yea make's me feel, very safe.

Hold on Preacher, are you against homosexuals in the military or black women in the military? I think you're getting your stereotypes mixed up.
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It mainly has to do with moral and that's something important with the military. And no, homosexuals don't require any extra upkeep but rather the homophobes do. I'd much prefer that the homophobes get discharged rather than homosexuals since they're the unreasonable ones. Of course, who knows what that number would be.

- N
Neildo said:
It mainly has to do with moral and that's something important with the military. And no, homosexuals don't require any extra upkeep but rather the homophobes do. I'd much prefer that the homophobes get discharged rather than homosexuals since they're the unreasonable ones. Of course, who knows what that number would be.

- N

The supposed "moral" issue, however is purely a religious one. I don't see why the armed forces of a free democratic society should be governed by the vague rules of a single religion, it harms the armed forces, and really runs contrary to the idea of a democracy in the first place. Homosexuality doesn’t run directly contrary to what our armed forces do, so it shouldn’t be an issue.
Homosexuals require the same treatment and separate facilities that women do only there are a smaller number of them. If the homosexual soldier is given the same degree of separation that I would expect the command to afford females then I would have no problem with that. The problem is that when you include homosexual males you also have to include homosexual females and male bisexuals and female bisexual separations. Under the current regulations you are not allowed to have a male and a female in the same room. This means that you cannot have two male homosexuals in a room or a male homosexual and a non-homosexual male in the same room. Does this mean that you should allow a homosexual male to be the roommate of either homosexual females or should they be allowed to room with straight females?
The best Greek soldiers were homosexuals; Alexander the Great was gay, etc. We underestimate the power of homosexuality in the military, the Greeks knew…
Realistically the few gays that I have known would not have made bad soldiers if they had set their minds and hearts into being good soldiers. My point is that would be a small regulatory burden at a time when every one seems bent on cutting our military budget even further. Where do you intend to get the money to finance this social experiment?
I don't see why separate facilities and accommodations should be set aside for homosexual soldiers, that seems a bit excessive, especially seeing how as we already have a good number of homosexuals already serving without much incident. Allowing a soldier who turns out to be a homosexual keep his job is one thing, making people state their sexuality and stay segregated from other soldiers is another thing entirely. It would seem vastly intrusive and rather heavy handed to bother going to those extents when we already know that homosexuals can integrate just fine with the straight soldiers. It’s a very small thing not to fire someone when you learn what they like in the bedroom, I don’t see that this transition away from “don’t ask don’t tell” would require any real allocation of resources.
If the military decides that it is proper, secure and moral to have men and women in the same room restrooms and shower facilities then by all means the homosexuals should receive the same treatment. The military and society in general seems to realize that there is a significant difference and that the two sexes should remain segregated. Homosexuals have by their own choices decided to act as a different sex. If they choose to be open in their sexual orientation they should accept the consequences of their lifestyle decisions because they have a very real impact on those around them in the military. You do not have the same options , privacy or freedoms in the military that you have in the civilian world therefore it is up to the chain of command to establish policies that protect the welfare of all soldiers equally. This includes heterosexuals as well as homosexuals.