Donating to Sciforums


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
When I get a weekend job to help put me through uni, then maybe I will donate some small amount regularly. I've used Paypal before for certain things, and found it quite reliable.

Any more comments?
I think... I'd be willing. security of course is neccesary.
I enjoy coming here, and anyone who provides me with enjoyment should be rewarded for doing so.
I don't have a credit card. Wouldn't it be possible to send money in the mail?

edit: how much does it cost to run sciforums?
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security of course is neccesary.

Since it is run by PayPal, security is not really a concern. PayPal is the largest online payment system around (it's now owned by eBay).

I don't have a credit card. Wouldn't it be possible to send money in the mail?

Absolutely. I've updated the announcement with my mailing address.

how much does it cost to run sciforums?

In pure bandwidth, several hundred dollars a month. But, then there's the time required to maintain it when I could (should?) be doing something productive for society. :)

Did I mention I'm a student?
Originally posted by Porfiry
In pure bandwidth, several hundred dollars a month. But, then there's the time required to maintain it when I could (should?) be doing something productive for society. :)

Why does it cost several hundred dollars? I know a friend of mine used to host a Baldur's Gate website with forums. He only spend about $30 / mo. I guess I will donate money, but I might donate more if you open the books.
I'll donate, but what happened to my idea of selling underwear via Yahoo or Ebay auction? :(
Why does it cost several hundred dollars? I know a friend of mine used to host a Baldur's Gate website with forums. He only spend about $30 / mo. I guess I will donate money, but I might donate more if you open the books.

Um. Bandwidth is not a fixed cost. The cost scales with the usage, obviously. Sciforums puts between 1 to 2 gigabytes per day.

I'll donate, but what happened to my idea of selling underwear via Yahoo or Ebay auction?

Send your underwear to me, Xev, and I'll take care of the rest. :D :p
As soon as I get a credit card
(mind I have no stable income)

btw- I won't send it via mail, because I don't trust our mail workers. there have been many cases...

and I trust US mail workers even less
I've seen MiB2;)