Domestic Terrorism? Who Bombed Planned Parenthood?


Let us not launch the boat ...
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Domestic Terrorism? Who Bombed Planned Parenthood?

Brendan O'Brien reports on last night's bombing of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin:

A small explosive device detonated outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in a small town about 100 miles north of Milwaukee on Sunday night, causing minimal damage from a small fire, but no injuries, local authorities said on Monday.

The device appeared to be homemade and was placed on a window sill at the Appleton North Health Center in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, and exploded at about 7:30 p.m. Sunday, police said in a statement.

More to come as details emerge.


O'Brien, Brendan. "Small device detonates outside Wisconsin Planned Parenthood clinic". The Chicago Tribune. March 2, 2012. March 2, 2012.,0,2335061.story
Can we place bets?

Planned Parenthood has been the victim of many violent attacks and threats from the pro-life right wing nutbag crowd.

The irony of course is that abortion is only one service offered to women at some of the clinics, the majority of its services entail helping women become pregnant, not to mention cancer screening services and pre-natal care for pregnant mothers, safe sex education and awareness programs and also providing contraceptives to men and women.

The right wing pro-life crowd do not care that by placing bombs in clinics, they are more of a threat to unborn children of the women who go there for pre-natal care than the very small percentage who may go to the clinic for an abortion.
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The irony of course is that abortion is only one service offered to women at some of the clinics, the majority of its services entail helping women become pregnant, not to mention cancer screening services and pre-natal care for pregnant mothers, safe sex education and awareness programs and also providing contraceptives to men and women.

I've heard this argument before. but never really understand it. Imagine one views abortion as the murder on an unborn human life. If that's the worldview, then the argument is akin to saying that the execution of a convicted murderer is "ironic" because he or she only devoted a small portion of his/her time to murdering people.

It seems to me that if one opposes abortion (I myself don't), then one should oppose and disfavor organizations that perform them. That they do other good work might factor into this, but it's a question of balancing the good against the "bad" as such, there's not really anything inconsistent (or ironic) about opposing Planned Parenthood despite the many services they offer.

Deplorable though it is, at least this attack was committed on a Sunday night, when likely no one was in the clinic.
Suspect arrested

The Appleton Post-Crescent reports that police have arrested a suspect in the Grand Chute bombing:

Police say they have arrested the person they think placed a homemade explosive device that went off Sunday and damaged Planned Parenthood’s Gillett Street clinic.

Police said today they identified the man after reviewing surveillance footage.

The 50-year-old man Brillion man was jailed early Tuesday for violating his probation, though police haven’t yet sought charges stemming from placement of the explosive and subsequent fire at the clinic. The man has a lengthy criminal history that includes cocaine possession and delivery, resisting or obstructing police, bail jumping and disorderly conduct.

Following up on witness reports, corroborated through security camera footage, the police sought a white SUV with "distinctive markings"; later Sunday evening, they received reports of an automobile crash involving a similar vehicle.

Police inspected the vehicle and met with the driver. Investigators say the driver matched the physical description of the man observed on Planned Parenthood security video.

The P-C report does not include the name of the suspect.

(As to placing bets, I'm not ready to give odds. We sought dark-skinned suspects when it was really a white guy named Tim McVeigh; the French speculated about white-supremacist right-wingers when it was a radicalized Muslim claiming Al Qaeda ties; we went to war in Iraq over 9/11 .... It's easy enough to imagine a man with a long criminal record coming to Jesus and then going overboard in that direction, but this might end up being simple stupidity, dunderheaded criminal mischief, or even some bizarre provocateur plot. True, the odds would lean toward a certain expectation, but I'm not opening a book on this one. Don't let that stop anyone, though. Meanwhile, I'm just going to track emerging information for now.)


Appleton Post-Crescent. "Suspect identified in Planned Parenthood bomb incident near Appleton". April 3, 2012. April 3, 2012.
Is Anybody Actually Surprised?

Is Anybody Actually Surprised?

I suppose there was no real point to taking bets on even odds.

I just would have hated to be wrong.

The man accused of bombing a Planned Parenthood clinic in Wisconsin said on Wednesday that he did it "because they're killing babies there."

Francis Grady, 50, spoke to reporters who were covering his first appearance in federal court since the Sunday night attack. The Green Bay Press-Gazette posted video of him walking through the courthouse followed by a short clip of him speaking to reporters outside.

"There was no bomb," Grady said. "It was gasoline."

A reporter asked why Grady attacked the clinic.

"Because they're killing babies there," he responded.

The newspaper also got more from inside the federal courtroom, where Grady reportedly interrupted the judge to ask, "Do you even care at all about the 1,000 babies that died screaming?"


And I suppose this is the point where I realize I should have posted the thread in a different subforum. Let's see how it goes from here, eh?


Martin, Nick."Planned Parenthood Bombing Suspect Says He Did It 'Because They're Killing Babies'". TPM Livewire. April 4, 2012. April 4, 2012.
I've heard this argument before. but never really understand it. Imagine one views abortion as the murder on an unborn human life. If that's the worldview, then the argument is akin to saying that the execution of a convicted murderer is "ironic" because he or she only devoted a small portion of his/her time to murdering people.

It seems to me that if one opposes abortion (I myself don't), then one should oppose and disfavor organizations that perform them. That they do other good work might factor into this, but it's a question of balancing the good against the "bad" as such, there's not really anything inconsistent (or ironic) about opposing Planned Parenthood despite the many services they offer.

Deplorable though it is, at least this attack was committed on a Sunday night, when likely no one was in the clinic.

Yes but disfavouring an organisation that does perform abortions does not equal placing bombs which actually place pregnant women, who are not there for an abortion, at risk. It kind of defeats the purpose.
I've heard this argument before. but never really understand it. Imagine one views abortion as the murder on an unborn human life. If that's the worldview, then the argument is akin to saying that the execution of a convicted murderer is "ironic" because he or she only devoted a small portion of his/her time to murdering people.

It is if said person devoted the vast majority of their time to preventing murders. Because the result is more murders, not fewer. Doubly so if you "execute" said murderer by throwing a bomb into a crowded area he happens to be in. You can perhaps appreciate why "convicted murderer" is a poor - and highly prejudicial - analogy to apply here, no?

The inevitable, known result of assaults on planned parenthood is more abortions, not less. That is the irony. The fact that somebody really, really hates abortion doesn't absolve them of the duty to consider the results of their response to abortion.

Which, what can we expect from people who claim to oppose both abortion and contraception and sex education?
Christian Terrorism in Wisconsin: Lang Indicted

Christian Terrorism in Wisconsin: Would-Be Executioner Indicted

Late last month, the United States government formally indicted Ralph Lang on various charges; attempted terrorism does not seem to be among them.

The complaint, filed last year, would be very near to funny, except, of course, that it is about such grim issues.

At a Madison, Wisconsin Motel 6 last year, Lang apparently accidentally discharged a handgun while loading it in his room. The round passed through his door and struck the door across the hallway. Lang, apparently worried that he might have hit someone with that round, reported the incident to the front desk.

Police responded, and in that classic fashion, Lang explained that he did not realize there was a round in the chamber.

For the record, while the room across the hall was rented, it was unoccupied at the time of the accidental discharge.

Now, this is where it gets strange.

According to the complaint:

[2]c. Officer Dyer asked Lang why he had a gun and Lang replied, "to lay out abortionists because they are killing babies". Lang then told Officer Dyer that he was planning on going to the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on Highway 51 across from MATC on May 26, 2011, when it opened at 8:00 a.m. .... Lang said he was going to find out who the doctor was that was doing the abortions, and shoot him in the head.

d. Lang told officer Dyer that he was in Madison last week, on either Thursday or Friday, because he thought that surgical abortions were performed on those days. He told Officer Dyer that he had the gun with him last week, but was having spiritual struggles and was not 100% in sync with God, so he did not shoot anyone last week. Lang told Officer Dyer that he bought the gun approximately two years ago after being arrested for protesting at an abortion clinic. He said he bought the gun to "help end abortion" ....

.... [3]a. Sergeant Gonzalez entered room 125 to insure that nobody was injured in the room since the shot had been fired from there. Upon entering, in plain view, Sergeant Gonzalez saw a box containing numerous documents, including a map of the United States, with dots in each State and the handwritten words above the border of the United States "some abortion centers". Also on this map were the words "Blessed Virgin Mary says Hell awaits any woman having an abortion. Nurse or doctor who helps will one" (sic). Sergeant Gonzalez reported seeing a significant amount of anti-abortion literature in Room 125 ....

4. [FBI Special Agent Joseph LaVelle has] has also reviewed a Madison Police report prepared by Madison Police Officer Tim Frey on December 21, 2007. That report sets otu that Ralph Lang was arrested at the Planned Parenthood building at 3706 Orin Road ... on December 21, 2007. During that arrest, Lang told Officer Frey that the "bible states that anyone involved in abortion should be executed." Lang further stated that everyone in the building should be executed and that police officers were not fulfilling their jobs by not executing the individuals involved in the abortion clinic ....

... 7. During [a Madison Police interview], Lang stated that he was loading his gun when somehow a bullet went in the chamber and he accidentally pulled the trigger. He said he had purchased the .38 a couple of years ago in the Medford area and had about 35 bullets with him.

8. When asked how long he had been involved, Lang stated "I wish I'd done heaven's will right away." When asked what his intent was for tomorrow (May 26), Lang stated he intended to find out who the abortionist was and to "do what I feel police officers fail to do." He stated, "what was I going to do? Take a gun, drop the abortionist." When asked if he meant he was going to shoot the abortionist and kill them, he stated, "yah, stop them from killing other people and other babies." He agreed that he was going to do that by using the gun he had in his possession. When asked if he intended to go to the clinic and confront them, he stated he was going to confront them with his gun. When asked where he planned on shooting them, he said, "right in the head".

9. Lang stated that if the officers went in his motel room and picked up his bible and other papers, it would explain his thinking. When asked if his plan was to just shoot the doctor, or if it also included the nurses, he stated he wished he "could line them all up in a row, get a machine gun, and mow them all down."

10. At the conclusion of the interview, as they were leaving the interview room, Lang asked Detective Frey "you guys ever go on the internet? Look up 'Rosary for the Unborn'".

Wisconsin is a far more interesting place, it seems, than most folks give it credit for. Two incidents in the space of a year doesn't necessarily make the state a hotbed for Christian terrorism, but recent years have seen a string of spectacularly stupid, politically-related violence across the United States. It's probably best that we don't treat this sort of thing as part of our "war on terror", because Rosary of the Unborn would be classified as a terrorist organization, participation in the anti-abortion movement would be scrutinized as potentially terrorist, and simple identification as a Christian would bring suspicion of terrorist support upon millions of American citizens.

But it is terrorism.


WSAU. "Lang formally indicted on federal firearm charges in abortion attack case". March 29, 2012. April 7, 2012.

LaVelle, Joseph D. "Complaint for Violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 248". United States of America v. Ralph Lang. May 26, 2011. April 7, 2012.
Luckily, We Don't Bother With Tinfoil Coincidences

Luckily, We Don't Bother With Tinfoil Coincidences

Francis Grady's arraignment earlier this month was, in the end, probably more spectacular than his failed arson.

It was no quiet walk into court for Francis Grady Tuesday afternoon.

"He doesn't care about the 300,000 babies dying of abortions! He doesn't care!" Grady yelled on his way through the courtroom's metal detectors.

Grady ranted as he was escorted in by authorities, blaming President Barack Obama for caring more about the death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin than the issue of abortion.

Police say Francis Grady used a hammer to break a window at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Grand Chute earlier this month. Grady then allegedly poured gasoline from a plastic bottle to start the fire ....

.... Grady originally said he was guilty after his initial appearance in Federal court. But when asked why he pleaded not guilty after court Tuesday, Grady only winked and eventually said "God Bless."

(FOX 11)

Facing twenty years in prison, Grady has apparently chosen to play for a kind of martyrdom, but it remains to be seen whether or not the inept arsonist will win a place in the right-wing hagiography, merely among tinfoil conservatives, or perhaps wither away into the dusts of memories forsaken.

In more immediate terms, U.S. Attorney Tammy Hock did not seem puzzled by Grady's plea. "That's typical in a proceeding like this," she told reporters. "The next step will be whether any motions get filed and the next court date will be a conference, and where hopefully know at that time if he'll maintain his not guilty plea or if he'll enter a guilty plea."

The problem with Grady's sort of martyrdom is that he would like to enjoy some of the celebrity he thinks he's earned. Well, that or the fact that no matter how you cut it, twenty years is a long time to hang out in a prison. Hock apparently did not comment on the possibility of a plea bargain; to the other, though, she might well hold all the cards, anyway—what has the defense to bargain with?


FOX 11. "Grady pleads not guilty in Planned Parenthood arson". April 17, 2012. April 30, 2012.