Dome of the Rock usage. It's a small world.


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: How many times can one rock be used?

1) It is sacred to believers of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

2) It has more emphasis for Muslims and Christians but not for Jews.

3) It was built by Muslims in order to convert Christians to Islam.

4) The Dome of the Rock is the most beautiful work of architecture in the City of Jerusalem.

5) The location of the Dome of the Rock is not the site of Solomon's Temple as written.

6) It's inscriptions show strong astrological significance.

7) The "rock" under the Dome is considered to be in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

8) The "rock" was considered to be part of the Roman Praetorium where Pilated judged Jesus.

9) The "rock" was allegedly part of the "Wailing Wall."

10) The Dome of the Rock once contained Pilate's residence.

11) Christians believe Jesus stood on the "rock" and his feet imbedded into it leaving footprints.

12) The "rock" was also considered to be Pilate's "judgment seat."

13) The Church of the Holy Wisdom once sat atop the "rock."

14) The "rock" was where Mohammad ascended to heaven.

15) The "rock" is where Abraham intended to sacrifice Isaac.

So, why was this one little rock so busy?