Dogs and ham


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Yes, it is that time of the year. After Eastern we have tons of ham. Ham is on the no-no list for dogs, but it is not clear why? So far I came up with 2 answers:

1. High sodium content.
2. Generally pork is not good because it is too rich.(in something)

People's opinions are divided on the issue whe you google the problem, although some dogs get panreatitis...

So, to ham or not to ham????
Well, ham has a lot of protein in it which is good for dogs. Their short track digestive systems are geared towards protein (whereas humans' longer track system is geared towards carbs). However ham, like most pork products, also has a high sat. fat/cholesterol content which may be bad for dogs.
I do know that chicken(cooked) is good for them, but chicken bones aren't (they splinter and can get lodged in their throats).
I would say that you can feed them ham pieces in small amounts, much like you would give them a treat...sparingly and occasionally.
I don't think dogs live long enough for that to matter. Just don't give them chocolate.
Or grapes and raisens (which most won't even eat).
Mine would eat grapes. They would also eat raisins too. They eat corn, peas, beans, apple slices, banana slices. They will even eat, and chew up before they swallow, breath mints. They are wierdos.
It's funny, Bruce(the dog) actually plays with grapes like he's a cat and it's catnip.

Probably the only organic material he won't eat(aside from his own shit - thankfully).
Do any of your dogs throw up nothing but yellow big bird yellow substance?
I am assuming it's bile. Sometimes I hear him heaving in the middle of the night and think OMG I am too tired to get up. Then I find this bright yellow stain on the carpet.

Oh also in the summer it is really hard to get him to stop eating long grass that grows
along the fence. Then later he throws it up undigested it's gross.
It is really nice that some of you shared the personal experience with ham or with the cat, but the topic was DOG. My pet snake eats ham like a pig... oh nevermind....

Anyhow, looks like some dogs have a problem with ham and others don't. The grass eating is for inducing vomit when they ate something what disagrees with their stomach....