Dog Hunter


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
OK, even I think his sentence was way too lenient. He was flat out hunting dogs. He didn't even try to find their owners.
Anyone know what petit larceny is?

N.Y. Dog Catcher Admits Shooting Strays, Burying Them

HOOSICK, N.Y. — A former town dog catcher in Rensselaer County admits he shot stray dogs he picked up and buried them in his barnyard manure pile.

Forty-six-year-old Matthew Beck of Hoosick pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of official misconduct, petit larceny and animal cruelty in Hoosick Town Court.

He also admitted violating state Environmental Conservation law for running a disposal site without a permit. Under a plea deal, Beck will serve 10 days of home confinement, two weekends in jail and three years' probation...
Petit larceny is NY's version of "petty larceny" ("petty" is derived from the French word "petit". It's a Class A misdemeanor is encompasses a theft of property not valuable enough to fall within the crime of full (or "grand") larceny, the lowest level of which starts when the thing you stole is worth more than $1000.

The sentence for a class A misdemeanor cannot exceed one year, though it could have been longer combined with the other charges. That said, it was a first offense and all misdemeanors, so his deal seems about what you'd expect.

I'm not quite sure what to think of his actions. I can imagine that most of those dogs would have never found a new owner, and therefore nobody who'd be willing to take on themselves the financial weight. Realistically speaking most animals that end up in pounds will eventually be put to death one way or the other as the chances for them to get adopted are very slim. At least that's how it works here as far as I recall.
The man should be fired and never again let work with animals.

That said there's over 50,000 stray dogs alone put to death daily in America, where are their owners?

I'm not quite sure what to think of his actions. I can imagine that most of those dogs would have never found a new owner, and therefore nobody who'd be willing to take on themselves the financial weight. Realistically speaking most animals that end up in pounds will eventually be put to death one way or the other as the chances for them to get adopted are very slim. At least that's how it works here as far as I recall.

some of the dogs had owners. One woman lost 2 dogs to him. The dogs are supposed to be taken to the pound so owners can pay a fine and reclaim them. This guy didn't care if the dogs had gotten out of their yards. He didn't just shoot the ones that came across his path, i bet he went looking for them. He was hunting
Hmm, now that sucks. I would probably flip out if I'd have to find out that someone purposely shot my dog.

Meh, there are sick people everywhere. Who knows..maybe the next time around he's going to shoot kids.
It's no different than hunting deer or ducks.

of course it is you twit. :rolleyes: We eat deer and ducks. You buy a license to hunt those animals. You don't drive around shooting them and then burying them in your manure pile. least most of us don't. I can't speak for you
It's no different than hunting deer or ducks.
Yes it is. In most places, it is illegal to hunt deer without harvesting the meat to within a certain fraction of the trimmings. You are not allowed to kill such animals for fun and leave them to rot. You live in Texas, don't you? Check out your state's hunting laws:
Hunting regulations of Texas said:
Waste of Game: It is an offense (Class C misdemeanor) if a person while hunting kills or wounds a game bird or game animal and intentionally or knowingly fails to make a reasonable effort to retrieve the animal or bird and include it in the person's daily or seasonal bag limit. It is an offense if a person intentionally takes or possesses a game bird, game animal, or fish and intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, or with criminal negligence, fails to keep the edible portions of the bird, animal, or fish in an edible condition. It is a Class A misdemeanor to fail to retrieve or to keep in an edible condition a whitetail or mule deer, pronghorn antelope, or desert bighorn sheep hunted without landowner consent; from a vehicle, boat, or aircraft; on a public road; at night; or with the aid of a light.
OK, even I think his sentence was way too lenient. He was flat out hunting dogs. He didn't even try to find their owners.
Anyone know what petit larceny is?

N.Y. Dog Catcher Admits Shooting Strays, Burying Them

HOOSICK, N.Y. — A former town dog catcher in Rensselaer County admits he shot stray dogs he picked up and buried them in his barnyard manure pile.

Forty-six-year-old Matthew Beck of Hoosick pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of official misconduct, petit larceny and animal cruelty in Hoosick Town Court.

He also admitted violating state Environmental Conservation law for running a disposal site without a permit. Under a plea deal, Beck will serve 10 days of home confinement, two weekends in jail and three years' probation...

Yeah, that is rediculous. A life is a life, period. I personally think he should have received the same punishment as he would had he shot a bunch of homeless people.
Yeah, that is rediculous. A life is a life, period. I personally think he should have received the same punishment as he would had he shot a bunch of homeless people.

Why homeless people? Murder is murder, whether you kill homeless people or people with a roof over their head.
So Orly, is it okay to hunt dogs if we eat them?

Not that I'm defending his behavior; I like dogs alot. I'm just saying, we seem to discriminate between dogs and deer if we say that it is okay to hunt one and not okay to hunt the other.
So Orly, is it okay to hunt dogs if we eat them?....

I think dogs that are to be euthanized at the pound should be given to homeless shelters as food. They are considered food in many countries and were eaten by Native Americans here in the US. Its just meat.
If a homeless person will eat food out of the garbage, I think fresh meat might appeal to them. There's just a huge psycological issue to over come. Kinda like horses (which are eaten in Europe)

But this man was hunting dogs and made no effort to find the owners.