Does your child not want to take a bath?

They are preparing her for the water boarding torture that the government is going to do to people who don't eat their vegetables! :eek:
If so, just take them to the car wash and pressure wash them.

Honestly, what goes through these parents'/guardians' minds when they do some shit like this? A 3 year old girl. Come on. Seriously. :mad:

Lets face it, some parents should never have been allowed to have or keep their children. This woman is one such example. I am surprised no one noticed or stepped in to stop her. Disgraceful really. I hope she is charged, the child taken from her and she, put in jail for child abuse.

On a side note, my 2 year old put the window down a few weeks ago while we were going through a car wash. Damn electric windows... As the spray of water came through his window he started laughing and screamed out 'ooohhh water parking!'.. By that point the damage was done.. the back seat and just about everything in the car was soaked.. including his baby brother sitting next to him who ended up looking like a chubby wet noodle. What kind of child does that to his parents?:bawl:
If so, just take them to the car wash and pressure wash them.

Honestly, what goes through these parents'/guardians' minds when they do some shit like this? A 3 year old girl. Come on. Seriously. :mad:

pmsl, my 16yr old son, doesnt like bathing, we have tried everything and i mean everything, from deodurant, to air freshener in his room, but nothing worked until.

i one day asid "if you font get in the bath i will bath you myself" and all of a sudden he ran upstairs and got in the bath. well what 16yr old boy wants his mum washing him/
On a side note, my 2 year old put the window down a few weeks ago while we were going through a car wash. Damn electric windows... As the spray of water came through his window he started laughing and screamed out 'ooohhh water parking!'.. By that point the damage was done.. the back seat and just about everything in the car was soaked.. including his baby brother sitting next to him who ended up looking like a chubby wet noodle. What kind of child does that to his parents?:bawl:

When your kids are older, you'll look back and laugh at that priceless parenthood moment.
pmsl, my 16yr old son, doesnt like bathing, we have tried everything and i mean everything, from deodurant, to air freshener in his room, but nothing worked until.

i one day asid "if you font get in the bath i will bath you myself" and all of a sudden he ran upstairs and got in the bath. well what 16yr old boy wants his mum washing him/

That's a bit different to a woman using a high pressure hose at close range on a two and a half year old, don't you think?

The video showed the child trying to hide her face while the woman pinned her to a wall and sprayed her at close range.

"Disgusted," Diaz said. "I'm mad, infuriated as to how someone could do that to a little child."

Officials said the water shoots out of the hoses with a force of about 1,200 pounds per square inch, powerful enough to create the type of friction and sting from a rug burn.

"Your skin gets red and at times it could peel," Diaz said.

All because her daughter threw a tantrum. As I said above, some people should never have children.

dsdsds said:
When your kids are older, you'll look back and laugh at that priceless parenthood moment.
We keep telling ourselves that. Worse yet, we have a 11 month old who looks like he is going to be worse trouble than his older brother.:bawl: Be a lot of years before we look back and laugh.. heh.. *sobs*..
The girl is three-years old. Seriously, those parents are huge pansies if they can't force their little daughter to take a bath without resorting to a high pressure hose.
The girl is three-years old. Seriously, those parents are huge pansies if they can't force their little daughter to take a bath without resorting to a high pressure hose.

She did it because her child threw a tantrum.

The spray from those hoses sting like hell, even on the lowest setting. She should be jailed for child abuse. Hate to imagine what she does to the child at home when the 2.5 year old throws a tantrum.

Asguard said:
bells that will teach you for not pressing the child lock button
My husband was the idiot who left it off. $3000 later, the car still smells, and that is after we had to remove all everything in the car (seats, carpet, etc) to dry out. As well as having to replace half of the wiring and crap in it. Child does not sit in the car anymore when it is taken to a car wash.:bawl:
Bells, have you tried using a dehumidifier?

Yes. Everything was soaked in the car. Everything and everyone. The seats are leather, but the water soaked underneath it into the actual padding. The baby seat covers had to be replaced. The padding on the doors were all soaked. Problem was that when the water sprayed in as it did, everything locked up and we couldn't get the window back up, so the car had to go through the rest of the car wash with the window down. I managed to drag the kids out and run.. idiot husband got to sit in the car to the end. Serves him right. By the time the car came out the other side, he opened the door and water just poured out. I'll never let him live that down. 'Take it to a DIY carwash' I said. 'No, can't be bothered' he said. Stubborn idiot.

Too late now Bells, just donate your car to charity.
It's my husband's car. He is planning to sell it once everything is working properly again, so we can recoup some money from it.

Asguard said:
bells have you tried going to your insurance?

I know AAMI would cover that
That was after insurance.


Meh.. rant over.:bawl:
wow, which company if you dont mind me asking. I would NEVER use them, AAMI atleast give you a warentiee on repairs. I have had to take something back to them because it wasnt fixed properly and they were really good about it
RACQ. They were pretty good about it, but it was entirely "our" fault it happened. I rather pay the amount than have our ratings go down or something. Just cranky that my husband was just so blind to what a 2 year old can actually do. At least none of us were hurt. Was embarrassing, but the kids are ok, which is what matters most. That I wanted to beat my husband with a stick is beside the point. 2 year old thought it was fun... :bawl:... And the attendants and people there were amused. 11 month old was not happy, but you get that.. *Sigh*.. I guess one day in the distant future I will laugh about it. Now I'm just still too cranky. Husband tries to laugh about it, but that fades each time he gets in his own car. As I said.. idiot..
Bells, this is PB. I work in insurance, and it times like thses are the REASON you have insurance.

Your rating would drop, yes. It would drop one rating, which is 5% of your total premium. After 12 months, it would go back to normal. So you need to figure out if 5% of your total premium for 12 months is MORE than it would cost to repair it yourself.

Ratings don't mean much in the long term. They are more to discourage people from claiming little things that are only worth a little more than their excess. They are also a good indicator to show if people are claiming excessively and can be good claim fraud indicators .... They also help insurance co's keep track of the risks they are insuring (if someone claims on their policy every year, their policy is obviously going to be risk reviewed...)

And as i said, after 12 months , you will go back to a rating one. (some companies also offer lifetime rating one, which is (i think) approx $20 more per year, but your rating will never drop ....)

insurance is designed to cover you for the unforseen. Im sure if you could have forseen your toddler pushing the button, you WOULD have locked the windows. But, you didnt see it happening (or your huband didnt) Thus is unforseen, CLAIM IT!!!!! (You can still claim it even if you have begun repairs, they will take your invoices for a fair and reasonable and reimburse you....) SEriously, you pay premiums for so many years, use insurance for it's intended purposes ....

That's a bit different to a woman using a high pressure hose at close range on a two and a half year old, don't you think?

All because her daughter threw a tantrum. As I said above, some people should never have children.

We keep telling ourselves that. Worse yet, we have a 11 month old who looks like he is going to be worse trouble than his older brother.:bawl: Be a lot of years before we look back and laugh.. heh.. *sobs*..

yes it is much differant, and frankly the child should not be in the mums custody!