Does the USA honor her own praised freedom-ethics : An example

Ghassan Kanafani

Registered Senior Member
I saw it on (Euro) CNN : Exa .... something they called them . It was about peoples who have spent half their lives in jail while being innocent .

Only 16 states in the USA provide any compensation for the victims of the horrific amerikan jurisdictial system .

Because of DNA evidence some of the innocent peoples have been proven innocent (Yes I forgot that in amerika ur guilty untill proven innocent , internationally as well huh)

44% of them ends up homeless
46% of them ends up unemployed
40% of them ends up clinically depressed

How come they dont have lawsuits against the state ? Dont you peoples have lunatic lawsuits , why are states not sewed millions for this ? Dont you have pro-deo ?

They presented a case of a Black (like most) amerikan man who has been in what he called Hell for 18.5 years . After a year he couldnt get along with his family and he ended up sleeping in his car . This man was traumatized like hell , and totally introvert .

Is this how much the USA values the freedom of their citizens ? By leaving them to rot in hell after it has mistreated them with taking according to amerikan values , the most precious thing there is , his freedom for 18.5 years destroying his entire life , and he gets nothing in return for it after its admitted ?

And incredibly enoguh the man only asked for some new clothes so that he can look for a job in NYC .

The mental-caveman section here on sci was right , I know shit about amerika . The more I learn about it the worse it gets .
Once an older man told me this:

"Stop thinking of America as a political entity. It's a marketplace. The politics just covers up."

It's true. We don't care about Justice except where it earns headlines - this means emotional "truths," not real truth (for more information, see the "Free Mumia Abu-Jamal" campaign).

Many people are wrongly sent to jail, or deprived of income etc.

The real crisis of America however is that it can't stand people who are not already Americanized. You love your own culture and recognize the genetic differences between your people and all others? You racist Hitler. You don't like the vast pollution of our oceans and exploiting of the earth? You loony freak. It goes on.

Television rules America; if you spend time watching American TV and take notice of the phrases and ideas people use here and on other bulletin boards, you will see how they are indoctrinated. And they'll defend it too - they're all about "fun," even if the only fun they recognize is what is sold to them.

And it's not unique to America - anywhere humanist and moralist values prevail this situation exists.

There's a better description at, but right now my favorite writer on this topic is Theodore Kaczynski:

He doesn't just attack America; he attacks what made America: humanism, Judeo-Christianity, miscegenation and marketing.
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
How come they dont have lawsuits against the state ? Dont you peoples have lunatic lawsuits , why are states not sewed millions for this ? Dont you have pro-deo ?
Um, they do. Lawsuits take time and money though, so most people don't or can't bother. The option does exist though.

Horrible "amerikan" judicial system my ass. Find another stick to shake.

That is American ethics, freedom. When Americans say freedom they mean it. They are not a socialist type of people. The idea in the US is well it's your mess u clean it up. Like Medicare, or education, etc. In the US freedom is more than we think of. You are literally alone, the government could help but it's not a certainty. The US is somewhere I wouldn't live for that reason, essentially no one really cares.
But Nico ... we DO care

Really. We do care. Right after you affix a dollar sign to it.

Tragic. See, to me there is no excuse. I can't say I enjoy the new reality, but I blame my neighbors more than I blame nineteen morons in some airplanes and a billionaire madman. Someone was going to take issue with us. Someone finally did.

I have to admit I was wrong. My faux-cosmopolitan eye for stray bags at the airport throughout my teen naîvete did not, in fact, prevent any terrorism.

The fucking awful thing is that somwhere out there exists footage of me carrying a bomb into Sea-Tac International Airport in 1990 or so. It wasn't real, and the briefcase was empty when we got the illegal footage of the screening. But you know ... my classmates were dumb enough to think we left the block of clay, two road flares, and alarm clock in the briefcase. We got an A on the project for our entertainment value alone. But if I could fool my average contemporary with crappy VHS in 1990 ... I wonder if that tape exists anymore?

It used to be that the picture of me in drag was the worst-known image of me outside the range of my authority. Hell's bells ... I wonder what ever happened to that tape.

(It has also occurred to me that the same tape has footage of me throwing a Molotov cocktail. Although if memory serves me correctly, my face does not appear in that clip. That class more than made up for the fact I was at a Catholic school.)

Er ....

Tiassa :cool:

U are 100% correct, but also the thing is in the US that you use them then get rid of them. For example the politician kissing the baby. It's all PR, I mean seniors in the US are flooding Canada for cheaper drugs. You know we are making a killing but many of us don't want it that way. It's like stealing candy from a heart patients hand. The education system btwn the two of us, well that is not even in comparison. Here our biggest problem really is old schools. But the government funds schools at the same level a x amound of money per child. Reguardless of social strata. In the US well it's so un-even it makes me sick. Well just more reasons why i wouldn't live in the US.
Hi Gas can:
You're right about all of the innocent people here who are in prison. They round 'em up every day. I mean, look at OJ. That guy was innocent as hell and they threw his ass in prison. They didn't? Oh, never mind!
Re: G.K

Originally posted by nico
That is American ethics, freedom. When Americans say freedom they mean it. They are not a socialist type of people. The idea in the US is well it's your mess u clean it up...
Very interesting post. The US lacks a social order, in other words?
The US lacks a social order, in other words?

NO americas "social order" is each man for himself. Also I have been noticing a very disturbing trend in the US. Neo-Conservatism, I mean this gay issue is so overblown. America is behind the cultural and social curve.
Just to flog the ... oh, never mind


It struck me that you've given me a great example.

Americans reviled the Canadian "socialized medicine" as primitive and terrible, even into the late 1990s. Of course, once they saw the personal benefit - $aving$ on drug co$t$ - well ... now we really like the Canadian system. Why? Because we can benefit. Stealing candy from heart patients? What are they going to do, get pissed off and have a heart attack? Americans won't care until the pissed off heart patients cost them some money.

Did I say tragic? How about disgusting, revolting, treading on the fringes of evil ...

After all, it's not our fault the Canadian patients aren't Americans. If they were, they could enjoy the benefit$ of $ending our $ick abroad.

The pharmaceutical companies will not panic at least until people go elswhere to get Viagra and Paxil. In the meantime, they still have time to figure out how to best exploit the situation to their best advantage.

Tiassa :cool: