Does the Media care about UFO's anymore?


Registered Member
I'm a student in the UK and I'm writing a dissertation on the above subject.

If you have any views or information on the subject please air them here or E-mail me.

I'm intrested to hear what you say.
Not until the next good alien movie comes out..

right now there just isn't a market for it..

They aren't paying much attention these days because nobody's come up with anything new and exciting. It's all just lights in the sky with video footage taken by somebody with epilepsy. There are also plenty of hoaxsters out there who would love to make fools out of the media, not that the media isn't doing fine on it's own.

I do have a reprint of an official-looking publication (it's done up to resemble a military manual) from NICAP. I could have a friend scan in the chart that shows the categories of UFO shapes and e-mail it to you.
My e-mail had problems. Did you get the file? My computer shows that it got sent, but this thing is pretty devious...