does the full moon cause murders?

I dont know,

but i"ll tell you something about how heavenly bodies have impact on us.(remember it is just a proposed hypothetical speculation and nothing else).

each of the elements of cosmos have certain magnetic and electric fields and energy associated with them,a brain(yes a single human brain) has to maintain balance with those fields.thus when we see something it gives or changes our brains fields,as we have discussed before,if we apply magnetic fields on human brain it may conjure up memories or emtions associated with those patterns of the fields,so i may simply put it,that if we see a half moon it has certain field associated with it,so it will have certain degree of effect on our emotions,a full moon will have or exert a greater field impact on our brain,so it may effect our motion to a large extent.thus we have heard about the DEVILS turning up,werewolves during only full moon night.

No. Neither do guns. People cause murders. There is no known causal link between rocks -- big and small -- and murders, except when they are wielded by other people.
There is no evidence that murder or mayhem is more common at the time of a full moon. So, no, full moons don't cause murders.


<i>each of the elements of cosmos have certain magnetic and electric fields and energy associated with them ...</i>

Which are MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller than the fields caused by your mobile phone or the overhead powerlines outside your house or your electric hairdryer.

<i>if we see a half moon it has certain field associated with it,so it will have certain degree of effect on our emotions</i>

A full moon can be beautiful and affect the emotions, yes. But not magnetically or electrically (though light is an electromagnetic wave...)

It was a speculative one i admit...but just a thought...

in various cultures demons are said to rise in those full moon nights,i dont know whats so special about them:confused:,i mean if you are speculating about ghosts murders or demons ,why not make it a half moon or may be moonless night,why bother by saying a full MOON night...thats what is so confusing...

The light of the Full Moon is reflected light from the sun.

The light of daytime Earth is both the direct and the reflected light of the sun.

Both the Earth and the moon are very big rocks.

Earth is the bigger rock.

Daytime Earth is lit by more direct and reflected sunlight than received by Earth from the nighttime Full Moon.

If the Full Moon causes murders, shouldn't the Earth, itself, cause many, many more murders during the daytime?

And if so, why would people even notice the Full Moon affecting an increase in the murder rate and not instead an actual, general decrease in it?

well I heard one theory, physicsforums and everyone else, that the moon affected the human bloodflow the way it does the oceans etc. If you make the amount of blood in the human body proportional to the ocean you'll find that the moon tugs on nine red blood cells. That's nothing.

people are just nuts. They think it's cool to kill someone on a full moon, thats all.
Originally posted by James R

<i>each of the elements of cosmos have certain magnetic and electric fields and energy associated with them ...</i>

Which are MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller than the fields caused by your mobile phone or the overhead powerlines outside your house or your electric hairdryer.

But you admit James that during those awfully old days when cellphones,overhead powerlines or electric hair drier werent ther then it could have some impact...

just speculating here...

Hi zion, I agree with your speculation. If full moon could change tides and electric fields around earth - it certainly can have effects on human body.

But there is no excuse for people that cause bad things. They should have better control of themselves. Just because I drive a turbo-charged sports car does not mean I should drive at 100 mph. Cant say the car made me do it.....but just to make sure the car can...I....;)
The Full Moon Story

Excerpts: (I think Mittmeyer and Filipp nail it)

"Many people seem to think that since the moon affects the ocean's tides, it must be so powerful that it affects the human body as well. It is actually a very weak tidal force. A mother holding her child "will exert 12 million times as much tidal force on her child as the moon" (Kelly et al., 1996, 25).

It is claimed by many that the earth and the human body both are 80% water. This is false. Eighty percent of the surface of the earth is water. Furthermore, the moon only affects unbounded bodies of water, while the water in the human body is bounded.

Also, the tidal force of the moon on the earth depends on its distance from earth, not its phase. Whereas the synodic period is 29.53 days, it takes 27.5 days for the moon to move in its elliptical orbit from perigee to perigee (or apogee to apogee).

Higher tides do occur at new and full moons, but not because the moon's gravitational pull is stronger at those times. Rather, the tides are higher then because "the sun, earth, and moon are in a line and the tidal force of the sun joins that of the moon at those times to produce higher tides" (Kelly et al. 1990, 989).

Mittmeyer and Filipp claim in their paper "Alcohol Consumption and the Moon's Influence" to have studied police arrest reports and blood-alcohol tests of 16,495 people and Mittmeyer said "The results show there is a definite correlation between new and full Moons and the amount of alcohol consumed.
Works for me! After million years of evolution (or 4000 years past Eve), we still have chemical imbalances in the brain chemistry and still looking for solutions....

gave an interesting thought...

is this thing an answer to those stupid astrologers predicting future?
by knowing the planets positions and status they can find out how it"ll affect brains emotions and thus affecting their future.
in olden days the idea might have worked...isnt it?

Originally posted by Mr. G

If the Full Moon causes murders, shouldn't the Earth, itself, cause many, many more murders during the daytime?

If there are Loads of Mr.G staying on Moon with Bullock carts in their hands...yes...may be...:D

Hey Mr G,

Happy New Year first of all.


the only thing that amazes you are Aliens and BTW i am not the one you"re looking for...:D

Originally posted by zion

gave an interesting thought...

is this thing an answer to those stupid astrologers predicting future?
by knowing the planets positions and status they can find out how it"ll affect brains emotions and thus affecting their future.
in olden days the idea might have worked...isnt it?


On the surface I would like to ignore the mumbo-jumbo astrology. But at a deeper level, there may be something to it. If we have all the parameters (like weather), then we can predict the outcome based on the initial condition and equation that governs the chaos. May be our ancient folks had the same idea on Chaos but tried to make do with the limited variables at hand.

Since I am working on a concept of creating facial pictures from DNA, this idea of astrology does not seem farfetched....