Does our species’ survival support God's existence?


Registered Senior Member
Even before Charles Darwin’s book was published on the theory of natural selection, people who believe only what can be proved denied the existence of God. This is understandable and it seems that no one on the theistic side of the issue has been able to supply the desired proof (AKA Scientific Method requirements) that God does indeed exist.

The challenge, from my perspective, is that theists cite the Bible or other holy books as all the proof needed that God is real. Scientists look more to testable theories and repeatable results, which the Bible has not provided to everyone’s satisfaction. But what about looking to nature itself for the testing and trends that may help provide factual data?

A common fact demonstrated in nature is that the traits (DNA) that help a species to survive and even thrive continue on through successful generations. Those traits that don’t promote survival are weaned out as the stronger of the species dominates the weaker. So the first thing we can look to is that mankind’s "vast majority" belief in a higher power has existed virtually since we first appeared on this planet. But there is a much more compelling argument found in nature than simply showing that a belief in some form of God has survived as long as our species. Oddly enough, this argument has to do with lying.

Let’s look at the lies that nature created to ensure the survival of several species. A common lie is perceived size when a predator comes around. Birds puff up their feathers to appear larger and tougher to their opponents, and the puffer fish inflates to several times its original size to the same end. But what about nature’s lie regarding camouflage? Many species use their surroundings so they aren’t seen at all by those that might threaten their existence. The common trait is that the species are well aware that these are “lies” to be used to survive but not to be believed as fact.

That brings us back to the “lie” of the existence of God. Believing in a higher power or God has been a part of every relatively successful society going back as long as historic documents can record such. But why does nature carry on with this particular lie to promote the species? Believing in God has quite likely resulted in our warring nature to evolve from "rape and pillage" to "build and restore." Surely nothing in nature says that we should have stopped murdering or enslaving the vanquished and confiscating their assets for the survival of our species, but our warring ways over many thousands of years have become gentler. But no matter how helpful believing in God might be for mankind's survival, we come back to the question of whether or not the theists have it right.

There is no doubt that a belief in a God does not make us weaker or we could easily surmise that atheists would outnumber theists by now. Over thousands of years, most theists have helped to expand a kinder, gentler approach to how we deal with others, and that results in more of us surviving despite our warring ways. To be clear, that's not to suggest that atheists cause more wars than theists, but rather nature itself promotes a food and survival chain. The most interesting part of this dilemma is that nature’s seeming persistence that "God is real" helps us survive even if it is a lie. That is such a unique concept in all of nature that it is worth a deeper look.

With every tool (lie) that nature provides to help a species’ survival, the species itself knows the tool for what it is and is not fooled by what it appears to be. This would not be true of our belief in a higher power. If God’s existence is really a lie, homo-sapiens would be the only known occasion where natural selection promoted a lie that appears to help our survival but where the species itself is fooled in the process. The alternative could well be that a belief in God is not a lie, but nature ensuring our survival with intuitive knowledge of a truth that transcends our ability to employ the Scientific Method.

We are perhaps only a scientific discovery away from being able to prove that thoughts can travel without wires or radio wave modulation, which could lead to proving that consciousness can exist without corporeal form. Given that Science couldn’t prove heavier-than-air flight was possible a little more than 100 years ago, it seems we have a long way to go in proving the facts behind all the mysteries of the universe. Please keep in mind that doesn’t mean such unexplained mysteries aren’t already true.
It could be that natural selection got us thinking about ghosts and nature spirits when hearing the wind or thinking that we saw movement, these eventually turning into beliefs in farther away gods.

We survived not in spite of our violence, but because of it, plus cooperation, much of which contributed to the success of the hunt.

Also, evil can come out of any 'concept of good' when the particular inventors try too much to protect their way of thinking against the other ways.
So the first thing we can look to is that mankind’s "vast majority" belief in a higher power has existed virtually since we first appeared on this planet...
An unsupported assumption. To primitive man, high power could mean the wind or lightning. I could point out various primitive tribes that have no conception of a God.

Believing in a higher power or God has been a part of every relatively successful society going back as long as historic documents can record such
Now hold on a minute. Civilization has only existed from around 10,000 years or so. Mankind has been around 200,000 years. Society preceded civilization by many tens of thousands of years, and lasted far longer (so far) so which form is more successful? I suggest theism arose out of the needs of urban life, but is not a necessary aspect of human society.

We are perhaps only a scientific discovery away from being able to prove that thoughts can travel without wires or radio wave modulation, which could lead to proving that consciousness can exist without corporeal form.
We are also perhaps only a scientific discovery away from many absurd things, this statement makes no sense. There isn't even a trend towards such a thing. In fact, given that the power of any electromagnetic wave decreases with a square of the distance, it is highly unlikely that we possess the power to send a thought more than a very short distance.

Given that Science couldn’t prove heavier-than-air flight was possible a little more than 100 years ago, it seems we have a long way to go in proving the facts behind all the mysteries of the universe.
I say it could. The bird is proof of concept.
A common fact demonstrated in nature is that the traits (DNA) that help a species to survive and even thrive continue on through successful generations. Those traits that don’t promote survival are weaned out as the stronger of the species dominates the weaker. So the first thing we can look to is that mankind’s "vast majority" belief in a higher power has existed virtually since we first appeared on this planet.
You are confusing physical traits that are passed on through evolution with memes, that have no bearing on physical traits although may be the result of attempting to justify and rationalise choices.

Believing in God has quite likely resulted in our warring nature to evolve from "rape and pillage" to "build and restore."
It is surely a more cogent argument that it is science that has led to this, as it pushes the ideas associated with "god" further in to the realm of the untestable and unfalsifiable.
As technology has progressed, the idea and concept of God has had to alter significantly.
Technology has also promoted some ideas of God over other ideas - e.g. the society with the better weapons have used that advantage to push their ideas of God.

Surely nothing in nature says that we should have stopped murdering or enslaving the vanquished and confiscating their assets for the survival of our species, but our warring ways over many thousands of years have become gentler.
Nothing makes them "gentler" like the threat of mutually assured destruction - that only technology has given us.

There is no doubt that a belief in a God does not make us weaker or we could easily surmise that atheists would outnumber theists by now.
Flawed argument, to an extent.
Primarily my issue here is that the term "weaker" is relative, and it is simply not possible to provide a sample against which it can be tested.
It takes just one person with sufficient power to believe in God and, through "aggressive diplomacy" assert that belief in those they control.
In such a situation it is not the belief in God that determines whether they are weaker or not, but the control they have over the weapons etc.
I.e. it is possible that a belief in God makes the psyche weaker, but it is more than compensated for through a control of the arsenal.
Since it is not possible to adequately separate such matters (belief and control over weapons etc) it is simply not possible to test your theory... and thus to conclude it as truth is flawed.

Over thousands of years, most theists have helped to expand a kinder, gentler approach to how we deal with others, and that results in more of us surviving despite our warring ways. To be clear, that's not to suggest that atheists cause more wars than theists, but rather nature itself promotes a food and survival chain.
Flawed arguments - for the same reasons as earlier.
Unless, of course, you can split out the belief in god from the other aspects of society that may (or may not) have had a contributing factor.

Further, on what are you basing your ideas of a "gentler approach", and on what basis are you attributing this to theism? Because most people are theists?

The most interesting part of this dilemma is that nature’s seeming persistence that "God is real" helps us survive even if it is a lie. That is such a unique concept in all of nature that it is worth a deeper look.
Yes - nature's persistence that "God is real" is so widespread that only humanity, that we are aware of, seems to have this concept. Wow - way to go, nature! Such persistence.
Nature seems to have done quite well without any need for such a concept before humanity came along.

With every tool (lie) that nature provides to help a species’ survival, the species itself knows the tool for what it is and is not fooled by what it appears to be. This would not be true of our belief in a higher power.
Perhaps that is merely a matter of intelligence. :p

If God’s existence is really a lie, homo-sapiens would be the only known occasion where natural selection promoted a lie that appears to help our survival but where the species itself is fooled in the process.
Another flawed argument, since you have yet to provide a singular shred of evidence / proof that such a belief is a tool that has helped our survival, rather than just being a belief that has persisted.
Persistance of a trait does not mean that it aids survival, only that it has not necessarily hindered to the point that survival has required us to reject it.

The alternative could well be that a belief in God is not a lie, but nature ensuring our survival with intuitive knowledge of a truth that transcends our ability to employ the Scientific Method.
Possible, but there is no evidence for this as yet. And, as mentioned before, there is no evidence that our survival requires such a belief.

We are perhaps only a scientific discovery away from being able to ...
... yep - we are perhaps a scientific discovery away from being able to do anything at all. :rolleyes: