Does life start at conception?

Does life start at conception?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Uncertain

    Votes: 1 5.3%

  • Total voters


Registered Senior Member
Well does it? I think it does. No one can really pinpoint when life begins so why not give the zygote the benefit of the doubt?
If that's when human life starts then you best start arresting a shit load of women out there.

Oh, and by the way, just a piece of advise but saying; "I don't know the answer so I'll arbitrarilly pick an answer" is, uh, well not very scientific, to say the least.
It would be difficult to argue that when cells begin to multiply that this does not constitute some level of life. What level seems to be the ongoing arguement.
Actually, you're right immane, I forget something integral.

'Life' is an extremely vague term. Technically 'life' doesn't start when the zygote is formed, as the cells are already 'live'. If they were dead they wouldn't be able to form the zygote. So, the question is actually when a life becomes 'human'.
The life of an individual begins when said individual realises it does, that is the only factor that could possibly matter.
would you really call a few dividing cells a human life? because of what? potential?

why don't we just call sperm humans. they have potential just like those cells do.

i really don't know the answer to this. the only obvious cutoffs seem to be conception and birth, and neither one of them seems right. so i'm going to say....2nd trimester.
yes it would seem, as several people have pointed out, that our definition of life is a bit fuzzy, which makes answering the question a bit difficult.

how about we say, "when does it offically become a human life".
we can all agree that sperm and eggs are living cells, but they aren't human beings. so at some point these cells grow and become a human. the key question is when does it go from living cells to living human.

you could argue that once it is capable of living out side the womb, breathing on it's own and whatnot, then it is human. when does that happen, around the 7th month or so?
Originally posted by eddie monkey
I'm not sure when brain waves are produced, but that would be my estimate of when life begins.

It's all just an estimate, isn't it? We all don't really know. So again, why not give the zygote the benefit of the doubt until we can scientifically prove the point where life begins to the nanosecond?

We can all argue that sperm and egg cells are "alive" but I think that they are just the "ingredients" to establish a human. Separate these cells to themselves and it would be impossible for them to individually grow into a human being.
here are a few defintions.

the instrutions of the nessacary cell proccess for creating a full complete human are created at conception, when the sperm cell meets the egg, however the fertized egg after conception does not have enough resources to divide cell past some 1000 cells, untill it attaches it self to the uterus wall, at which point the infulx of new resource allows the cells to communicate and activate the genetic regions responsible for the formation of ograns and tissues or plainly furthure cell division.
as with all life forms full human and animals the body requires new resources to sustain life and for organs and tissues to function. this defines that life is determined at concepetion, as the ingerdents of instruction information and proiens are present, the contuation of life is another story that exist for all life forms human or animal that is one of new resouces by which to survive. its is there fore the question of will the zagote survive, as for certain it is alive. this is the same as saying a human is in the desert and they are alive but will they survive, yes if they find food resources no if they do not. if the fertized egg does not attach to the uterus it will not survive.
the question of survial for a fertized egg, or embryo continues past attachement to the uterus, as the female may exsperince chemical problem that cause for the natural death of the embryo such as still brith, rh diease, sever tramua, extreme rates of blood inbalnce and pressure ect.... these event are consideren natural abortions, and usaaly occur in the first three months of pragancy or the life of a embryo. the female in this case possess the ablity of natural abortion of miscarragie by will, meaning that most females can if they chose to cause a abortion by the use of their natural chemistry, this happen most frequently amoung female athletes however it is also mostly not intentional, thius event of female abltiy to abort naturally is one that derived by nature, providing the female with the ablity to abort during times of danger when enviromental surrounding will not allow successfull survial of a new born, and pregancy would result in the death of the feamle by enviroment condtions. these types of enviromental condtions are sever stress such as great weather distrubances, contuinal threat to life by animals, where these events requrie a physical preformace of the feamle body, that will not allow for the females body to tend to celluar funtion nessacary for the development of a embryo in to a infant, other circumstances of enviroment include famine.
plainly wee can see that the life of a embryo or fetus is dependant of several factors, the question still is not one of is the fertized egg a live but will it survive.
the event s of natural abortion exist to every female, and is one that remains a hidden chemical event of female biological natural, meaning a female must know that she can natually abort to naturally abort, when the female has gain the knowlegde of natural abortion she is in controll of abortion by will untill the 3 month, this changes the ability of a embryo to survive, as before it would be a matter of nature, but when the female has knowlegde of this abltiy the embryo must then fight the odds of the mothers abltiy to willfully abort for the mbryo to survive, this is like a egg figthin a full grown man, the egg can only sit there.
after the third month the female and fetus are attached in such a matter that a attempt at abortion will kill both fetus and female in most cases, and the two mutally exist.

it is a matter of survial not a matter of is it a life!

Would you really call a few dividing cells a human life? because of what? potential? Why don't we just call sperm humans. they have potential just like those cells do.

My apologies for disrupting your train of thought, Spaceman, but sperm has no potential for expansion in and of itself. It does not begin to go through mitosis, expand, and therefore constitute 'potential for human life' until it meets the egg in the female. If it did, we'd have trillions of humans on this earth from each unused sperm of every male ejaculae... not a pretty thought, is it? I'm certain you understood this fact, pretty much everyone who's had the 'birds and bees' talk has, but I just wanted to clarify.

My personal opinion is that life begins at conception. Dwayne D.L Rabon put it quite well (since his article encompasses a great deal of the reasons I believe life starts at conception). I am biased, though, because I am a Christian and because I happen to have a mother who believed life started at conception. If she didn't, neither me nor my sister (there were complications in both births) would be alive today.
In my opinion life does start at conception. But it only has the potential to become human. I think the rank of human should bestowed when one becomes self aware. Isn't that what makes us human?
Darn! I clicked the wrong one.

Anyway, heres something to consider.

Is a baby self aware at birth? Is a dog or hamster self aware? Becoming truely self aware takes time. Or by self aware do we mean can experience pain. In that case, humanity doesn't start right at conseption, but we can't pinpoint when it does. Guessing for our convenience would be pretty selfish.