does heaven have a ghetto?

As far as I concerned, heaven is a ghetto. When you're on earth, they steal your wallet. When you're in confessionals, they take your woman. When your dirt poor, they take your ride. Whats the difference?
Ghetto Pad ...

I've thought that whoever goes to heaven (if such a place there be) would consequently fall into a bell-curve representation of the place. The majority of us would go to the average place, while the extremists (good and bad) would go to the elite heaven and hell, respectively. Except, if you think about it, the ones on the extremes wouldn't really want to hang out with the each other, you know. And the people in the middle, being lukewarm, kind of represent those that refuse to take a stand in their life and go humbly along, always following.

My idea of heaven is just that: my idea. Just as everyone else's is (if such a concept they entertain). Thus, there will be good areas and pitfalls and many, many libraries of books about people.

Anyway, just a thought or two your way.


Originally posted by Unregistered
As far as I concerned, heaven is a ghetto. When you're on earth, they steal your wallet. When you're in confessionals, they take your woman. When your dirt poor, they take your ride. Whats the difference?

How old did you say you are? 12 right?

You have in your interests God, music, art, philsophy, and knowledge. You have contradictions in your interests.

Most philosophers do not believe in god and will contradict and state logical reasons for god not existing at every chance they get. And the more knowledge you have about the world and outer space the more proof you have that god does not exist.

So, I was wondering how you could be as religious as you are with interests that contradict your faith.

Most philosophers do not believe in god

thats pretty tough to prove. especially considering the fact that it really depends on how u would define a philosopher.

i could say everybody is a philosopher based on the fact that everybody has a set of beliefs and values (philosophy) that they live by

then again, i could define a set of rules on what a philosopher is before i call somebody a philosopher

i could even say that some of the people in history that have been considered philosophers arnt really philosphers at all and that others who hav never really gone 2 school on the subject are.

You have contradictions in your interests.

apparent contradictions r interesting. i think that many good philosophers can appear to be contradictory even tho their conclusions r really logical.

people may try 2 tell u that ur writings r contradictory but if they look closely, they will c that ur writings r all based on the same beliefs and r not contradictory at all.


in heaven we have:
unlimited supplies and resources
telekinetic and telepathic powers
metalogical comprehension
angels everywhere (with telekinetic and telepathic powers) that serve you joyfully, protect you, entertain you, and take care of you
At first: I do not believe in a heaven myself: dead is the end for me, but if.....

then I am pretty sure there won´t be a heaven-ghetto.
That won´t fit with the whole idea of heaven. Everyone there is the same, and deserves the same things for living a good life.

following the largest religions:
Instead of a heaven-ghetto you can be in limbo: after that it is heaven or hell.
And moslims have to suffer first in hell (the better they lived, the shorter they ´burn´) after that it is heaven.

But who says these religions are right about it?
Maybe what happens with you after you die depends on what you expect...

(sorry for the signs: I have to deal with a spanish computer)