Does God really = good/love


Registered Senior Member
first off I don't believe in god within any of the existing religions today but I was raised catholic and as a young adult was involved in the lutheran church and it bothers me that their idea of God is goodness and Love. The reason it bothers me is how can he be a god full of love if there is no opposite within him. How can you have just one emotion, maybe he is emotionless, pure intellect with no moral structure. or maybe he does exhibit all the emotions we do, that would mean he is just as capable of great evil as he is of great love. Just a thought.
I believe he is able to be love because of
the Son and Father persons of the Trinity. When
most people say that God is Love they do not
mean that God is only Love but that he reveals
himself through love. Otherwise we would not
be able to say that God is good.
God had better not exist,cos if he does,im gonna kick his ass.

Me vs god= me wins cos i know the art of katchunagu boxing
I dont like the way it works for satan,if satan said "hey i exist" then everyone knows god exists aswell and will automatically assume satan is the bad guy.

How do we know god isnt the bad guy?

His adversary is something that dont like gods methods,i dont like gods methods(if he exists) in fact the methods suggest god is an asshole,
if satan turned up you should be on his side,not god,what has god ever done for you?
just a lot of publicity stunts to make himself popular and set the rules in opposition.

Vote for someone else in charge i say,cos god is like a politician:

Either that or its all horseshit and youre better off believing nothing as far as a diety or a here after.
Lets think about it. If God really is love-he presents himself with unconditional love towards us no matter who we are- then he is fair. If he is fair y does he save SOME of us... after all he is god, he made us he can save some-according to christians- of us thus he can save us all. When god saves one person and doesnt save another does that mean that the dead person is sinful!? because if it does god is not fair...he does not treat us equally. Now i know this statement is false but christians somehow believe that if something good happens to them it was god who did it...if sth bad happens to them it is devil. Another thing is...if god is considered love -unconditional- y do some christians strongly believe that gays are sinful just because they are gays. Another thing is...if god is so loving and caring...y is he so vindictive....he learned us to "turn the other cheek" but what did he do to adam and eve.....especially eve because her punishment was a double one...maybe justified maybe not...god was presented vindictive and sexist.