Does God lead us?


Registered Member
Hi everybody,
I was just wondering if you all think that God can lead us to meet people to stir up our curiostity about him? :confused: I was just thinking about how you come in contact with so many new people everyday and just maybe one out of all of them is the one that is gonna help you in your daily walk with God? Is it possible that he allows things like that to happen for a sacred purpose?
Jessica_lds said:
Hi everybody,
I was just wondering if you all think that God can lead us to meet people to stir up our curiostity about him? :confused: I was just thinking about how you come in contact with so many new people everyday and just maybe one out of all of them is the one that is gonna help you in your daily walk with God? Is it possible that he allows things like that to happen for a sacred purpose?
M*W: Welcome, Jessica! I believe in the idea of a higher power, but I am not a Christian. I believe God, whatever one calls it, resides within our very soul. My understanding of "God leading us to meet people, etc." comes from a desire within each of us where God dwells. There are no accidents in the universe. Everything that happens in our lives is what I call "the One Spirit of God which is creating me." We are always in the process of being created by our own spirit--God's spirit. Everything under the sun has a "sacred purpose." Every rock, grains of sand, flower, rain, mountains, animals and humans comprise the nature of God. The misconception of God being "somewhere out there" is false. I believe the kingdom of God, or our higher power, resides within. God is a powerful positive force in the universe. It's this positive force that creates our lives as we live. I agree with the other posts, in that, if you really want to learn about religions, read sciforums everyday. You will learn more from this forum than you'll every learn reading the Bible or the Book of Mormon.
There are no accidents in the universe

Wish you had have told me this before, I wouldn't have let that bastard who crashed into my car get away with it! Guess I'll just have to send the bill to the god inside of me... :bugeye:
SnakeLord said:
Wish you had have told me this before, I wouldn't have let that bastard who crashed into my car get away with it! Guess I'll just have to send the bill to the god inside of me... :bugeye:
M*W: I thought everybody knows that there is synchronicity in the universe, and that there are no real accidents. Since the bastard crashed into your car, you should send the bill to the god inside of that bastard.
Hi Jessica,

It seems quite possible that you could easily bump into other religious nutters who will be glad to compare notes with you on your combined various fairy tales. And the best place to meet such people – try a church or a mosque or a temple or other such places where these dreamers meet.

I thought everybody knows that there is synchronicity in the universe, and that there are no real accidents.

An accident is merely defined by something someone didn't intend to do. Sure, we can get all 'chaotic' and say a buttefly beating his wings in Brazil caused the crash, but that doesn't detract from the fact that the guy didn't personally intend to hit me, and as such the crash on his part, was in fact accidental.

Since the bastard crashed into your car, you should send the bill to the god inside of that bastard

Why? Isn't it all part of the big same spirit/being? I'm sure the god inside of me can forward the bill to the god inside of him, seeings as they're the same bloody thing :p

To answer the original post: No. There is no evidence to suggest the existence of this being, and even if he did, the christian faith maintains that we have free will, and that god plays no actual part in our decisions or events of life. Then again, in the case of mass annihilation or unforseen death, that is usually summed up as god 'testing us'.. so you never know. Maybe he wants to 'test' to see if you'll listen to these people he 'sends' you to.

In ancient times, he'd just come to you in a dream/vision, or send an angel down to let you know. I guess he's not as 'publicity seeking' as he once was.
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Is it possible that he allows things like that to happen for a sacred purpose?

First we must find out if god even exists, only then we can speculate whether if he does this or not.

I was just wondering if you all think that God can lead us to meet people to stir up our curiostity about him?

Well lets hope he isn't that shallow.
Won't this eventually devolve into a thread about Free Will vs. Will Determined By [Insert Word]? Why not just surf over to Philosophy, get your dose of this type of information there?
Jessica_lds said:
Hi everybody,
I was just wondering if you all think that God can lead us to meet people to stir up our curiostity about him? :confused: I was just thinking about how you come in contact with so many new people everyday and just maybe one out of all of them is the one that is gonna help you in your daily walk with God? Is it possible that he allows things like that to happen for a sacred purpose?
if you think god leads you,how will you know where to go?
sacred purpose?
whats that?
btw you may want to visit
theres whole bunch of diff religions to explore
SnakeLord said:
An accident is merely defined by something someone didn't intend to do. Sure, we can get all 'chaotic' and say a buttefly beating his wings in Brazil caused the crash, but that doesn't detract from the fact that the guy didn't personally intend to hit me, and as such the crash on his part, was in fact accidental.

A bit off topic here, feel free to ignore me. :D

I was listening to NPR one day. There is this guy (I really wish I could remember his name, but I haven't listened to NPR in several years) that would do great mini commentaries throughout the day on whatever topic struck his fancy.

One day he went on a ten-minute rant about car "accidents". He went on to say that they should be called exactly what they are. Car crashes, wrecks, etc. The term "accident" implies that it was an unfortunate incident that was not avoidable. Such as an act of nature. He went on to say that at least 90% of so-called accidents are the direct or indirect result of someone (or more than one person) doing something inconsiderate, irresponsible or just down-right stupid, and calling them "accidents" serves no end other than attempting to remove culpability from the stupid person that caused the car wreck.

I really wish I could remember his name.

Anyway, you can resume discussion on this topic now.
Thanks for reading.
Perhaps God is leading you to this site to develop curiosity in YOU about things other than traditional theology.

Note that curiosity about God or the bible does not always translate into acceptance of traditional interpretations. I am very curious about the bible and have sought to find the sacredness and truth in it that everyone claims is there, but have found only a few specks of gold among the accumulated debris of ignorance. A room full of monkeys could do better than that.
one raven "A bit off topic here, feel free to ignore me.

I was listening to NPR one day. There is this guy (I really wish I could remember his name, but I haven't listened to NPR in several years) that would do great mini commentaries throughout the day on whatever topic struck his fancy.

One day he went on a ten-minute rant about car "accidents". He went on to say that they should be called exactly what they are. Car crashes, wrecks, etc. The term "accident" implies that it was an unfortunate incident that was not avoidable. Such as an act of nature. He went on to say that at least 90% of so-called accidents are the direct or indirect result of someone (or more than one person) doing something inconsiderate, irresponsible or just down-right stupid, and calling them "accidents" serves no end other than attempting to remove culpability from the stupid person that caused the car wreck.

I really wish I could remember his name.

Anyway, you can resume discussion on this topic now.
Thanks for reading."

yeah, that sorta stuff happens all the time, people just start saying things because their parents did eg, commited suicide, origniated when suicide was a crime. you can only commit crimes but we're stuck with the saying

does anyone 1 know a place which has the death penalty for attempted suicide? that would be ironic

people at this site have just as good a chance of being convinced to leave Christianity as to join it, why would Gos send people here, not too church?
The term "accident" implies that it was an unfortunate incident that was not avoidable.

I would say the term 'accident' implies that it was not something that was intentional. Unless the guy literally sat there and said "I want to crash in to that car," it can still be viewed as accidental. Sure, he was driving like an asshole, so a crash is statistically more likely to occur, but that doesn't state he wanted to actually crash into anyone.

In England, car insurance isn't choice - we have to have it, and being that the crash comes off as his fault leaves him liable. I'm sure most people don't actually want to lose money/no claims bonus etc, and thus the incident can be seen as accidental :)