Does GOD have a sense of Humor?


Registered Member
My guess is that he has considering he is pretty funny about proving his existence.

Or is GOD too perfect too have a sense of humor?

*I'm not sure this is supposed to be here because the point of the post was to goof around. Whether there is a God or not matters not*
Yes. I AM and you dare to say He does not exist. You cannot even define existance or say that a defintion of exist does exist.
Not talking about you. However if you want to say that existance does not exist then it might apply here.
Since you implied that it did not matter that God existed, I am just making sure that we know that God cares. Otherwise why would he call himself I AM. This was supposed to be a joke...
Whoever is responsible for this world must have a very twisted sense of humour.

Originally posted by okinrus
Since you implied that it did not matter that God existed, I am just making sure that we know that God cares. Otherwise why would he call himself I AM. This was supposed to be a joke...

Okey-Dokey :) Thanks for clearing that up.
Of course the man has a sense of humor!

Who else would place noisy bipeds on on a ball whirling mindlessly through space as a sport for the cosmos but a comedian? and then leave just as soon withouout..........


I'm laughing. Are you?
Of course God has a sense of humor.



Of course God has a sense of humor I bet he was ecstatic when he made it rain for forty days and forty nights. Marqui DeSade couldn't even come close to such devine comedy.

What about standing by with a bag of pop corn watching the Holocaust, he must have been rolling in the aisles.