Does Bigfoot exist?


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone believe that bigfoot
exists? I would like everyones input
and/or stories.

This may once again be going out on a limb, but here goes lol. My theory is that bigfoot,chupacabra etc are alien animals placed here to see if they can exist on our planet, i base this on the fact that i have heard of a few abduction cases where bigfoot was either seen on the craft or seen in relation of a ufo craft sighting. Some have seen bigfoot either going to or coming out of a craft collecting soil,plant samples etc. Why has noone been able to get close to bigfoot, noones seen a bigfoot body, no hair etc. Why is he so elusive unless maybe he was Et himself...........just a thought.

Eric Cooper
then your saying that bigfoot is chewbacca??? well then, weres han solo, and why is he so much like us. but i think that chuccacabras are like alien pets or something, that got lost, causr they have ntohing like anbything on earth.

There is no reason, biological or otherwise, that these creatures shouldn't be able to exist. Unlike ancient tales of fantastic creatures, these specimens apparently conform to known parameters. (Pardon my two-dollar words. I just came off of a cryptozoology site.) What is questionable about these creatures are the sightings themselves. Some seem to defy explanation, while other look like a guy in a gorilla suit. I believe that these are terrestrial creatures that have simply eluded us. There's a species of either bull or deer that was fairly recently discovered in Cambodia, the existence of which was previously unknown. Unfortunately, since they apparently won't be taken alive, we can't know for sure until someone shoots one of these creatures and brings it in for dissection.

And it would be just our luck that it'd be the last male or female of the species.
The word from a show on the Discovery Channel is Bigfoot may me a race of giant apes which scientists thought was extinct. I am not sure how to spell the name they gave on the show. One showed a skull of one and it was huge. People do not realize how much of the western US and the world have areas which have not been explored that much.
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but Bigfoot is a hoax, and a rather successful one instigated by none other than Hollywood.

The famous Bigfoot film in which we see Bigfoot walking across a plain from afar apparently was someone dressed up in one of the left-over ape suits from 2001: A Space Oddyssey.

It hurts, man, but it makes the most sense, and the timing is right.

2001 was shot at the MGM studios in England and that is were the suits stayed. The suits used were for smaller apes and not the size of bigfoot. The film you speak about was a hoax, but it doesn't explain all the sightings around the world. They showed one print which had the skin rigids in the cast as you see on the bottom of you foot. The Discovery, TLC, A&E, and The History Channels
have been very good about shows on these subjects.
I beleive that bigfoot does exist, I have spent extensive time in the pacific northwest bush and the amount of unexplored area out there totally makes it possible for bigfoot to exist unnoticed. I've read alot on this subject and many footprint molds that have been taken are typical of a creature of bigfoots weight and stature. Also, there have been vocal recordings of bigfoot that have been proven by universities to be impossible for a human or any known animal to make.

[This message has been edited by Trojan (edited October 03, 1999).]
Trojan, you are correct and they played the recording on one of the shows and it sent a chill done my back. On one of Arthur C. Clarks shows, scientists had natives pick out a picture of a dinosaur which they say they killed and ate. This was in the Congo and that area is swamp and has not been explored very much.
The film you are talking about was shot by Roger Patterson at bluff Creek in the late 60s. It has never yet been proved to be a hoax although many sceptics have disputed it. Patterson himself still stands by his story.

I'm not saying that I personally think it's real. I'm just pointing this out...

I would also like to say that if it is a hoax it is brilliantly done.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited October 14, 1999).]
I've seen some of the shows on discovery channel, sci-fi, etc. where these researchers have recorded calls or vocalizations of what they believe to be bigfoot. They have also collected hair and dung samples, all supposedly unidentifiable from what we know about North American biology. Pretty creepy sounding calls too. Imagine hearing that in the middle of the night on your fishing trip. Blair Witch ain't so scary after all.
Bigfoot is not an alien it is merely the remaining neandrathals. My theory is that they never disapeared, they were just pushed to the sidelines by us, the homo sapiens. Since we evolved into a more succesful animal we prospered and now they are only living high in the himalayas, deep in the jungles and forest of the pacific northwest and south east asia, and in the deserts and forests of australia. Their names have changed from homo neandrathalis to Sasquatch, yeti, and Yowie to name a few. Now chupacabra well i ahve no clue about wherever the hell this ghoul came from but i know that a blood sucking reptilian which shows both inteligence and the uncanny ability to outsmart humans doesn't sound like an animal that would evolve on this rock.
How would you feel about a movie based on true accounts of encounters with Bigfoot done somewhat like Blair
Witch only better?

Will I have to take speed just stay awake till the end of the movie again??

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born
No, This film will be genuinely
horrifying.Hopefully there will be enough
interest to bring it into theaters.
