Does Bible predicted the Holocaust?


Registered Senior Member

I would really appreciate a Bible quotations about it. I didnt find any in years of biblical study. I could be a flagrant omission, for me a strong evidence that it is not a supernatural book.
Is that what clued you in? Not the flood myth, the creation myth, the resurrection myth?
Apparently the god who loves the Jews so much, sent his son so that he could die on the cross and create a religion -- knowing full well that, that subsequent religion would foment antisemitism, pogroms and the ensuing holocaust all for the expressed purpose of re-delivering the Jews to their ancestral homeland.

Apparently the god who loves the Jews so much, sent his son so that he could die on the cross and create a religion -- knowing full well that, that subsequent religion would foment antisemitism, pogroms and the ensuing holocaust all for the expressed purpose of re-delivering the Jews to their ancestral homeland.

I always suspect it, christian nations unconsciously (mesmerized by Bible's image of jews) tried to inflict pain upon Israel.

But it is a flagrant omission, it is clear to me that the holocaust was perhaps the most devastating event of Israel history, and for this reason it should appear predicted in the Bible.
For me, it is the proof that God doesnt exist, or at least the proof that God didnt inspired any sacred book.:itold:
I think it does say something about them wandering around and then founding a nation again.

I would really appreciate a Bible quotations about it. I didnt find any in years of biblical study. I could be a flagrant omission, for me a strong evidence that it is not a supernatural book.

I have wondered the same, until I came across the history of the Jews and found out that the Holocaust, was relatively short, and not the worst that this nation has been through. However, this does not diminish the Holocaust in any way, it just adds more.

The reasons for the demise of that nation are different throughout history, and the recent Holocaust was not their fault in any way.

The cause of the Holocaust should never be overlooked or underestimated. It is not a mystery.

The Jews and any like them, were targeted for their Bohemian life style. Peaceful, family orientated, godly and practical. The perfect environment for intelligence and a life of freedom.
But another dark element in society was desperate to develop, and it needed to remove the stabilising factor, by an image oriented artificial life and through genocide of their conscience.
It needed to get rid of those who were 'ordinary,' those who could see through the pride and selfish ambition.

But the plight of the victims of Nazism, ended up buying the world more time, and freedom for decades to follow.
People have laid down their lives to buy freedom. It's one thing to die for a good cause, but how would you like to die for something you had no idea for? That is what happened to them. How much greater in proportion should be their reward?

What's happening to the world now? Is it going Bohemian or is it full of paperwork? Did you go to school to learn to serve the family or to compete?

What life style is such a threat to the dark side? One of freedom. That's gone. Note all the nations under strife, all the natives dying, driven out, from their traditional lives? To conform to what? And they don't have to be forced, there are plenty of gimmicks.
The Jews were targeted for being NOT Christian, and/or the agents of persecuting the Christ. This went on throughout the age of the Holy Roman Empire, especially using them as whipping-boys for the perceived desecration of Christian sites by the Saracens during the Crusades. There were periodic massacres of Jews in Europe, in which men, women and children were tortured and butchered for "complicity" in the crucifixion, or under the bizarre practice of blood libel, or simply for being NOT Christian.

But the Bible is supposed to do what? Predict this? All of the passages in the Bible that appear to sustain an interpretation of prophecy are merely sections that were shuffled, giving the appearance that something was known before it happened. This is another problem with trying to read it literally. It leads to all kinds of inventions obviously not intended by the authors - like: let's kill the Jews!

What an utterly bogus assertion.
The Jews were targeted for being NOT Christian, and/or the agents of persecuting the Christ. This went on throughout the age of the Holy Roman Empire, especially using them as whipping-boys for the perceived desecration of Christian sites by the Saracens during the Crusades. There were periodic massacres of Jews in Europe, in which men, women and children were tortured and butchered for "complicity" in the crucifixion, or under the bizarre practice of blood libel, or simply for being NOT Christian.

But the Bible is supposed to do what? Predict this? All of the passages in the Bible that appear to sustain an interpretation of prophecy are merely sections that were shuffled, giving the appearance that something was known before it happened. This is another problem with trying to read it literally. It leads to all kinds of inventions obviously not intended by the authors - like: let's kill the Jews!

What an utterly bogus assertion.

So true, this situation against the Jews went on for a long time, over a thousand years, by an institution operating under the name of Christ.

You would think that this should have been predicted in genuine scripture. It is interesting that the Papacy reigned for 1260 years, from 538 AD to 1798 AD and that this specific time period was predicted in about 500 BC and 100 AD, and repeated in over a hundred texts in the Bible.

While it does not specify the Holocaust, it clearly identifies the institution behind the scenes during the first and second wars, and also explains why. But this is a science forum and not a Bible study, and given the controversy amoung religious bodies, it is best left alone for personal research. To be certain that no one is influencing you with their slant, read Daniel chapter 2 and 7 to get an overview of the world empires, in the Authorised version or KJV.

I would really appreciate a Bible quotations about it. I didnt find any in years of biblical study. I could be a flagrant omission, for me a strong evidence that it is not a supernatural book.

There is no such thing as the supernatural let alone a supernatural book.
So true, this situation against the Jews went on for a long time, over a thousand years, by an institution operating under the name of Christ.
Antisemitism was almost a defining attribute of European Christendom, right up into my lifetime. If a case can be made for the eradication of a religion, it would be Christianity.
There is no such thing as the supernatural let alone a supernatural book.
The premise that underlies the scientific method is that the natural universe is a closed system, and that therefore its behavior can be understood by studying the natural laws that govern it. Science as we know it has existed for half a millennium, and despite concerted efforts to disprove this premise, no one has ever found verifiable evidence of the existence of an invisible, illogical supernatural universe from which fantastic creatures and forces emerge to perturb the behavior of the natural universe.
Gerhard Kemmerer said:
But this is a science forum and not a Bible study, and given the controversy amoung religious bodies, it is best left alone for personal research.
* * * * NOTE FROM A MODERATOR * * * *

No. This subforum was set up specifically for scholarly discussion of topics like this.
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The premise that underlies the scientific method is that the natural universe is a closed system, and that therefore its behavior can be understood by studying the natural laws that govern it. Science as we know it has existed for half a millennium, and despite concerted efforts to disprove this premise, no one has ever found verifiable evidence of the existence of an invisible, illogical supernatural universe from which fantastic creatures and forces emerge to perturb the behavior of the natural universe.

Quite correct.
Antisemitism was almost a defining attribute of European Christendom, right up into my lifetime. If a case can be made for the eradication of a religion, it would be Christianity.
...This subforum was set up specifically for scholarly discussion of topics like this.

Thankyou, I am sure you are aware that there are some issues which can only be discussed directly with those interested, because of the diversity in beliefs and the risk of offending some, from both a religious and scientific standpoint. This happens with the introduction of even the mildest subjects and results in useless sandbox fighting.
Thankyou, I am sure you are aware that there are some issues which can only be discussed directly with those interested, because of the diversity in beliefs and the risk of offending some, from both a religious and scientific standpoint. This happens with the introduction of even the mildest subjects and results in useless sandbox fighting.
We're used to it. Don't worry about it. It's our job as moderators to filter out the sandbox stuff.

Personally I don't like to have private discussions. When I go to the trouble of writing something, I want it to be for the largest audience available.
Antisemitism was almost a defining attribute of European Christendom, right up into my lifetime. If a case can be made for the eradication of a religion, it would be Christianity.

Antisemitism is a defining attribute of this forum, not to mention many members of this community. Your comment stands as a case in point.

"...whoever finds Me finds Life and receives favor from the LORD but whoever fails to find Me harms himself; all who hate Me love death."
Antisemitism is a defining attribute of this forum, not to mention many members of this community. Your comment stands as a case in point.
Huh??? My wife and many of the elders in my own family are/were Jewish. We lost a lot of relatives in the Holocaust. I may not be a big supporter of Israel, but that puts me in good company with perhaps a majority of the younger generation of American Jews. It hardly makes me an antisemite.

I've never had a bad word to say on this forum about Judaica, Judaism or the Jewish people (except over the current Israeli government's policies, which do not even fairly represent the views of all of their own population, much less of the Diaspora Jews) that I did not apply more-or-less equally to the other branches of Abrahamism.
I always suspect it, christian nations unconsciously (mesmerized by Bible's image of jews) tried to inflict pain upon Israel.

But it is a flagrant omission, it is clear to me that the holocaust was perhaps the most devastating event of Israel history, and for this reason it should appear predicted in the Bible.
For me, it is the proof that God doesnt exist, or at least the proof that God didnt inspired any sacred book.:itold:

The fact is Bible didnt predicted any Mass Extermination, the main horror event o' Israel, ever, ergo Bible failed!, isnt a holy book!.:jawdrop:
I think it does say something about them wandering around and then founding a nation again.
Oh yeah. Yes!, this is the only prediction about Holokhaust. Am i wrong?
But says specifically the word: n a t i o n? any knows arameii & coptus here? leave something f**** witchy!!

Another important question: From a scientific point of view; what jews did to deserve Holokaust?

leave smtng witchy!!!!!!