Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!


Registered Senior Member
I've seen so much talking about Bible code-how truthul it is,it was discovered 3000 years ago.It has predicted every major event in the history,from 3000 years from now.
Does this proofs God exists,or aliens visited the Earth or,to write the history of this planet?
I wonder what ATHEISTS say about this!
Any of theistic and atheistic opinions is welcome.
Originally posted by Gravage
I've seen so much talking about Bible code-how truthul it is,it was discovered 3000 years ago.It has predicted every major event in the history,from 3000 years from now. Does this proofs God exists,or aliens visited the Earth or,to write the history of this planet?
I wonder what ATHEISTS say about this! Any of theistic and atheistic opinions is welcome.

First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist. I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit. Perhaps aliens were here all along. I don't know. From what I know about evolution, it suddenly (in evolutionary years) stopped with the Neanderthals, and we branched off. It is still not truly clear how the Neanderthals died out. Some theories say it was their diet. Other theories say their inclusion of protein in their diets caused an autoimmune disease that killed them off. I think that the "sons of God" interbred with the "daughters of men" to create Home sapiens sapiens (the wise man). I don't necessarily think aliens visited Earth to write a history of this planet, but we acquired more brain power. I like to think what if aliens didn't visit? What if we just evolved from the Neanderthals? Where would we be now? Probably still foraging for food in the forests and on the savanna. Therefore, some higher intelligence gave us the instinctive ability to survive in a more modern world that we created. Because of this hybridization, we are truly God-like. If we hadn't become hybrids, I doubt that we would be the God-like creatures called the human race. Man is still in the last days of creation--not literally 'days' in the exact sense of the word but as many eons as it takes to evolve from Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo spirtus.
You'll have to site some references and prove that it has A. predicted events for 3000 years and B. that it is an honest means and not just predictibility through an infinite amount of numbers and an infinite amount of patterns. Please site references before anything can be determined.
Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist. I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit. Perhaps aliens were here all along. I don't know. From what I know about evolution, it suddenly (in evolutionary years) stopped with the Neanderthals, and we branched off. It is still not truly clear how the Neanderthals died out. Some theories say it was their diet. Other theories say their inclusion of protein in their diets caused an autoimmune disease that killed them off. I think that the "sons of God" interbred with the "daughters of men" to create Home sapiens sapiens (the wise man). I don't necessarily think aliens visited Earth to write a history of this planet, but we acquired more brain power. I like to think what if aliens didn't visit? What if we just evolved from the Neanderthals? Where would we be now? Probably still foraging for food in the forests and on the savanna. Therefore, some higher intelligence gave us the instinctive ability to survive in a more modern world that we created. Because of this hybridization, we are truly God-like. If we hadn't become hybrids, I doubt that we would be the God-like creatures called the human race. Man is still in the last days of creation--not literally 'days' in the exact sense of the word but as many eons as it takes to evolve from Homo sapiens sapiens to Homo spirtus.

Well,I do believe more in evolution than the aliens visited Earth and left their DNA to make us,I truly doubt.My best friend told me that they have discovered disseappered "man-monkey" somwhere in Etiopia,two weeks ago.That man-monkey how they call it was the missing link between neanderthals and homosapiens.,you got it all wrong...

Originally posted by Quigly
You'll have to site some references and prove that it has A. predicted events for 3000 years and B. that it is an honest means and not just predictibility through an infinite amount of numbers and an infinite amount of patterns. Please site references before anything can be determined.

Or actually,I wrote it wrong,I was trying to say these historical events,like Kennedy being murdered,Shoemakere-Levy's collision with the Jupiter,and etc.,most of this major events were predicted in the Bible code.Big sorry for misqouting.The big question is:Who wrote the Bible code???
Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist.
All three are absolutely true.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
... I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.
Speak for yourself. :D
Re: Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

Originally posted by Gravage
Well,I do believe more in evolution than the aliens visited Earth and left their DNA to make us,I truly doubt.My best friend told me that they have discovered disseappered "man-monkey" somwhere in Etiopia,two weeks ago.That man-monkey how they call it was the missing link between neanderthals and homosapiens.

This would be an interesting find if it is true. I expect that there would be some evidence of the link between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens sapiens, but I believe they, too, died out.
Originally posted by Gravage
I've seen so much talking about Bible code-how truthul it is,it was discovered 3000 years ago.It has predicted every major event in the history,from 3000 years from now.
Does this proofs God exists,or aliens visited the Earth or,to write the history of this planet?
I wonder what ATHEISTS say about this!
Any of theistic and atheistic opinions is welcome.
Utter bs. There is nothing of merit in such 'codes'. One simply invents a random process of 'decoding' one text into another text. The problem is that one can literally translate one text into any other text of equal or shorter length (assuming we are doing a letter to letter translation). Likewise the 'predictions' are generally determined after the event which means they are not predictions at all. One therefore looks to specifically decode a specific event, such as Kennedy's assassination, and lo-and-behold... one finds a method of doing so. Not in the least bit impressive.

Not only the bible can predict the future. Any large book (dictionary, novel, etc.) will do the same.
Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

The bible code was applied to <i>Moby Dick</i> and a whole lot of predictions were extracted. According to a hidden message in <i>Moby Dick</i>, extracted using the bible code, the bible is hogwash.


<i>I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.</i>

Why do you believe that?

<i>From what I know about evolution, it suddenly (in evolutionary years) stopped with the Neanderthals, and we branched off.</i>

No. It is true that there were differences between modern Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, but recent evidence seems to indicate that there was interbreeding to some extent. Evolution didn't stop at any stage. Homo sapiens is still an evolving species - just like everything else.

<i>I think that the "sons of God" interbred with the "daughters of men" to create Home sapiens sapiens (the wise man). I don't necessarily think aliens visited Earth to write a history of this planet, but we acquired more brain power.</i>

Wishing doesn't make it so. I assume you have evidence for your rather unorthodox view... (?)

<i>Therefore, some higher intelligence gave us the instinctive ability to survive in a more modern world that we created.</i>

In fact, a lot of studies indicate that we are not very well adapted to the modern world we have created. Witness, for example, the percentage of Americans who are obese.

<i>Because of this hybridization, we are truly God-like.</i>

Hubris. We're no more like a God than a worm is like God.
Re: Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

Originally posted by James R

<i>I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.</i>

Why do you believe that?

The way I interpret the "sons of god" passage is that we were visited by an alien race. This is a theory that has been around a long time. I remember first reading about it in the early 70s.

<i>From what I know about evolution, it suddenly (in evolutionary years) stopped with the Neanderthals, and we branched off.</i>

No. It is true that there were differences between modern Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, but recent evidence seems to indicate that there was interbreeding to some extent. Evolution didn't stop at any stage. Homo sapiens is still an evolving species - just like everything else.

I know evolution hasn't stopped. I didn't mean to imply that--just not thinking as I typed. We are still in the last days of creation.

<i>I think that the "sons of God" interbred with the "daughters of men" to create Home sapiens sapiens (the wise man). I don't necessarily think aliens visited Earth to write a history of this planet, but we acquired more brain power.</i>

Wishing doesn't make it so. I assume you have evidence for your rather unorthodox view... (?)

I'm not "wishing" anything. It's out of my control! All the evidence I have on the subject I have read or seen on documentaries. Discovery Channel had a really good three part series on evolution a while back. Not the recent one that was moderated by Alec Baldwin. At the end of the third segment where they talked about modern man, they actually indicated that we were visited by a race of higher intelligent beings. Although they kind of left it up to the imagination, they didn't use the word "aliens," but they said that modern man interbred with a more intelligent race, and then they kind of left it at that saying the legend is that they came from the stars.

<i>Therefore, some higher intelligence gave us the instinctive ability to survive in a more modern world that we created.</i>

In fact, a lot of studies indicate that we are not very well adapted to the modern world we have created. Witness, for example, the percentage of Americans who are obese.

I think this has to do with poor nutrients in our food supply and our hurried lifestyle. We don't plow the fields anymore, we sit behind computers all day.

<i>Because of this hybridization, we are truly God-like.</i>

Hubris. We're no more like a God than a worm is like God.

That's you belief not mine.

<i>The way I interpret the "sons of god" passage is that we were visited by an alien race.</i>

Passage from where? A religious text (bible, Qu'ran)?

<i>We are still in the last days of creation.</i>

That sounds like a religious belief, too. What makes you think that?

<i>I'm not "wishing" anything. It's out of my control! All the evidence I have on the subject I have read or seen on documentaries.</i>


<i>Discovery Channel had a really good three part series on evolution a while back. Not the recent one that was moderated by Alec Baldwin. At the end of the third segment where they talked about modern man, they actually indicated that we were visited by a race of higher intelligent beings.</i>

That seems highly unlikely in a programme on evolution.

<i>We don't plow the fields anymore, we sit behind computers all day.</i>

Yes. In other words, we're better adapted for plowing fields than for our modern computer world. You'd expect the opposite if hyper-advanced aliens had visited us and altered our DNA, don't you think?

And what's so God-like about human beings? I'm interested to hear your views.
I cant believe I waded through all this sillyness to get here.

1. The bible "code" is not a code at all, its metod essentialy consists of plucking random letters out of the bible to spell out statements that would be prophetic.

2. The bible "code" works with novles, telephone books, VCR manuals and bus tickets as well.

3. The bible "code" is not 3000 years old, it was "discovered" when some dopes started running the text of the bible through computerized search programs, having the computer read the bible through a hojillion times picking out letters in a hojillion different odd patterns. Using this method you can spell out propecys of any event in history.
Re: Re: Does Bible code proves the existence of God or aliens-good question for ATHEISTS!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist. I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.

Makes sense to me! :eek:
Hybrid Man, he and she, a Singularity

Originally posted by wayne_92587

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist. I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.

Amazing! Your post makes sense to me.

Man he and she have been given assistance, a Helpmate;

One Half of Man, he and she, claims, that she is Man's Better Half, his more significant other, that she is above, beyond, is Supreme, that she is a Superior BE-ing, is without a doubt a Space Cadet that was sent to Earth as Man's Helpmate, only to become Man’s Duplicity, She becoming His, Her own, Man's worst Enemy, Advisory, causing Man, he and she to crash and burn.
Copied from the internet.

At one time there was only God. He was all omnipotent and existed alone. This caused him to become discontented, thus he split himself in two in order to create a mate. He kept the elements of Order and Logic for his own being and gave his mate the elements of Chaos and Emotion for her being. Her name is Yse (pron. Issa). She became so overwhelmed with love at her creation that when he kissed her, she gave him a reaction which was to become known as the 'Chosen Response'. The Chosen Response was the first acknowledgement and reaction of love between a male and female in the universe, and this became the greatest secret of and mystery of mankind, being 'The Holy Grail'."
Female wisdom.

The love and the wholeness we keep looking for in the 'perfect partner' is really a search for that wholeness in ourselves. There's a story in Plato about how men and women were created: how at one time human beings were spherical in shape and were both male and female at the same time and were extremely powerful; and how the gods were very fearful of the power of the humans so they devised a way to split humans into male and female beings who then spent all their time and energy running around looking for their other half so that they could return to wholeness.

Re: Hybrid Man, he and she, a Singularity

Originally posted by wayne_92587
Originally posted by wayne_92587

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
First, I'm not an atheist, and I am a borderline theist. I haven't read the Bible code, but I do believe aliens visited Earth in the beginning and we are hybrids of that visit.
Amazing! Your post makes sense to me.

Thanks, wayne. I have a theory about this. At one time in the ancient days, man was whole, both male and female, and then they were spiritually parted. That's where we are today--either male or female. But as you have probably noticed, males and females are becoming moe androgynous. We've been in a unisex mode for several years now. I believe we are in what I call the last days of creation. Although I don't use the Bible as a formal reference, it has given me some ideas to expound on like the "days of creation were six." We're still in the sixth day (figuratively). Humans are still in the process of being created. As we grow closer to the end of the sixth day (who knows when that will be--I expect it to be still eons away), we will become one--both male and female. Then we will be a whole perfect being spiritually and physically. We will become Homo spiritus. There will essentially be no need to procreate in the old-fashioned way if, in fact, we will still need to do that. I have a feeling that reproduction will be spontaneous (if needed), since humans will be totally self-reliant within themselves. This is when we will truly become the embodiment of God. There will be no religions then to confuse God's creation. So, happily, there will be no Xians among us because, at this time, we will be using 100% of our brain, so we will realize there is no need to have a false god or religion. The being we will become will be the direct image of God--we will be perfected because we will be God.
Or actually,I wrote it wrong,I was trying to say these historical events,like Kennedy being murdered,Shoemakere-Levy's collision with the Jupiter,and etc.,most of this major events were predicted in the Bible code.Big sorry for misqouting.The big question is:Who wrote the Bible code???

I find it shocking that people actually buy into this. It reminds me of those christians that took the words "and i shall fill your mouths with gold" from the bible, too literally. They then went around saying god had given them golden fillings. Anyone can read anything they want from a sentence. However, under scrutiny, wishful deciphering of texts fall apart.

As for evolution....

I feel it pertinent to state that human dna is 98.4% identical to chimp dna. We have tail bone leftovers that would imply we once had tails, we have wisdom teeth and goose pimples which imply we were once tree dwelling, tough food eating, hairy things :D

That's what the evidence suggests.
I don't think the bible code proves anything, although it may be counted as evidence that our descendents eventually discover time travel. :cool:
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Mmmm, how come bible codes are in English??? :rolleyes:


Uh, they're not. Actually, they're in Hebrew, and as far as I'm aware, they've only been verified to exist in the original book of Genesis. The best book I've ever read on this subject was "Cracking the Bible Code," by Jeffrey Satinover, MD. Of course, he has a different belief than I do about why they exist, given that he's Jewish and all, but he really helps the reader to understand why this shouldn't necessarily be attributed to chance.