does anybody still believe in guardian angels?


Registered Senior Member
I'm not sure which christian denomination first came up with the idea of guardian angels but does it make sense to christians? Why do some people claim their guardian angel prevented a tragedy yet other equally religious people suffer. Does god play favourites? And if there are guardian angels then isn't that a form of "interference" in our lives that god tries his best to avoid? Because he does not want to meddle with our actions?
Heres the way I see it as...angels are just messangers to god and they are there for your guidance. Angels won't mislead you. When people say that their gauderian angels prevented a tragedy.....well i don't know how that is possible. I don't know how there is any evidence of that. I don't think angels would be able to stop things from happening in this world unless they were called upon that moment, and i think it is possible to contact your gaurdian angels. You can find ways of doing it. Just look around and you will find a way that is best for you.
its not only a christian idea of course, but also some pagan, and magical beliefs believe it

i myself had encountered entities in a very VERY powerful experience i had some years bac--an 'OBE'. so i cant be as sceptical as some of the hard-nosers here

This universe is strange. that's for sure. you must agree with that. we are here in this spiraling gallaxy sharing vast unimaginably space with other spiraling galaxies in an expanding universe, on this amazing planet Earth

many people have Big Experiences. mechanistic science cant accomodate them within their criteria for authenticity, yet it is so

when the scientist frame of mind tries to understand the ....spiritual (and i use that term meaning not disconnected from earthiness), they seem to think of a mechanistic conveyor-belt scenario where EVERY reesult should be the same as the next, etc. like their scientific method demands
but i am saying, subtle reality is very much possibly not like that and is much more splippery and unpredictable. CHAOSsprings to mind

it is a good idea to cultivate awareness sos your Guardian angel if you have one doesn't have to work tooo hard

As far as the bible is concerned, yes there are guardian angels for the redeemed. They don't make themselves known unless there is a major event coming up.

Might I refere you to the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Genesis 19:

And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

I am also inclined to believe there are evil guardian angels over some very evil people. They always seem to escape punishment.
qwerasdfzxcv said:
i think it is possible to contact your gaurdian angels. You can find ways of doing it. Just look around and you will find a way that is best for you.
welcome to sciforums, if you get drunk, take drugs, or anything the will make you start having halucinations/visions/dreams then you will meet up with whom ever you want, but they wont be real.
reality does not have room for fastasy figures, that's the Twilight Zone.
audible said:
welcome to sciforums, if you get drunk, take drugs, or anything the will make you start having halucinations/visions/dreams then you will meet up with whom ever you want, but they wont be real.
reality does not have room for fastasy figures, that's the Twilight Zone.

"REALIT" doesn't, or YOU dont? i would guess the former. for i bet you don't REALLY know what reality is do you?

For example; why are you here? do you KNOW?...i mean the purpose of your being here. did you come deliberately? do you know WHy you are here or where you are going? be honest

i know what i's gonna get. a pseudoscientific i right?

and when you say 'twilight' zone, i know you are referring to that cheesy TV series dududududu....but relly that word has a lot of pointers to things. things beyond the black & white approach. the one that claims to KNOW what reality Is?