does anybody here actually believe time travel is possible?


I know time travel to the future is possible talking about the past..well there is no past present and future...they all happen simultaneously as you all im sure aware of even at the primitive level of human society you surely know this...

but take aside all the bs ... take aside the fact that an apple fell on newtons head less than 400 years ago lol.... I mean modern science is pretty much in its diapers you all aware of it im pretty sure and if not ask kaku he will tell you aside from all of you my friends believe that humans can travel in this loop described by their science as time... which is of course space...since time = space.... do you believe humans can figure out once and for all what gravity is since you have no fuckin clue what it is and you know you don't....and do you think you can figure out what dark matter TRULY is....and finally get in your dimension in your time line yes yes there is such a you believe you can achieve dimensional domination or in your 'scientific wording'....own the 5th dimension?


yes no?


deb you are a nut case we are earth scientific community that cant even control our weather but hey ...we try lol

let me know your opinion my friends

as you can see im not some kido : )
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I know time travel to the future is possible talking about the past..well there is no past present and future...they all happen simultaneously as you all im sure aware of even at the primitive level of human society you surely know this...

but take aside all the bs ... take aside the fact that an apple fell on newtons head lead than 400 years ago lol.... I mean modern science is pretty much in its diapers you all aware of it im pretty sure and if not ask kaku he will tell you aside from all of you my friends believe that humans can travel in this loop described by their science as time... which is of course space...since time = space.... do you believe humans can figure out once and for all what gravity is since you have no fuckin clue what it is and you know you don't....and do you think you can figure out what dark matter TRULY is....and finally get in your dimension in your time line yes yes there is such a you believe you can achieve dimensional domination or in your scientific level....owning the 5th dimension?


yes no?


deb you are a nut case we are earth scientific community that cant even control our weather but hey ...we try lol

let me know your opinion my friends

as you can see im not some kido : )

Science may well still be in its diapers [Where I come from we call them nappies] and we may still not know the true nature of gravity [the why and the how] and we may still be ignorant as to what DM is or why the BB banged, yet we are still able to predict and model all I have just mentioned, we are able to send probes to rendezvous with four planets [Voyager] and we are still able to predict a myriad of other stuff we could never have dreamed of a 100 years ago.
We know evolution as a fact....while still not knowing exactly how and why it kicked off.....we are near certain as we can possible be that the Universe/spacetime, evolved at the BB.....while we do not know exactly why or how......we are just as near certain as to the validity of SR/GR.

Science has done wonderful has taken us to the Moon, and one day it will take us to the Stars...Science has pushed back the need for a deity or magical pixie in the sky to near oblivion.
The Catholic church now recognise both the BB and evolution.
Then they draw on the what science can not explain as yet, to proclaim their magical pixie.
In the meantime science keeps doing research and looking for answers based on the scientific method.
Let us assume that there are myriad quasi parallel dimensions, and that there is an occasional warp and overlap wherein things can pop in and out of existence in any one of those dimensions. Does that indicate that there could be a time differential between "portals" such that you could exit this universe in October of 2015 and re-enter in October of 2045 04 1945?

Seemingly great science fiction.
Science may well still be in its diapers [Where I come from we call them nappies] and we may still not know the true nature of gravity [the why and the how] and we may still be ignorant as to what DM is or why the BB banged, yet we are still able to predict and model all I have just mentioned, we are able to send probes to rendezvous with four planets [Voyager] and we are still able to predict a myriad of other stuff we could never have dreamed of a 100 years ago.
We know evolution as a fact....while still not knowing exactly how and why it kicked off.....we are near certain as we can possible be that the Universe/spacetime, evolved at the BB.....while we do not know exactly why or how......we are just as near certain as to the validity of SR/GR.

Science has done wonderful has taken us to the Moon, and one day it will take us to the Stars...Science has pushed back the need for a deity or magical pixie in the sky to near oblivion.
The Catholic church now recognise both the BB and evolution.
Then they draw on the what science can not explain as yet, to proclaim their magical pixie.
In the meantime science keeps doing research and looking for answers based on the scientific method.

what you are telling me is earth sciences...this is good for humans are a tini mini yum pum pini dot in a sea of parallel universes and timelines....what you think you know will change 1000 times before the next century is over ...the 22nd... you don't even know what was before the big bang you claimed and love to describe so much ...
and evolution was not as you describe it ...and religion is some man served bs that was created by the gods...and who were those gods? you know those gods who brought you jesus and sons... they were extra terestrials to the planet earth ....while you human being was 50 50 ....jesus was 75 25... it is too much to explain I said you are not ready but injection has begun ...a slow and steady injection supported by your sciences too...I don't say science is not is ...what I say is that YOUR planet earth sciences are so lacking and incomplete that you cant understand that time travers are already here.... for many many many years...and so are what you describe as ufos... the good thing is that earth sciences are now made to accept it there is no other option..... is it a war crime? will people pay the price? no. they protected you. the human brain was not ready ....and still not completely ready ....this is why slow and smooth injection method was chosen so planet earth can come to it as much as it comes to planet earth
Let us assume that there are myriad quasi parallel dimensions, and that there is an occasional warp and overlap wherein things can pop in and out of existence in any one of those dimensions. Does that indicate that there could be a time differential between "portals" such that you could exit this universe in October of 2015 and re-enter in October of 2045 04 1945?

Seemingly great science fiction.

you don't enter this universe when you enter another dimension...there is no granpa paradox either...what happen in vegas ...stays in vegas
its all about the angle you slice 'space' at....that's simple as that
Let us assume that there are myriad quasi parallel dimensions, and that there is an occasional warp and overlap wherein things can pop in and out of existence in any one of those dimensions. Does that indicate that there could be a time differential between "portals" such that you could exit this universe in October of 2015 and re-enter in October of 2045 04 1945?

Seemingly great science fiction.

And seemingly theoretically possible also.
Wouldn't time travel into the past violate the second law of thermodynamics?