Does any one know about the Hollow Moon Theory

The Metatron

Registered Senior Member
I heard this theory that the moon appeared in the sky several thousand years ago contrary to the belief that its a piece of a meteor that hit earth some scientists think its hollow due to the way soundwaves bounce off of it. Some say its actually a vessel that carried or may still carry advanced life forms its even been rumored that what look like vehicles have been seen on the moon through telescopes and that this is written in anciant Sumarian text. Has any one heard this or can elaborate more than I?
Head for the Hills!!


It is confirmed that Art Bell has packed his bags and joined Tom Van Flandren and Tom Bearden. The three of them will pilot our Moon (which is actually a hollowed-out flagship galaxy class alien vessel), Phobos and Deimos (also hollowed-out galaxy class alien vessels) back to their home world of Nibiru (Planet X).

They are planning an all out invasion when Nibiru passes this way again.

I would suggest to put on your tin-foil hat and contact the mother ship for immediate retrieval.
The moon is hollow.

The laws of physics are well known. I'm sure at some time someone has tried to calculate the mass of the moon. By observing the moons gravitational pull on the oceans, causing the tides, the mass of the moon can be calculated. If it were hollow, somebody would have noticed by now.
The mass of the moon is simple to calculate using the measured distance from Earth and the time it takes to orbit the Earth once.

It cannot be hollow.
Ahhh…but Galaxy class ships have neutronium hulls, thin but massive. And the inertial dampers mess with seismic readings.

How would variations of internal density be determined from a distance? Observation of impacts? Tidal effects? Shape of the body (if the mass is concentrated at the surface centrifugal force is higher)?

Are there any reliable methods?
We have to send a probe to drill. If our diamond cutters break, then we know that we hit the neutronium hull of the Megaship. Then we have to find an access point, hack it with our quantum decoder and ....walla...we will get inside.

Only to find that, it was designed such that if a huge meteor is ready to strike, we can evacuate planet earth using the flying saucers that are stored for us.

If some one makes a movie out of this and does not pay me, I will be pissed....
One way is to take seismic readings, like they do on Earth. I'm not sure if that has been done on the moon yet.
Originally posted by The Metatron
some scientists think its hollow due to the way soundwaves bounce off of it.

Uh Huh, and they transmitted sound waves through the vacuum how, exactly?

It would seem that Lunar Seismology has been done in the past. This web site details some findings. Notice the predicted depth of the crust and location of a possible molten core. Hardly hollow.