Does aging beautify??


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
I have this theory that I am going to test it. I think ugly people as they age get less ugly. Now, I am willing to reconsider my observation, but so far that's how I have noticed it.

So let's say I am correct with my observation, the question arrises, why? Maybe we just get used to their look? Let's say Woody Allen. He was pretty ugly as a young comedian/actor, but now that he is pushing 70 he is OK. So does aging really beautify or is it just a perception?
It is not about THEIR eyesight, but about ours.

Now it is possible that aging just averagize, meaning that people on both sides of the beauty spectrum as they age they get closer to the average look. Thus pretty people are also losing their beauty, not just ugly people their ugliness....