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So maybe when your born on this planet your required to make a mandatory stand or attack against death at least once and in some way. So if you do what are outlines of peoples plans things in motions or happenings as such that your going to or are doing. Are you just gunna die. Thats it isnt it. Your just going to die. What else can you do. Is everyone just gunna die. Arrrrrrrghghhhh were all gunna die.!!!!!!!>! Take your time. No hurry.
So part of the effort against death is the medical profession. Hospitals, doctors. Eh. Space travel should be part of the cure for death as well. Is cure right? Theres plenty of space for people to live forever. There are many faces to the answer for death. I reckon the fact that we live in a universe that is infinite is a huge clue to saying that the human race can live forever. Unlimited space what else do you want to do with it. So the medical profession needs speeding up and expanding and also every other facet on the planet. A planet wide concentrated effort in every single area is what is needed until its done.
So what are your plans. Going it alone? Wheres the mass um attack on death by the um masses that arent medical professionals. Coordinated. Mass approach? on death. All the time. What are your plans? For eternal life to exist you need to have interstellar travel of some form. More effort is required there first. But if say you found eternal life first interstellar travel is part of the package. I guess its for the future and not now. But why not now. If the every person chipped in. Eh. Where does it start. Its already started. Muwahaha. Yeah so now, eternal life. Every person.
Coporate sponsered attacks on death. Muwahaha. So what are your plans. How you making a stand if your bothering. I'm going to join the coordinated mass something something death and go it alone myself. I wonder if the mass people coordinated even stupid people and everyone except the few who are condemned something something something death will ever take off. My plans for going alone are thinking lots i guess. Trying not to die by thinking lots. Ya know, "ill" get it or come to the answer soon or something something. If a mass collection of coordinated people something death thing something that held meetings maybe id go. Everyones just going to die arent they. Are you going to fight. What are your plans how are you fighting. Are you not fighting have no plans. What counts as a weapon. What counts as damage. So it should be now and not just dreaming of the future. I think the answer is the planet actually has something to come together over but is ignoring it. Something to actually bring the planet together right friggn now but noone can recognise it. Take centurys.
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Not aliens invading or a meteor but still a war. Something that actually needs the planet to come together right now to find answers right now and noones aware and everyones doing nothing. pretty much. doo daa doo twidling thumbs. pretty much. Ok so theres more important things. no one can actually do anything at the moment can they thats the answer. Its a future thing or not possible at all. So maybe if there was mass advertising against death? Wheres the mass advertising? Against death? There isnt any. Wheres the armys at.
Join the army against death something something army now. Only $9.95. But wait theres more. You'll receive......
One of my plans for going it alone involves starting an army against death something something friggin army and being high ranking and earning money for it. :)
Whats an idea that everyone can do in there spare time or even all the time maybe it will catch on. Anti no death devices practices or plans. Join my army only $9.95. Enquire for details.
The devil inside could be considered the perfect example of how a frontline soldier reacts when asked "hows it going".