Documentary thread


Valued Senior Member
I thought it might be interesting if members linked to a documentary that they believe would be of interest to others.

Choose a documentary and give a brief synopsis of what its about so we can decide whether we are interested in viewing something around that particular topic. If its interesting it could lead to threads around the issues raised.

I have two in mind:

Frontline has many good documentaries on a variety of subjects but I did see one recently called 'A Class Divided'. Its about a discrimination experiment carried out on school children in the 70's where the class was divided into blue and brown eyes and the children were treated differently. It was later carried out among adults with some very interesting results. Just go to search video and type in 'A Class Divided'

Another one is a documentary of food production and seed control called 'The Future of Food'.

List a documentary on any subject you find of interest.
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I highly recommend this Documentary.

It was supposed to open in theaters but never did in Canada so I ended up renting it when it went to DVD.

Deliver Us From Evil


It is the actual confessions of the priest and the victims he molested. The Catholic church spent millions of dollars trying to cover it up, knowing what was going on the whole time. I am sure they are responsible for it never hitting the theater either. Wait till you find out how they just moved this priest around to different parishes, knowing what he had done....looking the other way.

The priest himself is grinning when he is talking about some of the things he did. I was getting such a knot in my stomache :mad: and listening to the families of the victims speak is heartbreaking.
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Another one that's interesting is called 'The Bridge'. It documents the jumpers of the Golden Gate. Its pretty intense to watch as there is footage of real life jumpers committing suicide before the camera. It also tracks the lives of the jumpers before and after by tracking and interviewing the family members who survived.
that isnt a good idea. everything read on suicide suggests that methods of commiting suicide should NOT be reported as it can encorage vulnerable people to more seriously look at it as an option. For instance the highest rates of successful suicides are amongst health care proffessionals because they know how to do it easierly and less painfully which leads to plans becoming actions where amongst the general community fears about paraplegia, persistant vegitative state and lack of knowlage as to how to do it act as disinstentives.
'Jesus Camp'. It's a documentary on Evangelical Christians and their way of life and what they believe. It centers around a camp for children and families where children learn to become 'Warriors of God'. Shocking, entertaining, strangely heartbreaking at times and very unnerving. I think it's a good watch.

Another one I enjoyed was 'The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib' which documents the horrors and atrocities prisoners at Abu Ghraib endured during their captivity. "Through these interviews, the film traces the events and the political and legal precedents that led to the scandal, beginning with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001." It really sheds light not only on Iraqi prisoners perception of what happened to them, but also the state of mind of American soldiers who carried out the torture. Very sad, but very informative. It makes you think and that is always good.
'Jesus Camp'. It's a documentary on Evangelical Christians and their way of life and what they believe. It centers around a camp for children and families where children learn to become 'Warriors of God'. Shocking, entertaining, strangely heartbreaking at times and very unnerving. I think it's a good watch.

Another one I enjoyed was 'The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib' which documents the horrors and atrocities prisoners at Abu Ghraib endured during their captivity. "Through these interviews, the film traces the events and the political and legal precedents that led to the scandal, beginning with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001." It really sheds light not only on Iraqi prisoners perception of what happened to them, but also the state of mind of American soldiers who carried out the torture. Very sad, but very informative. It makes you think and that is always good.

I found an online viewing link for Jesus Camp.

Scary! Thanks I'm going back to it now.
No problem. Hope you like it :)

Wow. I just finished watching it and it was really intense. The part where the woman who runs the camp is so impressed with the indoctrination of children by Hamas into 'giving up their life' that she wants that same 'passion' in christian children in the States.


Good one Pie I didn't know Nova documentaries were available online.
wouldnt help you, you cant access those drugs without a perscription.

Please don't go off topic this is about documentaries not assisted suicide, there are threads for that. If you have seen the documentary The Gate then discuss it otherwise you're not referring to anything that is in that documentary.
Sound and Fury

My Mom was born deaf (but now had an implant) and she was outraged that the deaf parents wouldn't let their 6 yr old deaf daughter get a cochlear implant even though she desperately wanted to hear. That whole 'deaf culture' thing.

The film was an nominated for an Academy Award
Wow. I just finished watching it and it was really intense. The part where the woman who runs the camp is so impressed with the indoctrination of children by Hamas into 'giving up their life' that she wants that same 'passion' in christian children in the States.


Good one Pie I didn't know Nova documentaries were available online.

It is pretty intense. You know the part where they make all the children admit to their sins and they have to come to the front of the room to be absolved? I just couldn't believe it. These four year old children are bawling their eyes out because they think their doomed for a Hell that doesn't exist. So sad and WRONG. Or what about the part where some of the kids start speaking in 'tongues'?????

I'm glad you took the time to watch the Doc. It's really good even while being more disturbing to me then anything gory or scary I've seen on TV or in movies before.
It was more scary and shocking than infuriating for me to watch. It did make me feel as if the children were undergoing some kind of abuse. Its not normal religious instruction.