Doctrine of No Words


Registered Senior Member
Has anyone heard of the conscience ?

Is this a doctrine of no words ?

I personally am a Stoic, and IMO this doctrine is the only one that can direct living things thorough the maze of choice to ultimate salvation... the survival of the whole of life.

The conscience directs the arrow of intent before the arrow is fired rather than after, as is the case when there is no direct clear conscience guide to illuminate the way.

Do you obey your conscience or do you, as is the modern case, allow justification to sway you away from the clear path ?

If your doctrine has words, haven't you already created justification and fouled your nest ?
Has anyone heard of the conscience ?

Is this a doctrine of no words ?

I personally am a Stoic, and IMO this doctrine is the only one that can direct living things thorough the maze of choice to ultimate salvation... the survival of the whole of life.

The conscience directs the arrow of intent before the arrow is fired rather than after, as is the case when there is no direct clear conscience guide to illuminate the way.

Do you obey your conscience or do you, as is the modern case, allow justification to sway you away from the clear path ?

If your doctrine has words, haven't you already created justification and fouled your nest ?

this teeters on the brink of preaching your belief system.
however, it is an interesting proposition when viewed in light of mahayana buddhism.
Do you obey your conscience or do you, as is the modern case, allow justification to sway you away from the clear path ?

It is not always easy to determine whether the voice in the head is guilt, habit, or somethign more loving.

I do think that splits are not necessary, but also respect the enormous bravery it takes to let the different parts of the self come together.

If you stop listening to unloving voices (internal or external) often emotions will come up.

Most traditions tell one to disidentify with those emotions.

That is another split.

Just realized this is sort of preachy. I won't erase what I've written, but I will try to shift the focus.

Can we be concrete about what conscience is and any other voice in the head and relate this to various religions?

Conscience seems to me a very Christian notion, or Abrahamic.
'if you do that you are being bad'
'don't look at her, she is not your wife'
'imagine how you wuold feel if someone said that to you'

A kind of rule based evaluation system with a critical relationship to the rest of the self.

I think Buddhism does this also, but in a less personal and more practical way. (I use practical not in a complimentary way. I don't mean it is better. I simply mean that the voices here are goal focused - enlightenment, oneness, etc. I see the voices here also functioning to reinforce splits in the self, disidenfication is more the name of the game. But it has less of that personal, you are bad energy.

Mystical Hinduism, as I experienced it, is very similar to Buddhism here, though often their is a focus on generating certain specific emotions, love (Bhakti) rather than disidentifying from the 'bad' ones.
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Has anyone heard of the conscience ?

Is this a doctrine of no words ?

I personally am a Stoic, and IMO this doctrine is the only one that can direct living things thorough the maze of choice to ultimate salvation... the survival of the whole of life.

The conscience directs the arrow of intent before the arrow is fired rather than after, as is the case when there is no direct clear conscience guide to illuminate the way.

Do you obey your conscience or do you, as is the modern case, allow justification to sway you away from the clear path ?

If your doctrine has words, haven't you already created justification and fouled your nest ?

i believe at the moment i have 3 voices in my head and the "decision maker" which decides which of the voices it would be most prudent/satisfying to listen to at any given time.
3 voices
mmmh, conscience, needs desires, and selfish justification for your eventual action??

I definitity have at least 2, one intelligent and one a moron, LOL
the intelligent feeds the moron.. strange eh ?
it think they are

the third one is similar to the emotional one but more childish

and the overlord is akind of mix of all three leaning heavily towards the logical part.
words and even some logic is tricky. It can be used to deceive and obstruct. Logic is also a set maze to an end but not necessarily the only route. When you just view a situation it it's entirety without all the mumbo jumbo logic of shoulds, shouldnots and hasbeendones, you can start to see other avenues or solutions. You actually start to "see."
I think that I have four influences in my psyche; mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. They each have something valuable to add to my life as long as I can keep them in balance. The problem is that when you get them together they act like four hungry tyrants fighting over a scrap of meat.
Whatever ism it is, it is the way, as atested to by all the clear thinkers of the past.

How do we get back to the garden ?
Whatever ism it is, it is the way, as atested to by all the clear thinkers of the past.

How do we get back to the garden ?

according to the doctrine you set forth above, i would say that you get back to the garden by not caring if the garden exists or not.

this is nearly philosophy, though...and has no real place here in the comparative religion subforum unless it is actually being compared to something.

try: mahayana buddhism.
give me a comparison! :)
Buddha said:
"Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of one's desires, but by the removal of desire."

That looks like stoicism to me.
>>> try: mahayana buddhism.
give me a comparison! >>

Start me off, with some of your insights, please.

I am sure the doctrine of no words was spoken in all great religious philosophies, and that was when the prophets justified the breaking of the unspoken creed because the way of the unspoken creed had been already lost.

To get back to the garden is to become one with and absolutely knowing they are one with you and all is one in LIFE. Sanity is envoked.
Preaching deleted by moderator.
You are free to do that in the Religion or Philosophy forums.​

Thanks for your judgement..... do you know what this thread is about ?
I do not take kindly to censorship or censureship.

Did you have a complaint ?
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Or sheer asceticism. Taken to an extreme it could argue for the demise of civilization.
Agreed. Siddhartha agreed as well, which is why he left the ascetic path fairly early on.
Has anyone heard of the conscience ?

Is this a doctrine of no words ?
To be honest, the opening post makes very little sense to me. What I am missing that links these two questions into a single idea?
I think it you means you don't have to be told right from wrong. You know it without words.
to know without thinking, your thought process not needed, like light shining that you see instantly without hesitation,

you know what must be done before you think about it.
