Doc Reed fake it


Registered Senior Member
Everyone here must check out out the following,


Dr. Johnathon Reed, the man who
claimed he killed an alien, well the dodge money making bastard, and i fell for his little scam. Dam how stupid i am.
Like Dave said the craft is just a card board cut out, well it is and your right.
Don't worry, Dude... It's better to have faith in people and be a little gullible than to be bitter and nihilistic...

well, at least in my opinion *s*
(just never give them your credit-card #) ;)

It's all fun

How can you be sure it is a hoax. You
know many believe that reverse speech
is a hoax. He has the negatives and sent tissue samples to be examined by a Dr.
who requested them.Remember that disinformation is a great weapon for keeping secrets.
I, myself, wouldn't put faith in that backward crap! Although I'm finding it hard to swallow his story and a lot of it doesn't add up - I'd prefer him and his mate to get busted as to having contrived a hoax, rather than the old - "If you listen to this backwards real carefull like, it kinda sounds like he said this sorta..... so it must be fake!"
There are quite a few more sound methods ( pun intended - LOL! )to prove it's a Smoking Gun or not.

oh man.... lol...
ok, i didn't know that was based on the 'backward' thing. I thought the guy came out with a confession. Finally looked at the link though and I have to admit, the 'backward' stuff is a bunch of crap. Sorry ;)

Not saying the guy isn't a hoaxer... he probably is, but 'backward speech' doesn't prove anything.


It's all fun

Just goes to show you that we didn't blast the story becuase we didn't like you, we blasted it becuase every one could see through it. But hey live and learn.

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)
Mana-I don't know how long you've been studying UFOs and such, but I generally use this rule of thumb:
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Keeping this in mind, photographs don't amount to much. It's part of what makes the subject so elusive.

If you fell for a hoax, join the hot-tub party. Nobody who studies the subject is a virgin when it comes to hoaxes. You just won't hear us brag about how and when we lost our cherries. :D

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
You'd have to exhaust every known organic thing on the planet, and then take into account the things we haven't discovered yet. Usually, the best anybody comes up with is "inconclusive", which doesn't equal "extraterrestrial". It just means that they have nothing definite to compare it to.

As we advance and travel to distant worlds, we will become more familiar with the "normal" chemical make-up of those worlds and will be more comfortable with identifying things as having come from those worlds. But until we have something to compare them to, tissue samples and fluids will remain "inconclusive."

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
So a Doctor from Seattle gets a sample of brain tissue and blood that is unlike
anything cataloged on earth or even resembling a known species and its a hoax? Of course there is the possibility
that it is from an unknown animal but where did he get it. So far no one has proved Dr. Reed to be a fraud so until then I prefer to atleast give him a chance since he has backed himself up so
far. Like I said before and this takes in acount all the evidence so far if this is a hoax then move over David Copperfield theres a new guy on the block!!
Show me the report.

I can spit out of my printer the same photos Doc Reed passes around. I can make negatives with the same subject matter on it. I can create the same obelisk with a 3d suite in 5 minutes ( probably less ).

I would like to see a registery with the investigating doctors name on it stating his credentials and the official report showing his findings.

He says he has samples. If they exist, I'd like to see them studied and analyzed by a creditted university and have somebody with something to lose put their name to the report.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Yes those tricks are great but would they hold up to expert examination?
I can make a fake negative too but it would be revealed as such upon examination same with video footage.If
you can do this and pass it off as genuine after being analyzed then I'm your new best friend :)

I agree, If this is a hoax then it will be easily proven as such. Someone that has something to lose has looked at them
more about that later.I'm just saying the evidence so far does not reveal a hoax.

Alien-Nor does it reveal authenticity. We are back at the word "inconclusive".

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
You can say that about anything.If people see a building across the street
go to it and touch it but I believe its not there is it or isn't it? See what I'm getting at?

My standing on this - just for the record: "The only thing about the obelisk topic is that a lot of things don't add up to me. I don't know whether it's true or not."
Everyone knocked the crap out of Bob Lazaar and found way too many holes in his stories! Isn't it funny though, that the fact that he told several journalists the day and time of UFO flight tests and where the best spot would be to see them .. and sure enough, they got on film from the very spot at the very time on the very day he said they would be testing!!! Yet there are websites out there that still debunk him and say he's never been to NNL !!
You may be absolutely right in that this story is, in fact, real.


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited February 12, 2000).]
We're delving into the philosophical here. What is real? If I am facing you and perceiving you, you are real to my perceptions. But if I turn my back and am no longer perceiving you, do you exist? According to the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, you do not exist until I, say, turn around and perceive you, in which case what has happened is that the wave function has collapsed and you have come to exist. If I turn back around, it starts all over again. Of course, even if you make a sound and I hear you, the wave function has collapsed as I now perceive you.

The building may or may not exist. Even if I smack my head into it repeatedly, I could be merely responding to what my mind genuinely believes would happen if I were to come into such violent contact with an edifice. At this point, it becomes a matter of interpretting the perception, as the very perception itself has collapsed the wave function. If I don't look at the building, I can claim that it doesn't exist at all, until I walk into it and perceive it, collapsing the wave function.

But getting back to the original gist of this topic, I believe Reed saw something, which in my opinion was nothing more than a cardboard (or some such material) construct. I just don't believe it was what he was claiming it to be.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
When the negatives are analyzed and samples studied through normal scientific
proceedure I would not call that inconclusive. When it comes to UFO's and aliens many will keep explaining it away
because they do not want to believe it
even if the evidence is there to support the concept. Its like the old stories of
fairies and the like it must be mythology
right something like that cannot possibly be true. The only thing Quantum Mechanics
tells us is how stupid we really are
and maybe just give us a glimps of how incredibly fantastic our reality is.
He's only claiming what he experienced not that it is something from another planet thats why they called it an obelisk. I think he could of broke the wave function your talking about.

Say for the sake of argument that it is true then it would make a lot of sense for all of the disinformation and attacks wouldn't it? The example you gave was a good one. I am not as skeptical about Dr.
Reed as I was before because to me the
attacks on his story are becoming evident
next they will display a rubber alien and say they found it in his apartment.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited February 13, 2000).]