Do you remember this incident?


Kicks ass
Valued Senior Member
In February 12, 1993,
A small boy who was to turn three in March was taken
from a shopping mall in Liverpool by two 10-year-old
boys. Jamie Bulger walked away from his mother for
only a second and Jon Venables took his hand and led
him out of the mall with his friend Robert Thompson.
They took Jamie on a walk for over 2 and a half
miles, along the way stopping every now and again to
torture the poor little boy who was crying constantly for
his mommy. Finally they stopped at a railway track where
they brutally kicked him, threw stones at him,
rubbed paint in his eyes and pushed batteries up his anus.
It was actually worse than this. What these two boys
did was so horrendous that Jamie's mother was forbidden
to identify his body. They then left his beaten small
body on the tracks so a train could run him over to
hide the mess they had created. These two boys, even
being boys, understood what they did was wrong,
hence trying to make it look like an accident. This week
Lady Justice Butler-Sloss has awarded the two boys
anonymity for the rest of their lives when they
leave custody with new identities. We cannot let this
happen. They will also leave early this year only
serving just over half of their sentence. One paper
even stated that Robert may go on to University.
They are getting away with their crime. They need to pay,
and we have to do something to make them pay for
their horrific crime. They violently took Jamie's life
away, and in return they get a new life.

I just received this as an email asking for signatures. I think this case is so horrible because it involved all children. Now, Im not asking for the death penalty on this case - they were children when they committed these vicious crimes. But, I dont think they should get a new identity after their release. Its just like registering as a sex offender in this country. I think you should have to register as a murderer. If it was committed with special circumstances. Any thoughts?
What is the difference between violent crime and if they would have eletrocuted the boy? Why one is any different from the other?

If it would have been the later, should they face the same treatment?

What is the pupose of sending someone to jail for a specified period of time?

Death penalty could be a good idea but then are we asking to change the basic commandment of "Thou shalt not kill?"
What is the difference between violent crime and if they would have eletrocuted the boy? Why one is any different from the other?

I dont understand the question. You mean, electrocuted, as in the death penalty - or just in general? Because there is a difference. One is just cruel, the other is a form of punishment for committing a murder with special circumstances.
Cruelity is a human construct. Death is not. The problem is the "shades" of cruelity and the emotional content it invokes. Taking the emotional content out is difficult specifically when childen are involved.

My question was how can we separate the shades of cruelty, the emotional content and be objective when it comes to the punishment or should we?

As one friend said - kill them all.
this is in response to someone else's response of the death peanalty.........the commandment "though shalt not kill" was mistranslated from the original hebrew transaltes into " though shall not do murder".meaning to lie in wait ,like these to boys did.....if they were at the age that they knew what they did was wrong , then execute them
The right to live is a fundamental right which can not be taken unless there is consents, like with euthanasia.

The problem is letting murderers walk after one or two third of their jailtime. That should not be tolerated so often.
The problem is letting murderers walk after one or two third of their jailtime.

I agree. What this teaches is not what it should. It teaches that maybe you can get away with the crime. If you can't then whatever they give, they are not really serious about it. They will let you out as a way of saying that is not so bad, we just had to say it was bad...

While the death penalty is not a rehabilation device it does protect society from it occuring again. There does not seem to be a 100% effective rehab program or we and all of history would not have to dealing with repeat crime.

We think that being alive is a fundamental right. Others do not agree with this. Why else would we be dealing with human suicide bombing?
since when are criminals not part of society?
they are (unfortunately!), this means that killing them does not proptect society.
Also, with capital punishment the government tells you that retribution is okay.

safesword, one seeks out the translation one sees best fit to support ones original opinions.
Talk with some Jehova Witneses and find out what I mean.


BTW: Don't worry Star, I will (probably) not get involved in the discussion this time. We have been there.
they are (unfortunately!), this means that killing them does not proptect society.

It will protect the people that they "would of" killed when they got out.

And Im all for retribution. Just like I think you should have to pay for anything else in life, the same applies to crimes.

Oh no, here we go again:D
Their is no link between capital punishment and lower crime rates.

Leaving only this part to consider: killing others is inhuman.
I live in Liverpool and can remember the incidident very well. I attended school at more or less the same time as Jamies dad (St Kevins) This issue is still very close to the hearts of the Liverpool people.

Sentence or not if the identity of these boys (Who have now been released) is ever found then the people of Liverpool and probably most of england will rip them apart.

Jamie was the most beautiful boy you could imagine with the face of an angel. Of course this only adds to the emotive quality of the story. Especially when you hear the train cut him in half

A lot of enphasis is put quite rightly on the perps as wel as the victim. The people I can't really understand are the lawyers who can sleep at night after getting these little fucks off on a technicality. When the guilt is obvious and the crime is so bad I say let them rot.
Jamie was the most beautiful boy you could imagine with the face of an angel

I remember hic picture. I remember his smile.

When the guilt is obvious and the crime is so bad I say let them rot.

Children are not trialed as adults, cause they are not capable of taking full responsibility for their actions.

I remember how one of them had Jamie by the hand when walking out of the store. Jamie looked so confident, happy that he had a hand to hold.

Most kids kill of ants, snails, a bird,... in gruesome ways. But this... this is beyond thinkable.
look EVERYONE has the right to a lawyer and one who is going to act in the best interests of the acused

not everyone but those we hate


why is it i have to explain this to EVERYONE

there are basic rights EVERYONE charged with a crime MUST get in order to protect those who ARE wrongly acused

there is NO exception to this rule

i thought it was only the americans who didn't give a dam about there own constitution and laws
I have to agree with Asguard.

Although I don't know if I would still be able to agree with it if it was my child.
yes i know A4Ever, that is why victoms must be kept out of justice

Look i DO know how hard that is, i can't tell you why but there were some people i wanted to kill in the most painfull method possable

i wanted them to last MONTHS before they died

and maybe i could have done it maybe not

i would have turned myself in for JUSTICE afterwards because what i would have done was wrong

even so i am a STRONG beliver in keeping justice impartal
The people I can't really understand are the lawyers who can sleep at night after getting these little fucks off on a technicality.

Lawyers play a game with people's lives. Maybe they can get you off maybe not. I too, wonder often just how many get good sleep at nights after a lifetime of such deeds. I am not talking of rights and wrongs but of where it is managed to be shortcircuted through technicalities. The loopholes of civilization and its laws. When some case, such as the one above, comes to light there will always be those who are left between the cracks. What has this done for the family of the boy?
Lawyers can't do anything that is not in the law. So you should not blaim them. Everybody has the right to get the best defence possible. One of the possible defences is that many procedural rules are not met. The fact that some of these rules can get a criminal of the hook, is not the fault of the lawyers.

I agree that when it is clear (I mean proven) that someone is guilty, technicalities should not get in the way, but lawyers did not vote for these technicalities.

Blame parliament instead/
I guess this will be an inappropriate question, but is there ever any evidence that these boys were penitent for their crime?

It will protect the people that they "would of" killed when they got out

You can't convict or jail people for crimes they "might" commit.

but is there ever any evidence that these boys were penitent for their crime?

Does it matter? Im sure they do, but just because someone feels guilty AFTER they commit a crime, it shouldnt have anything to do with their sentencing, or their parole. I dont know if thats what you were referring to. But I did read a comentary last week in the newspaper about one of the Manson girls that is now the ideal inmate who feels remorse and helps counsel other inmates. And he wrote something the victims family asked, "Where is our parole?"

I understand the identity situation based on the people ripping them apart. And I guess it is the courts job to protect another murder from happening. It just pisses me off when a child so beautiful is murdered so brutally. Any child being killed or raped, just really hits a nerve with me. I know if that was my child, I would be the one sitting in prison doing life for murder.

Take care all and be kind to each other:)