Do you know who Dr. Dawkins is?

thanks for posting it. it was ok, I thought it could have been done better, but it was good.
If you can find the full version of the Root of All Evil? presentation, its worth the purchase. Part one is titled The God Delusion and part two is The Virus of Faith.
Dawkins is dismissed as a 'fanatic', however, he simply has no inhibition's for the broad stupidity of religions and their followers. Quite rightly, he does not respect it either.
I've liked Dawkin's approach from the beginning. He's been a breath of fresh air in the tippy-toe world of religious over-tolerance. Good viewing. Thanks Stardude.
A nice early quote I Liked -

"Without religion, you would have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. But to get good people to do evil things, you need religion."
SkinWalker said:
If you can find the full version of the Root of All Evil? presentation, its worth the purchase. Part one is titled The God Delusion and part two is The Virus of Faith.

Hey Skinny how's it going?

If you find where I can buy it, let me know.

I just purchased the DVD "The God Who Wasn't There"

It is good as well. I can not find it on line however here is the official website.
SkinWalker said:
If you can find the full version of the Root of All Evil? presentation, its worth the purchase. Part one is titled The God Delusion and part two is The Virus of Faith.

This the response I received when I inquired about the documentary.

THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL is not available on video and there are no plans to repeat it at present. We are sorry to disappoint you in this instance.


Joy Parker

Viewer Enquiries Dept.
I watched both parts of the "Root of all Evil", Dawkins did it well, but I think his one downfall was dealing with interviews of certain religious idiots. Sometimes he could not think up something decent to say in the spur of the moment.
KennyJC said:
I watched both parts of the "Root of all Evil", Dawkins did it well, but I think his one downfall was dealing with interviews of certain religious idiots. Sometimes he could not think up something decent to say in the spur of the moment.

Can you imagine the adrenalin, I know exactly what you are talking about when he said "you wana bet".

The problem is none of the people he interviewed understood the premise of the documentary. They became very upset when they found out it was not religious based.

My hat is off to him, these preachers have armies of fanatics behind them and for him to walk into the world of fantasy land then ask questions about reality took some big balls.