Do you have the "early bird" gene?

Morning Lark or Night Owl?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
If you:

1. nod off early

2. wake up before dawn

3. feel out of sync with the rest of the world

4. get a lot of work done in the early morning

5. perhaps have asthma

6. suffer off and on from migranes, with aura

you may have a mutation in a phosphorylation site of the hPer2 gene, or what is known as the "odd time shift" trait.

At least according to Louis Ptáček, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute researcher, who is studying this phenomenon in flies mice and humans.


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I have real trouble getting up early, the rest of my day sucks when I have to get up at like 5 am or something.. I almost feel sick then. Let me sleep till 9 and I'll feel great no matter how late I went to bed the other night.
Good to know that the 'early birds' are outside the norm and not me.. lol ;) Well at least according to that guy.
I go to bed at midnight, up at 6:30am. My husband went to bed at 6pm last night and got up at 5am. He needs a hell of a lot more sleep than I do.
i got to bed at midnight and then wake up at 5:30 and i feel great during the day, if i have nothing to do for an hour during the day which is rare then i can easily fall to sleep.
It's difficult for me to go to sleep during the day even if I'm very tired. And when I do manage it I am better off staying in bed, because I will feel like I haven't slept for a week the rest of the day after I wake up.. it sucks.. :bawl:
i got to bed at midnight and then wake up at 5:30 and i feel great during the day, if i have nothing to do for an hour during the day which is rare then i can easily fall to sleep.

are you up til midnight cuz you have some 'me' time to enjoy while everyone else is asleep or because that's when you are catching up on chores?
I go to bed at like 4 am ish and get up at like 8, and my girlfriend hates me in the mornings because im "way too happy"
Nite Owl. I usually need about six hours of sleep per night. It's like my body was designed for longer than a 24 hour day. I'm not tired until really late and can easily stay up all nite if I'm not careful. But once I'm asleep, I could sleep 12 hours if I let myself.

I'd love to have one of those remotes like in the movie Click. I could stay up all night, pause time, and then sleep as long as I wanted to.
That would be wicked cool!
Wouldn't it! I thought that guy in the movie was an idiot for not using that function more. I'd never use fast forward. But pause would kick ass. Get all the sleep you need. Never be late for anything. Wait until literally the last minute, pause time, then complete your asignment!
are you up til midnight cuz you have some 'me' time to enjoy while everyone else is asleep or because that's when you are catching up on chores?

its the only time i can get time for "me" and its quiete then aswell, so i can enjoy it.
Ever since I started taking neurontin I have been a morning person. Kind of odd. If I forget to take it, I'm back to my old self of sleeping in till 10.
I'm more of a night owl. Getting up and out of bed is a huge chore for me which is why I'm thinking about taking classes at night rather than at day time.
I'm more of a night owl. Getting up and out of bed is a huge chore for me which is why I'm thinking about taking classes at night rather than at day time.

Why not take classes online? Or are you studying something that online colleges can't teach?
I cannot wake up to catch my bus. I'm not awake till 11am, ATLEAST.
Why not take classes online? Or are you studying something that online colleges can't teach?
Good thought, but the majority of the classes have to be done on campus and don't have the online option. The only class I'm taking online is philosophy.
I have always been a night owl, preferring to stay up in the nights and sleep during the day whenever possible. As already mentioned, it probably has to do with the alone time I can get in the nights and that's rarely possible during the days. Summers aren't much of a problem usually, as I can sleep to 2-3PM if I want to, but last year and this year I've had lectures starting at 8AM from Monday to Friday, so it has been quite a problem for me. I usually get to a rhythm of staying up until 3-5AM for a couple of days, and being tired as hell during the daylight hours, and getting active again in the evening. Unless I get a few daily naps every now and then, which is quite difficult, unless I am tired enough to literally fall to bed, I will eventually just fall asleep very early a few days later, getting back to the start from the next day. Luckily my doctor prescribed me zopiclone, which is able to get me to sleep within a half an hour from taking the pill, whether I feel sleepy before or not. Thats quite a relief from the usual drill of not getting to sleep before early morning even if I feel exhausted.