Do you have a non-xtian spouse?


G0D - Gee Zero Dee
Registered Senior Member
Do you have a non-xtian spouse? Or a parent?

Do they believe in other religions? Or not at all?

What sort of relationship do you have with family/spouses who do not share your faith? Is it a good relationship? Very loving?

Or is it indifferent? or strained? separated?

Just curious. ;)
***Do you have a non-xtian spouse?***


***Or a parent?***

Yes. (deceased)

***Do they believe in other religions?***

Spouse - no.

Father believed in gambling. ;)

***Or not at all?***

Spouse believes in God* but not religion.

Although not explicitly declared, father was atheist.

***What sort of relationship do you have with family/spouses who do not share your faith? Is it a good relationship? Very loving? Or is it indifferent? or strained? separated? ***

Very loving relationship with family. Very loving and passionate relationship with spouse. We've been married for decades. My faith is discussed with my family only when they ask questions. I've never liked people preaching to me so I try not to preach to others. Otherwise, my faith is expressed through my interactions with my family and the community. For example, yesterday, our home was the gathering place for family and some friends who had otherwise been ostracized to some extent. Our guests included and elderly prostitute, a woman who had been physically abused and abandoned by her husband, a young lesbian, a convicted drunk driver and a couple nearing 40 who have not yet been able to conceive. It was humbling when the group asked me to say grace before our meal. Everyone got along well. My granddaughter kept a smile on everyone's face and we had some in-depth discussions about life that lasted well into the night. It seemed like nobody wanted to leave. It was really a wonderful time. Life is great.

Father kept us laughing with his carrying on and jokes when he was in a good mood and crying because of his gambling other times. If it wasn't for our mother, we would have spent most of the time hungry and homeless. Except that we all knew that he would be willing to kill or die for us if anyone else dared to try and hurt us - he didn't really seem to know how to express fatherly love - he was severely abused as a child and too caught up in gambling as an adult. Things were strained because of the gambling. Mom did as much as she could but we did without some things that people take for granted, such as a telephone (all of the time) and electricity (some of the time). There were even a couple of times when we were evicted. Us kids found out when we came home from school to see our belongings out on the street. It was embarassing at the time, to say the least. My siblings and I are all adults now but we are still split in our perceptions about Dad. Half of us think that he was just a mean SOB and half of us think that he was just a man with a serious problem. Go figure.
Here is the flip side. My wife has a non-xtian!!!!! Overall our relationship is wonderful. I leaned many things about Christians from her. Some good and some bad. But there will always be tensions in the back of our minds. The fact that we will never connect on a certain level. Her religion would never allow her to open her mind enough to see my views. And my views would never allow myself to close my mind enough to comprehend her religion. Even though we both deeply believe in "God", they are two completely different perspectives. It seems everytime we talk about the subject she gets very defensive, yet I am able to sit through a church service every Sunday. I also have to live with the fact that she is taught and believes that I am going to hell. It is pretty upsetting sometimes. But other than that our relationship is great :D

My Parents both grew up around religion. My Mom was Catholic and my Dad was Methodist. Fortunately for me, they couldn't decide what kind of church to send me to. They were most likely fighting about. I should probably thank them...huh? :D I'm so lucky I didn't have to go to church when I was younger. Who knows what my life would have been like :(

My parent were never real religious, they just did it because their family did it and so on. Traditionally, for the most part. Our relationship isn't effected at all because of religion, the topic never even comes up. All in All we have a good relationship.

***What sort of relationship do you have with family/spouses who do not share your faith? Is it a good relationship? Very loving? Or is it indifferent? or strained? separated? ***

Very loving relationship with family. Very loving and passionate relationship with spouse. We've been married for decades.
Thank you for the detailed reply b-c. You put into action what many may only leave in words.

ANother question, if one may -

Do you believe your spouse is going to hell?

If I'm not mistaken, xtian thinking is that all non-believers go to hell.


I also have to live with the fact that she is taught and believes that I am going to hell. It is pretty upsetting sometimes. But other than that our relationship is great
Lightbeing, :) You go the point I was trying to make. Mainly - how can a xtian claim to sincerely love his/her spouse, and at the same time, believe that the spouse will spend eternity in suffering.

Does she care so little for your welfare as to be willing to let you suffer pain eternally?

Let's see what b-c has to say about this... :)

***Do you believe your spouse is going to hell?

If I'm not mistaken, xtian thinking is that all non-believers go to hell.***

Honestly, I don't think much about hell. Not as it might apply to me or anyone else. My personal relationship with God* is through Jesus Christ and it is based on love rather than a fear of hell. I know salvation to take place in the here and now. Therefore, hell could be said to exist in the here and now also. Hell, more than anything else I think, is an absence of God* in one's life. I think someone who has a loving relationship with God* in the here and now will continue to be with God* in the future.

To know God* is to love God* and I know God* through Jesus Christ. Some might know God* through other modes of knowing (many of which stem from knowing God* either directly or indirectly through the teachings of Jesus Christ which are well-known throughout the world). Anyway, I believe that those of us who are well aware of God* and who deny God* in this life will probably not be with God* in the future. Then there are those of us who cry "Lord, Lord" and then intentionally do harm to others, sometimes even in the name of God*, with the false belief that the words which come out of our mouths will save us. Then there are those of us who, for whatever reason, do not come to consciously know God* in this life but who are with God* in righteousness in this life regardless and who will come to know and love God* at the second coming. Some of them will be last to know and the first to be with God* in the future.
Blonde Cupid,

Seems to me that you are avoiding the question. It doesn't matter whether you think about it or not. It is simple question, Do you believe your Husband will burn in Hell, the way the Bible suggests? And if so, how can you believe in such a concept. Because it is written? Your husband that you have been together with for decades and would do anything for you. The man that also believes in God. Do you think he will burn?
Also, the concept of Hell, is a big part of Christianity. It plays a huge roll in the Christian Propaganda.

***Do you believe your Husband will burn in Hell, the way the Bible suggests?***

I don't think that's what the Bible says. And, no, knowing what I do about my spouse's relationship with God* I do not believe that my spouse will be separated from God* in the future.

***Also, the concept of Hell, is a big part of Christianity.***

As I explained, the concept of hell does not play a part in my faith which is based on love of God* not fear of hell.
Blonde Cupid,

That is actually good to know. I'm glad you don't think like the rest of them


doesn't the Bible mention if you are not saved through Jesus then you will not be with God. You can only get to the father thru the son? Isn't this the Book you follow?
Hell, more than anything else I think, is an absence of God* in one's life.

Hell must be a great place. Where do I sign up?
Well, if you deny God* I'd say you're already there.

I can't be in Hell because I live in a world where some people still believe in Gods.

So where would I be if I never gave this so-called God any thought whatsoever? In other words, I would have no reason to deny or not deny God.

***doesn't the Bible mention if you are not saved through Jesus then you will not be with God. You can only get to the father thru the son?***

In a way, however, I don't think it's literally the way you seem to understand it. (If you're interested, I'll have to get back to you to explain what I mean by this in more detail later).

***Isn't this the Book you follow?***

I try to live according to the teachings of God*s Word, Jesus Christ.

***I can't be in Hell because I live in a world where some people still believe in Gods.***

It has nothing to do with what other people believe.

***So where would I be if I never gave this so-called God any thought whatsoever? In other words, I would have no reason to deny or not deny God.***

I touched on this in a previous response:

Then there are those of us who, for whatever reason, do not come to consciously know God* in this life but who are with God* in righteousness in this life regardless and who will come to know and love God* at the second coming. Some of them will be last to know and the first to be with God* in the future.
It has nothing to do with what other people believe.

When those that believe in Gods have control over certain facets of your life, then it has everything to do with what other people believe. That said, even Hell is not devoid of Gods.

My preference would be to live in a world where the concept of Gods doesn't exist.

Oh what a wonderful world it would be. :)

***When those that believe in Gods have control over certain facets of your life, then it has everything to do with what other people believe.***

Knowing God* and loving God* should not cause anyone to control your life. What is it that you believe people who believe in God* are doing to control certain facets of your life?
Knowing God* and loving God* should not cause anyone to control your life. What is it that you believe people who believe in God* are doing to control certain facets of your life?

Not directly of course. I would never allow that to happen.

Indirectly, people in power that believe in Gods make decisions based on their beliefs. Is not George Bush under fire for exactly this issue? Is he not controlling the lives of millions of people with his religious beliefs?