Do you feel the effects of female privilege?

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A friend of mine wrote and sent me this:

Given that a male privilege checklist exists, I was curious to see if a female privilege checklist existed. There are a few unofficial versions out there, so I decided to combine a few and form this below. Read and comment. Do you think any of these points are valid or exaggerated?

As a woman...

1. I have a much lower chance of being murdered than a man.
2. I have a much lower chance of being driven to successfully commit suicide than a man.
3. I have a lower chance of being a victim of a violent assault than a man.
4. I have probably been taught that it is acceptable to cry.
5. I will probably live longer than the average man.
6. Most people in society probably will not see my overall worthiness as a person being exclusively tied to how high up in the hierarchy I rise.
7. I have a much better chance of being considered to be a worthy mate for someone, even if I'm unemployed with little money, than a man.
8. I am given much greater latitude to form close, intimate friendships with members of my own sex than a man is.
9. My chance of suffering a work-related injury or illness is significantly lower than a man's.
10. My chance of being killed on the job is a tiny fraction of a man's.
11. I do not feel obligated to sacrifice a career I may enjoy for a higher paying career, and if I choose a lower paying career, I do not have to fear society calling me a loser for it.
12. If I shy away from fights, it is unlikely that this will damage my standing in my peer group or call into question my worthiness as a sex partner.
13. If I see someone else being attacked, I'm not expected to risk my own safety to defend them. It's okay for me to wait for others to intervene, and it's also okay for me to criticise others if they don't.
14. I am not generally expected to be capable of violence. If I lack this capacity, this will generally not be seen as a damning personal deficiency.
15. I'm entitled to the benefits of a safe, orderly society, but no one expects me to risk my personal safety to maintain it.
16. If I was born in North America since WWII, I can be almost certain that my genitals were not mutilated soon after birth, without anesthesia.
17. If I attempt to hug a friend in joy, it's much less likely that my friend will wonder about my sexuality or pull away in unease.
18. If I seek a hug in solace from a close friend, I'll have much less concern about how my friend will interpret the gesture or whether my worthiness as a member of my gender will be called into question.
19. I generally am not compelled by the rules of my sex to wear emotional armor in interactions with most people.
20. I am allowed to wear clothes that signify 'vulnerability', 'playful openness', and 'softness'.
21. I am allowed to BE vulnerable, playful, and soft without calling my worthiness as a human being into question.
22. If I interact with other people's children — particularly people I don't know very well — I do not have to worry much about the interaction being misinterpreted.
23. If I have trouble accommodating to some aspects of gender demands, I have a much greater chance than a man does of having a sympathetic audience to discuss the unreasonableness of the demand, and a much lower chance that this failure to accommodate will be seen as signifying my fundamental inadequacy as a member of my gender.
24. I am less likely to be shamed for being sexually inactive than a man.
25. From my late teens through menopause, for most levels of sexual attractiveness, it is easier for me to find a sex partner at my attractiveness level than it is for a man.
26. My role in my child's life is generally seen as more important than the child's father's role.
27. If I am caring for a baby in public, my restroom is more likely to have a changing table.
28. While on a date or out at dinner with a friend of the opposite sex, I can expect him to pay for the entire bill regardless of my income or his income.
29. If I become pregnant, I and I alone choose whether to terminate the pregnancy or have the baby. As a result, I can be reasonably certain that I will never be held financially responsible for a child I didn't want to have, and that I will never have my unborn child aborted without my consent.
30. Although I am every bit as likely as a man to allow my sex drive to compromise my judgment, I will never be accused of thinking with my clitoris.

So, do you think any of these points are valid or exaggerated?
Mod Hat - Closure

Mod Hat - Closure

This is a spam topic, ironically picked up at a teen forum. I mean, it's even the same title.

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