Do you christains worship jesus of God?


Registered Member
Some say that Jesus is god? Some say that Jesus is the son of god?
Some just worshipp his mom? So witch on is true?
Well, in Catholicism anyway, all three, in a certain sense. I personally don't understand it, but maybe a christian here could tell ya. I'm just tellin' what I know, from wikipedia.
in most christian sects, jesus, god, and the holy spirit are a trinity - a singular deity made up of three discernable parts. christians worship god; jesus is more akin to a focus, or piece of god that one can relate to, learn from, and pray to. jesus isn't supposed to be worshipped in the traditional sense, but prayed to as a piece of the whole god. his teachings are meant to instruct and enlighten people, and to be accepted as new laws to live by, replacing the laws of the old testament.

some catholics often worship the virgin mary. this, in my opinion, borders on herecy and idol worship - even though she bore jesus, she herself is no part of god and the trinity. therefore, worship of mary, to me, is wrong. praying to her, however, is acceptable, since she technically had part of god as a child. it most certainly qualifies her for sainthood. catholics also tend to choose a particular saint as a focus for their prayers, which is also acceptable, so long as it's only a focus.

there are a few christian sects that solely focus on jesus and worship him exclusively; baptists and pentacostals to name a few. however, they view god as vengeful and wrathful and whatnot, and jesus seems like a "friendlier" face with which to deliver their message. i also view this as dancing with idol worship, because jesus is part of god, not the whole entity.

all christians, no matter what sect, view jesus as the christ and son of god. he is part of god, made mortal, to cleanse the world of sins since that whole flood thing didn't work. there just are some people who take jesus' god-hood a little too literally.

i hope that helps.
Glorytoallah said:
Some say that Jesus is god? Some say that Jesus is the son of god?
Some just worshipp his mom? So witch on is true?
Few people know their own religions doctrines to much detail. You probably find it is the same with Muslims. I am not one of them, but I know the doctrine of most Christian's denominations better than they do. There are a few sects that disagree on this point, but most Christians since the formation of Catholicism have it that there are three manifestations of God called the trinity. There is the creative aspect called the Father, the spiritual aspect called the holy ghost, and the human manifestation which is the son of the father - Jesus. The aspect that is related in name to Allah is the Father. The father's old testament biblical name was El which came to be pronounced Allah over time. Some refer to that name as Elohim which is funny in that Elohim is actually a plural word referring to "the gods" Ashira, Yahweh, and El which were the mother son and father primary gods for the Israelites prior to king Josiah, which fact even few Israeli know. Though Yahweh may have been picked up by a Moses character (Musa) when he was according to the story with the Moabites, the Israelite mass exodus and many such old testament events are fictitious so it is more likely that Moses and Abraham (Ibrahim) didn't exist and the Adam story is definitely fiction and so that also invalidates the Koran.
Adstar said:
When i pray i pray to the God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Then It MUST NOT be Jesus, okay.

Peace be unto :)
Glorytoallah said:
Some say that Jesus is god? Some say that Jesus is the son of god?
Some just worshipp his mom? So witch on is true?

Do you muslims believe that a man who waged wars,ambushed caravans, took 19 wives while allowing his followers max 4, declared himself head of state and gods last prophet, had people murded for insulting him, and had sex with a 9 year old girl is a prophet of god??
Adstar said:
When i pray i pray to the God of Abraham.
M*W: Although Abraham was thought to have been a monotheist, Abraham was polytheistic. He worshipped the many gods of the Caananites as did his ancestors before him.

The truth be told, however, the character of Abraham represented the astrological sign of Aries that ushered in the sign of the ram. His name gives the clues. Ab (father of) ra (sun/son) ham/him (plural designation). Also, in those ancient Arabic languages, words and names could have dual meanings as found in god/son of god being the same being. Ultimately, god/son of god was the sun. Abraham's name alludes to the ram and the father of the ram who dwelt around the sun (i.e. god), making him familiar to the readers of the myth that he was a "godly man." (God, being the sun).

Abraham was not a flesh-and-blood human being, and he did not sire two earthly sons. The religions based on Abrahamic beliefs are nothing more than new names for the ancient Egyptian mystery religions who worshipped the sun.
The continual repetition of a lie does not make it the truth MW. No matter how many times you repeat yourself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
The continual repetition of a lie does not make it the truth MW. No matter how many times you repeat yourself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why do you think that she is lying, oh because it is easier to assume that than to look up those words and see that she is telling the truth which would send your house of cards crashing down around you.
The continual repetition of a lie does not make it the truth MW.

The pot calling the kettle black.
Glorytoallah said:
Some say that Jesus is god? Some say that Jesus is the son of god? Some just worshipp his mom? So witch on is true?
M*W: Jesus is not god. Jesus is not the son of god. The virgin mary is not god. There is no truth to be found in xianity.
(Q) said:
The continual repetition of a lie does not make it the truth MW.

The pot calling the kettle black.
M*W: No dear. It's the kettle who choked the living shit out of the pot.
MW, you seem to be a little angry. Why?

Small note here: Ia. I found you. =)

"786" is an old - ahem - "friend" of mine who goes by the title "Ia786". I chased him off a couple other sites previously. Wow! Who'd'a thunk I'd find you here, eh? LOL

Anyway, I wouldn't be so bitter about the whole "Jesus isn't God thing". Frankly speaking, Ia doesn't know, "Glorytoallah" doesn't know and you don't know. I'm an evolutionist and even I don't really know for sure. One can break his name down and suit explanation to fit, but that's the same line of thinking that gave us "sacred geometry". BTW, just checking - if you believe there is no truth in Chrisitianity, nor any Abrahamic faith, then you also believe there is no truth in Judaism or islam. No?

Ia786, I'll be checking up on you here.

i think it is amazing that so many people believe that to have a certain belief takes away other folks' validity.

all religions are made up of stories and parables to inspire believers. i am jewish, but i doubt you would find ONLY jewish beliefs in my heart.

all religions are correct, after a sense.
for an "intelligent community", we certainly have alot of absolutes being spoken in here.
The Devil Inside:

Quite. The ultimate statement of truth is "we don't know".

Adstar said:
The continual repetition of a lie does not make it the truth MW. No matter how many times you repeat yourself.
M*W: The same goes for your continual preaching of xianity. You perpetuate your brand of lies.
GeoffP said:
MW, you seem to be a little angry. Why?

Small note here: Ia. I found you. =)

"786" is an old - ahem - "friend" of mine who goes by the title "Ia786". I chased him off a couple other sites previously. Wow! Who'd'a thunk I'd find you here, eh? LOL

Anyway, I wouldn't be so bitter about the whole "Jesus isn't God thing". Frankly speaking, Ia doesn't know, "Glorytoallah" doesn't know and you don't know. I'm an evolutionist and even I don't really know for sure. One can break his name down and suit explanation to fit, but that's the same line of thinking that gave us "sacred geometry". BTW, just checking - if you believe there is no truth in Chrisitianity, nor any Abrahamic faith, then you also believe there is no truth in Judaism or islam. No?

Ia786, I'll be checking up on you here.
M*W: Ooooh, you've got me curious as to who thou art! I don't think I'm all that hard to find on the web. Did we meet at the sciforums exiles refugee camp (The Science Forum)? Did we perhaps share a tent or something more exotic at the refugee camp? I seem to remember our late night talks about the Christian infiltrators in the camp. Geoff, my sweet, is that you??? Speak to me, my lovely!
Err...actually that one was for Ia(786). I don't think I've met you before MW - and I don't think you're Ia, since he wouldn't be calling me "my lovely".


But are you basing your points about the Abrahamic religions on astrology and sacred geometry? That stuff smells a bit funny.


Infiltrator Geoff