Do You Care About The Future You Will Not Be Here For?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
Do you care what life will be for your great great great great great grandchildren? What about your descendents 300 years after that? 3000 years after that? How far can it go?
Do you care whether a cruel dictator rules the planet 200 years from now?
Do you care whether there is a nuclear war 250 years from now?
Are your morals influenced by thoughts of the future?
Will the future be affected by your morals?
Do you care whether humanity becomes extinct in 500 years or 5000 years or 5 million or 5 billion years?

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Who was the comedian who said something along the lines of

Stuff the future what have they ever done for us?

Kinda reminds me of drilling a hole in the base of a mountain to stash your nuclear waste, filling it up with concrete and hoping it goes undisturbed for at least 100 000 yrs.

But how does your treasure map stay out there somewhere?

Troubling responses . More than troubling , none caring about Human existence , period.

The psychology of our times .
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The youngest kin i have right now is 4… an ive thout as far ahead as her havin kids of her own some day... and i like to thank that bein alive will be as good for them as it is for me… but a future beyond that is so impersonal that i thank about it in general terms... that human life will continue to evolve into whatever it will… an if the human line goes extinct im ok wit that.!!!
The youngest kin i have right now is 4… an ive thout as far ahead as her havin kids of her own some day... and i like to thank that bein alive will be as good for them as it is for me… but a future beyond that is so impersonal that i thank about it in general terms... that human life will continue to evolve into whatever it will… an if the human line goes extinct im ok wit that.!!!

I'm not ok with our extinction .

It is an insult to our ancestors , who did struggle so hard to exist . To be .
Do you care what life will be for your great great great great great grandchildren? What about your descendents 300 years after that? 3000 years after that? How far can it go?
In a vague, abstract kind of way. There's no guarantee that any of us will have any direct descendents after a long enough period of time (which might be as short as your own lifetime if you have no children).

I'm a big enough sci-fi fan and an idealist that I like to imagine that humanity will go on to have a bright and prosperous future long after I am dead. But my direct sense of responsibility, here and now, is to my loved ones here and now. If I have any great great great grandchildren, I won't ever know them, and they will at best know me from old photographs - or maybe from this text, right here. So, just in case...

Hi great great great grandkids! I hope you're having good lives, and I hope you'll understand that I can't care about you as much as I care for the people I actually know, here and now. I hope that any influence I had on your world (if any) hasn't created any problems for you! And I hope your great great grandparents said good things about me.

I hope you're not being ruled over by a cruel dictator, and I hope you're not suffering from the after-effects of a nuclear holocaust. I tried not to encourage that kind of thing when I was alive.
I don't care too much, to be honest, at least not enough to be an activist. I do my part in terms of not wanting to exacerbate the situation with regard global warming, I recycle but probably not as much as others think I should.

In a letter to my great great... great grand-children:
One of your ancestors lied: you are not directly related to me. I had no children, so stop bothering me with your requests for handouts, and no, I'm not selling my house to help pay for your education.
Other than that, make sure you wrap up well in the cold, and wear that factor-infinity sunblock for the days in summer when your skin won't melt.
And if you're being ruled over by a Trump then you probably deserve it.
Now I have more important things to do than worry about people I don't know... like choose which cereal to have for breakfast.