Do you believe you can manifest your chosen reality?


Registered Senior Member
Please read carefully, im not refering to 'making your own luck' by sheer grit and determination. Im talking about directly manifesting will, through no other action but your own will for it to occur, which i suppose in essense could be classed as 'magick'.
So please share any experiences, or tell me why you believe you can manipulate reality in this way and if you can how you suppose it might work. Thanks.
Please read carefully, im not refering to 'making your own luck' by sheer grit and determination. Im talking about directly manifesting will, through no other action but your own will for it to occur, which i suppose in essense could be classed as 'magick'.
So please share any experiences, or tell me why you believe you can manipulate reality in this way and if you can how you suppose it might work. Thanks.

You're not paranoid. They really are out to get you.
yes.... i can... i have.. on several occassion.

it could be suggested that it was coincedence... yet the odds of such are so low as to be unworthy as a simple answer.

and it has everything to do with will.... not magick.

alester crowley said it best, when he said, in his book, "magick without tears"

that .... wands, pentagrams.. drawing circles.. candles, runes... spells.. incantations... everything... normally associated as needed in working magick... are all.... BASICALLY POWERLESS.. AND USELESS.

they only.. ONLY... serve to allow the magician to ACTUALLY BELIEVE that what he is doing can actually work.

that belief is all that is really needed... and all that stuff... are just tools to make it all seem real within the magicians mind.

but... all he ever needs in his mind... and more specifically.. his will.

will is everything.

Try reading Nietzsche the answer you are searching for may be there if you are ready for it.

Hint: "The Twilight of the Idols" would be a good place to start.
Try reading Nietzsche the answer you are searching for may be there if you are ready for it.

Hint: "The Twilight of the Idols" would be a good place to start.
Summary? or recommended chapters?

And @Mosheh Thezion yes i came to the similiar conclusions several years ago, if anything ritual purely calms the nerves, im doubtful if it has any effect beyond that. Tell me abit more about your experiences though, it would interesting to know some specific details. ;)
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IT WOULD NOT BE PROPER FOR ME TO attempt to teach occult practices and methods in such a public setting.

as many religions do not allow for such.. and would frown on such public displays of promoting occult behavior.

therefore i cannot do so... not on a forum.

occult practices... are by their nature manifestly evil.. for it is mans effort to literally control and manipulate the natural enviormental and cosmic forces and bring about intentional results.
god like powers.... which is what satan wanted.
which is the basis of evil...

your thurst for power... is not a good road to follow.
it is very bent and branching...... and only a prepared mind could have either success or even hope for it.

i dont recommend it.

it is not path i have choosen to follow. but i may take short trips down its roads....

if you took those roads.... you would probubly get lost.... as i probubly would.

It sounds like you are looking for shortcuts.
There are not any substitutes for doing the learning experience.
therefore i cannot do so... not on a forum.

ahahhaha, of course you can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just do it, i wanna hear!!

occult practices... are by their nature manifestly evil.. for it is mans effort to literally control and manipulate the natural enviormental and cosmic forces and bring about intentional results.

there's nothing bad with that.

you don't have to use powers for evil.

it's not evil to use powers get things for yourself, like money.
(it depends on HOW you do it)

and only a prepared mind could have either success or even hope for it.

like me?

i dont recommend it.
why nut?

but i may take short trips down its roads....


if you took those roads.... you would probubly get lost.... as i probubly would.

you only get lost if you think you'll get lost......

why do you always make ..... between words..
is it because you don't know when to use , and .?
or is it because you're sad?
or because you're trying to sound cool?

Candy said:
There are not any substitutes for doing the learning experience.

not if you think there isn't.
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I think one's entire worldview controls the reality we percieve. You can use your own will to see an orange in place of an apple.
Whats so evil about magick? wouldnt people have said the same thing about the technology we use now if we showed it to someone 200 years ago? Mobile phones/internet/mp3players would seem like the work of the devil.

Maybe it just freaks us out because we dont understand it! (assuming it works atall that is)
So please share any experiences, or tell me why you believe you can manipulate reality in this way and if you can how you suppose it might work. Thanks.

If you can do this, then this is just the beginning !

Understand one thing if you ever push it and start making things happen the way you want it, it will push back, definitely ! Leave this and you save your power and you need it for better things that is on your way. All the best :m:

Manifestation because of action is the principle of karma.

Read the Dhammapada etc.

To manifest directly, surround yourself with others willing to manifest the same version of reality, or else you need to isolate yourself, in which case it is usually known as hallucination.

A mental state akin to total solipsism is fairly easy to achieve so long as you don't mind the loneliness of it. There are many like that encarcerated in institutions assigned to hospitalize the tendency.
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Manifestation because of action is the principle of karma.

Read the Dhammapada etc.

To manifest directly, surround yourself with others willing to manifest the same version of reality, or else you need to isolate yourself, in which case it is usually known as hallucination.

A mental state akin to total solipsism is fairly easy to achieve so long as you don't mind the loneliness of it. There are many like that incarcerated in institutions assigned to hospitalize the tendency.

The desire to affect somebody else's reality, that is another matter, and not quite so easy.