DO YOU Believe in this miracle???

Shit, after what I've been through in the past year...nothing surpises Milk-drinking statues...that's spiritual child's play.


I don't know anything about religion...soo.....yah!!! What have you been going through this year?
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Funny movie. I wonder if they "drink" anything else than milk. Since I don't believe that there can be anything supernatural in a natural world, I'm sure there is a "natural explanation" to this. There's probably some unknown absorbing "thing" in these statues. A true miracle shows love, otherwise it's just a trick. Whenever people see things they don't know of, they shout that it's a miracle. If a caveman would have never seen an airplane or maybe magnets, he would call them miracles. They call them so, because they don't "know" them. Since people have given certain things (natural laws) a name they think they also "know" them.

People don't know that these "miracles" are just natural as everything else, or that the "everyday-things" they consider as natural are as miraculous than everything else. With a dualistic mind it's hard to imagine that two things can be "real" at the same time, and yet none of them are true. What is that which is neither a miracle nor a natural thing, that is the truth - balance - the state of being "something!"

How happy are those who believe without seeing miracles.
neal4real87 said:
I don't know anything about religion...soo.....yah!!! What have you been going through this year?

One big hairy rockin' n rollin' miracle. Yea, what Yorda said is the truth. I just call it a miracle for lack of a better term...spiritual phenomenon...but isn't everything? Yep. It's just blown my the best way. And it's gonna blow you guy's minds too...just wait until you get a load of this. It won't be long now...a little bird told me that rock star's preparing to do some traveling.

*jumping up and down, clapping, grinning, and doing my happy dance*


I've seen toy baby bottles that do that, too, just turn them upside down and all the milk appears to drain out of them. I think Indians are too easily impressed. Now, if that statue pissed it out later, that would be something.
neal4real87: I don't believe in any god anymore, thanks guys.... I totally lost hope, I think there is no purpose in going to a place called "heaven" because after you go to heaven, then what do you do? sit there on your lazy fat ass, happy and fucking retarded....and i don't even believe in rebirth because all you do in that go back down to this shithole of a life until u reach "nirvana" No!! I seriously believe that anybody who believes that thier relgion is better than another, is just plain retarded... I think that most of the people on these forums are brainwashed fags, who can't see things for themselves, and have been cencored... I especially hate it when religions claim that people who don't believe in religion or a part of another religion are condemed to hell.. So someone like Mahatma Gandhi goes to HELL just because he's not christian or a musilm!!! I bet he did million better things than any other person in so called "heaven" if it even exists.. yeah it makes plenty of sense... forget Religion... im done trying to find this shit in my life.... :D
M*W: I'm glad you see the light. I assume you are still young of age, and I commend you for realizing the truth. Some people search all their lives for god, because they're too afraid to disbelieve! What a waste! It's good to have you on the forum, and I look forward to more of your posts.

two things:

1) are the statues hollow or solid?
2) Why would the higher power, of all messages to send us use milk drinking statues?
If the statue is ceramic like stoneware, or cement, or plaster, they would all absorb quite a bit of liquid which could then evaporate unnoticed.

I'm not sure how they go from that to Ganesh must be real because a small statue of Ganesh acted in a counter intuitive way towards milk. Does it work with other liquids? I have an idea, feed it something Ganesh wouldn't want to drink, and see if it still works. If the statue absorbs... aceone or methanol, then I think we can be sure that the god Ganesh isn't drinking these things by proxy.
If Hindus arranged this as a publicity stunt, then they are very smart, that's good marketing. Boring religions get few followers.
well, you can also say that Christians publicize their religion by saying those people who claim to be "POSESSED by the DEVIL" are faking! I think you could say that about every single miracle/natural event in favor of another religion that you are against....
neal4real87 said:
I heard a story about a statue of ganesh drinking milk...He said and I saw (from the video) this happen all over the world. Look at this video, it looks pretty real. The statues are all made up of differnt material, so it can't be that. It happened in 1995 or 1996.
ever heard of capilary(sp?) action?
any porous material ,such as certain types of plaster,or soft stone will absorb liquid,so a statue made from such material would make it seem to drink it,
it just soaks it up like a sponge,
nothing miraculous about that.