Do you Believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

  • Option 1

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Option 2

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Option 3

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Option 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Option 5

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters


Registered Member
Hello I wonder if you could indulge me in this little poll I want to see what are peoples beliefs / ideas when it comes to the question "Do you believe in God"

I have listed the poll options here and marked each with a number to check in the poll box because the options have too many characters for the poll box.

  1. I’m an atheist and don’t believe in any of the judo-Christian Gods or an intellectual Designer of the Universe.
  2. I believe in one of the judo-Christian Gods and the judo-Christian scripture or any other form of supernatural God.
  3. I’m Agnostic and don’t think this question can be answered or the is just not enough evidence yet to answer it.
  4. I don’t believe in the judo-christen Gods but I do believe in an intellectual Creator of the Universe.
  5. Other (please post what your idea or belief in God)

I’m also well aware that the are many other views and ideas on God I just listed the 4 most common (or as I have found to be) answers.
[*]Other (please post what your idea or belief in God)

I’m also well aware that the are many other views and ideas on God I just listed the 4 most common (or as I have found to be) answers.
i find the concept of god highly improbable, on the other hand i feel there is a part of physics that we just aren't getting.
i find the concept of god highly improbable, on the other hand i feel there is a part of physics that we just aren't getting.

If we ever do discover that missing bit of physical evidence, the believers will kill us.
Op. 5: "Other:.

I am a polytheist, and I believe in the existence of multiple gods, goddess, demigods, spiritual beings, and et cetera.

I, however, do not think they had a "designer" level of control in the generation of the universe/multiverse as we know it. Nor do I believe that they "shaped" or "guided" the biological evolution of life on earth.
They may have had an influence (but not control) in the development of human cultures, starting at when humans first began to find ways to contact the gods. But that is a different issue of its own, and purely speculative.

I do not claim empirical evidence for my beliefs; they are purely the result of UPG, inductive logic, and speculation. And it is of no consequence to me if someone disagrees. I neither think better or worse of them for doing so.
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Agnostic. To be quite honest, I don't think about it very much. I am alive now and I make it a point to enjoy my life as much as possible. Spending too much time wondering what happens after death wastes the time you have to live.
Agnostic. To be quite honest, I don't think about it very much. I am alive now and I make it a point to enjoy my life as much as possible. Spending too much time wondering what happens after death wastes the time you have to live.

It couldn't have been said better:cool:

No I don't believe in God.
The statement itself is a misguiding light. ie. there is no such thing as I do believe in God or- I don't believe in God.

Superficial statements making on believe such a claim is required is the same thing as having the bible read you your rights.