Do we roll the dice with salvation?


Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
Do we roll the dice with salvation and wager that salvation is a myth or do we play it safe to cast our lots on Christ? If we were to roll and lose, then the wager would be extremely costly. Here, take the dice! It's your roll.
boring, just pascal's wager again.

as there are approximately 2,500 the chance of getting the right one with your wager is 1 in 2,500.
the calvanist believe in predestination, which means it matters not what you choose, those that get chosen, is a purely random choice of a gods.
your wager also leaves out the possiblity that the true god and the true theology, are not known at this time.
this god could be one that punishes good and rewards evil.

and do you seriously believe that your god would be fooled by insincerity, thus you would gain nothing.

"Thus Pascal's call for us not to consider the evidence but to simply believe on prudential grounds fails" J.L. Mackie
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your wager also leaves out the possiblity that the true god and the true theology, are not known at this time.
this god could be one that punishes good and rewards evil.

You forgot the far more likely option that there is no intelligent creator.

Plus, the notion of judgement and an afterlife is to me far more rediculous than even the notion of an intelligent creator. Why do idiots think they both go hand in hand?
What if faith counts for nothing and you get into heaven on the basis of how much good you do, or on some other more random criteria (eg yearly pasta consumption)?
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As an atheist I expect nothing - therefore I will not be disappointed.

No problem. It is certain that salvation is nonsense. No need to gamble.
stanleyg said:
Do we roll the dice with salvation and wager that salvation is a myth or do we play it safe to cast our lots on Christ? If we were to roll and lose, then the wager would be extremely costly. Here, take the dice! It's your roll.

There are no dice.
There is no entering Heaven merely on the basis of Faith.

Even the Devils believe....and they tremble.
redarmy11 said:
What if faith counts for nothing and you get into heaven on the basis of how much good you do, or on some other more random criteria (eg yearly pasta consumption)?

I eat loads of pasta, fingers crossed there's a place next to The Flying Spaghetti Monster waiting for me when I die!
stanleyg said:
Do we roll the dice with salvation and wager that salvation is a myth or do we play it safe to cast our lots on Christ? If we were to roll and lose, then the wager would be extremely costly. Here, take the dice! It's your roll.

Boxcars, again!

I had been Christian before, I admitted that I just "bet" that Jesus "could be" true so that I go to heaven. :D
Cris said:

No problem. It is certain that salvation is nonsense. No need to gamble.

How can you be so certain when you haven't crossed over to find out?

Pro13 [20] He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
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redarmy11 said:
What if faith counts for nothing and you get into heaven on the basis of how much good you do, or on some other more random criteria (eg yearly pasta consumption)?
If faith counts for nothing then Christ would have lied to the woman about her faith making her whole.

Matt.9 [22] But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.
stanleyg said:
How can you be so certain when you haven't gone to find out?

Neither did you.
You are still alive, your life after death hasn't begun yet. You don't actually know whether the Christian claims of salvation are true or not. One can find out only after death.
How can you be so certain when you haven't crossed over to find out?
Because the basis of the idea is entirely grounded in fantasy.

Pro13 [20] He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Then follow your own advice. There is no wisdom in your belief that fantasy is truth.