Do theists ever doubt their atheism?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member
How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?
why should they? Behind a belief in every God is the action the believer takes, behind every action is the belief's ideology.

It does not matter what God they follow, what does matter is the actions that come out of their beliefs, social actions towards others.
why should they? Behind a belief in every God is the action the believer takes, behind every action is the belief's ideology.

It does not matter what God they follow, what does matter is the actions that come out of their beliefs, social actions towards others.

And to that end, god isn't necessary.

StrangerInAStrangeLa Do theists ever doubt their atheism?

How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?

Only a matter of time before that list is increased.
Not believing in various gods but believing in one doesn't make them "atheist towards those other ones".
That's a retarded notion.

atheism = lack of belief in (any) deity. Period.
theism = belief in (any) deity. Period.
Your last 2 lines are accurate but your 1st isn't.
An atheist is anyone who lacks belief in any god(s) but in your phrase "atheist towards those other ones", "towards those other ones" modifies the word atheist & is a valid discussion topic. Which is what this thread is about. Not believing in various gods does indeed make a person atheist toward those gods.
Why do people believe in 1 yet not others? Why are they confident, if they actually are confident, that they believe in the right one(s)?
Do they ever doubt their atheism regarding the ones they don't believe in?
How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?

what is your understanding of the word "godhead"?
what about "henology"?
How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?

It all hangs on the definition of God. None of those gods hold up to the popular definition of God. So with your understanding of atheism and theism then your question is valid, or at least in my opinion. So to answer your question I don't doubt my lack of belief in them. I have contemplated them, but never doubted my disbelief., or at least to my memory.

His son,

Warrior61 <><
Do they ever doubt their atheism regarding the ones they don't believe in?
My point is: if they believe in ANY deity, they are not an atheist. By definition.
There's no "regarding the other ones". Any belief in deity is theism.

Now, within theism there are different conceptions; monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, panentheism, deism, etc.
But they are all theism.
How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?

Only one god.
Have I ever doubted: Yes
But only if a god exist not if I've got the right one.
you are wrong, to some God and belief in God gives comfort and guidance for them and thus allows them to act appropriately towards others.
I've never contradicted that. Some people are clueless and having a fairytale to believe in gives them a sense of direction. Would that that were all there is to it!

My disrespect for religion (at least the Abrahamic ones that we're acquainted with in the West) is based on the fact that a large number of members of those religions lose their sense of direction every few generations. During that lapse they commit acts of such unforgivable horror that it completely outweighs the order and structure it has brought to the lives of their ancestors and will bring to their descendants.

I'd rather have hundreds of thousands of depressed, godless people on welfare because they can't find their sense of direction, than have tens of millions of them rise up every 150 years or so and commit genocide, or at least try to and come very close to succeeding, in the name of their god.
How many gods do you believe in? How many gods do you believe don't exist?
Do you believe in Odin, Thor, Zeus, Hera, Jupiter, Juno, Isis, Astara, IPU, Quetzalcoatl & the Great Wolf Spirit? If not, do you ever doubt your lack of belief in them or many others?

stereotyping much?
My point is: if they believe in ANY deity, they are not an atheist. By definition.
There's no "regarding the other ones". Any belief in deity is theism.

Now, within theism there are different conceptions; monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, panentheism, deism, etc.
But they are all theism.

You don't have a point & you're missing mine.
It all hangs on the definition of God. None of those gods hold up to the popular definition of God. So with your understanding of atheism and theism then your question is valid, or at least in my opinion. So to answer your question I don't doubt my lack of belief in them. I have contemplated them, but never doubted my disbelief., or at least to my memory.
His son,
Warrior61 <><

Maybe I should have put etc at the end of that list but the rest of the OP made things clear enough.
There's also the Christian god, the Muslim god & the Jewish god.
NO. They are NOT the same.
And there have been others believed to be omnipotent creators of everything.
Maybe I should have put etc at the end of that list but the rest of the OP made things clear enough.
There's also the Christian god, the Muslim god & the Jewish god.
NO. They are NOT the same.
And there have been others believed to be omnipotent creators of everything.
so you agree that omnipotence is a quality of god?