Do people look down on 'developing' country religions ...

Dystran Hart

Registered Senior Member
Something that I find quite annoying. I know people whom tend to really look down their nose at other religions besides Christianity; moreover with religeons that are presently being worshipped in present day developing countries. I have asked them why this is, and the answers I receive tend to be along the lines of *that* religeon has undeveloped followers and the people and the religeons are barbaric, illogical and simplistic.

But would this thought also go for Christianity? I mean when Christianity was born the followers were more barbaric, illogical and simplistic compared to any of todays standards - even compared to any of todays developing countries standards.

Maybe if more resources were spent over the years in investigating, adapting and advertising another religeon besides Christianity, then that other religeons would be far more believable in the Western world.

Maybe I am just talking to the wrong people.

Not really a question, just a though off the top of my head while bored. Feel free to comment! lol
Developing country religions? There are LDCs who's major religion is christianity. Perhaps a better question is do christians look down upon non-christians? Here in the western world the religions are more diverse than any other part of the world.
True - a huge mix of religeons and creeds in the Western world. Yes, I suppose all are looked down upon froma comparitive religeous point fo view.
Why wouldn't people be allowed to look down on religions? The "s" in religions should give you a hint as to why they can be amusing.

Which doesn't mean there is no truth in them, I'm not saying that.
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." Stephen Roberts