Do molecular biologists deal with evolution on a daily basis?

I would have thought that they deal with the consequences of evolution every day, but that is a different thing.
Some of their investigations will be otherwise quite independent of evolution: they will be trying to determine the precise mechanisms by which metabolism progresses, or the way in which genes are activated. It is only if they investigate how metabolism has changed over time, or how gene expression has changed that evolution will actively enter their work.
But I used to sell double glazing, so what do I know?
Evolution is a myth. Just look at Ophiolite.

For interested readers I am the question mark just after Darwin. That son of a bitch got everywhere before me.
I would have thought that they deal with the consequences of evolution every day, but that is a different thing.

Nicely put. I would like to modify this statement a bit insofar as we use the theory of evolution as a basic framework for many analyses. For instance, if you analyse the function of a specific protein one nowadays usually also takes a look at the sequence (if available). Sequence similarity analyses of course only make sense if there is a phylogenetic context derived from evolution. And molecular biologists that deal with phylogeny, do that all the time.
Of course there are also analyses, which are completely restricted to a certain chemical reaction/system. This amount of reductionism (in my opinion) tends to be more of a biochemical work than a molecular biological one. But the borders are blurred in this areas, of course. I often like to state (in lectures, that is) that one of the main differences between biology and chemistry is context, either in a evolutionary or at least in a physiological sense.
However, only certain areas in the field of molecular biology really further evolutionary theories directly (e.g. use of molecular clocks).
So one could state that we tend to deal with evolution on a daily basis (some more, some less), but not necessarily with the theory of evolution.

Ohiolite, you are a question mark? You sure are crooked ;)...
Well lets say your in the biotech industry and you insert a protein producing gene into a host organism, over time that host organism will evolve to not produce your inserted gene.
Simple question, and I have a $1000 bet riding on the answer

It depends on what you mean by “deal with”.

Actually, I don’t believe it is a simple question at all. But if you must treat it as such, I hope you bet on ‘no’ because, on balance, that’s the answer (in my opinion).

I agree with these two statements:

I would have thought that they deal with the consequences of evolution every day, but that is a different thing.

Nicely put. I would like to modify this statement a bit insofar as we use the theory of evolution as a basic framework for many analyses

Molecular biology routinely involves experiments that investigate aspects of cellular division, replication of DNA, expression of genes, gene regulation, DNA repair mechanisms, protein function, biochemical pathways, and much more. These are all integral components/mechanisms that underlie evolution of organisms, and (as stated) the theory of evolution provides an elegant framework in which to understand and investigate these cellular processes. So in that respect that answer to your question is (sort of) yes.

But only a subset of molecular biology research is asking direct questions about the mechanisms of evolution. The majority of studies would be asking questions about the present-day physiology of organisms (irrespective of how that physiology evolved over time). So in that respect that answer to your question is (sort of) no.

On balance I say no because (I’m guessing) the majority of molecular biologists aren’t interested in evolution per se, they just want to find answers to their physiology question of interest, such as a cure for a disease.
Similar question: do satellite engineers deal with the Second Law of Thermodynamics on a daily basis ?

It permeates everything they do, to some extent. But I doubt they think about it much, normally.
Hercules said:
It depends on what you mean by “deal with”.

I think this is precisely the point. If it is meant in a broad sense it would be "yes". Every sequence BLAST search or other sequence alignments deal with evolution, in a way. Many technical aspects thus involve the direct application of evolutionary theories.

But if you mean whether (all) molecular biologists directly research mechanisms of evolution, the answer is pretty much "no".
Okay, this person responded in the following way:

Perhaps you are getting the wrong impression from what I said. The theory of evolution gives a good description of the history of life. That is it. In order to understand how cells and cellular systems operate, you need to have a rudimentary understanding of biochemistry, genetics and cellular physiology (bioinformatics too?). As a simple analogy, if you want to become a car mechanic, you don't have to learn the complete history of thought and evolution of the automobile. Again, here you need basic knowledge of how a car works and how to fix it. Sure the history of the evolution of the car is fascinating (as is the evolution of life), but to say it is an absolute necessity to become a mechanic (cell and people mechanics included ) is not really connected to reality.

The theory of evolution also can't be used to predict the future. The only prediction that you can make is that things will change. You can't predict the direction of the change. For example, if you want to design a drug that binds to and inhibit a protein, causing inhibition of bacterial cell growth, there is no way for you to design a drug that will inhibit the protein indefinitely because of the random nature of mutations and their effect on amino acid sequences. The random nature of the evolution of the HIV virus is another example where evolution can't be used to predict anything. The only way to predict evolutionary change is if the selection parameters are known, e.g. selective breeding. However, a group at Wits is doing some fascinating research on long hairpin RNAs to inhibit HIV-1. They are also using evolution to optimize the binding affinity of these sequences. The selection parameters are also known...

Also, the mechanics I am referring to are not genetic flow and genetic drift. These are terms to describe evolutionary change. The mechanics I am referring to are phosphorylation, dephosphorylation, ubiquitination, gene silencing, hydrolysis, electron transfer, oxidation, reduction, proton translocation, coupling, decoupling, dismutation etc. As you can see, the theory of evolution has nothing to do with how cells operate.

I am not saying we don't use evolutionary theory, just that evolution is not used to understand or gain insight into how cells operate. Of course, once you discover how a certain component works you can look for similar evolutionary conserved components in try and figure out how it evolved through descent with modification. Or if you find a component that is the same in humans and fish, you can be sure with reasonable confidence that you will find the same component in elephants (e.g. cytochrome c) because of evolutionary theory. It is however largely irrelevant in what I am doing, and I am only talking from my point of view.

Sure, we use evolutionary algorithms in bioinformatics when designing new drugs, the theory of evolution however has nothing to do with it, that is just good programming (of which I know very little).

As a side note, an M.Sc means nothing today, it is just a stepping stone to the next level. Today's research becomes obsolete tomorrow. That is what makes science so awesome... constant discovery.

(Oh, it should read, "reformed Christian evolutionist, panproto-psychist)

I dont have enough information to know if what he is saying is true.. its just this bit set off alarm bells

Perhaps you are getting the wrong impression from what I said. The theory of evolution gives a good description of the history of life. That is it.
Too busy/tired to give a full fledged response. But by skimming it he/she sounds to me to be more of a biochemist than molecular biologist to me (again with the blurry border caveat). While what is said (at least what I read) appears not to be wrong, but it is in part overly reductionistic. However, the answers given deal more with the question whether evolutionary theory pertain to the analysis of cellular functions directly, rather whether evolution plays a role in the work of a molecular biologist.

It is however largely irrelevant in what I am doing, and I am only talking from my point of view.

From that and a few other phrase I would guess he/she might be a grad student?
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The theory of evolution gives a good description of the history of life. That is it.
The theory of evolution does not describe the history of life. That is a sort of famous problem with it - the actual events are left unknown, while profound conclusions are drawn about their basic or abstract nature. That makes people suspicious.

As you can see, the theory of evolution has nothing to do with how cells operate.
On the contrary, it places considerable restrictions on how cells operate. It forbids the continued existence of operational features both expensive and useless, for example. That is often a very useful focusing of approach when researching an operational feature.
I am not saying we don't use evolutionary theory, just that evolution is not used to understand or gain insight into how cells operate
Some people use it for exactly that. No one has to - but it has come in handy.

It is difficult to use, appears to be the major problem - not that it hasn't proven enlightening in the past, and promising for the future.
Sure, we use evolutionary algorithms in bioinformatics when designing new drugs, the theory of evolution however has nothing to do with it
Those algorithms just drop from the sky, do they ?
On the contrary, it places considerable restrictions on how cells operate. It forbids the continued existence of operational features both expensive and useless, for example. That is often a very useful focusing of approach when researching an operational feature.

I doubt that. There are plenty of futile cycles, for one thing. Only that which inhibits survival would be eliminated [obviously]
It forbids the continued existence of operational features both expensive and useless, for example.
It discourages. (I am also in something of a semantic quagmire to understand how, without stretching meaning, an operational feature can be useless.)
It can go both ways at the same time, with an essential economy of zero. Or you could consider the persistence of vestigeal organs like the appendix, which are of no use except to cause episodes of peritonitis.
I understand that the appendix does make a useful contribution to our functioning. The vestigial concept has been debunked for it. I mention that in passing with no great commitment to it being right or wrong, but I'm almost never wrong when a casual thought like that occurs to me, especially this late at night, so you might as well just accept it. :)
As far as I am concerned, if nothing changes after removing it, its a vestigeal organ. What function have they ascribed to it?
I thought I made it clear I was too lackadaisical to be bothered finding out.

Zahid, A. (2004) "The vermiform appendix: not a useless organ." J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 14:256-258.
The appendix has often been seen more as a nuisance rather than an important part of the human anatomy. Early misconceptions have led to the indiscriminate removal of the appendix from the body. Long thought to be an evolutionary remnant of little significance to normal physiology, the appendix has more recently been identified as an important component of mammalian mucosal immune function, particularly B-lymphocyte-mediated immune responses and extrathymically derived T-lymphocytes. This structure helps in the proper movement and removal of waste matter in the digestive system, contains lymphatic vessels that regulate pathogens, and lastly, might even produce early defences that prevent deadly diseases. The appendix is one of the guardians of the internal environment of the body from the hostile external environment.

You owe me three and a quarter minutes of my life. Couldn't you have done that?
So after removing the appendix, people become immunologically vulnerable? Hmm, I have heard some weird news that doctors only remove it when absolutely necessary [like they used to when people presented with appendicitis :rolleyes:]. I've also heard it said that it acts as a reservoir for microflora when people have diarrhoea [much like diverticulitis, one presumes]. But, like I said, if after removing it, nothing changes, its pretty much vestigeal.

Thanks I'll take a closer look at it sometime.