Do modern day Christians still believe in 6 day creation?


Valued Senior Member
God really took only 6 days to create this universe and everything in it in just 6 days?
6x24 hours. True?
Yup... it's true... it is also mentioned in Qur'aan and Hadeeth...
Allah(azza wajal) made this entire universe (what we know and also what we don't know) in just 6 days...
Yup... it's true... it is also mentioned in Qur'aan and Hadeeth...
Allah(azza wajal) made this entire universe (what we know and also what we don't know) in just 6 days...
Then I guess by extension the modern scientific story of a 5 trillion day evolution of the universe must be a fable.
This story has never made sense (of course) no matter how you approach it.

If each "day" is really millions of years then plants coming millions of years before sunlight makes no sense.

If it all happened in 6 days, the earth is too young for what we know about evolution to have time to occur.

How did light appear on the first day but the source of light (the sun) not appear until much later?

The question that always came to me first as a kid was...why did it even take 6 days for such a powerful God to create the universe. What was he doing all day long each day? I would think it would be an instantaneous creation for such a God.

All this is to say nothing regarding the fact that we know the heavier elements were created billions of years before our own solar system formed.
Genesis 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night

That can refer only to Sol & Luna but Luna is not a light.
The other thing you have to say is that if God make the Earth he did a poor job and isn't a very nice person :)

Multiple ice ages that wiped out life and an Earth that is constantly trying to destroy itself with hurricanes, earthquakes, etc...not a very good design.

A world where life wasn't even possible until the ozone layers formed rather recently (in the scheme of things) is hardly work of a God.
God really took only 6 days to create this universe and everything in it in just 6 days?
6x24 hours. True?
This is not typically a Christian belief. Christianity, is the belief in and of the teachings of Christ, who never preached on this subject, as far as I recall anyway.
This is not typically a Christian belief. Christianity, is the belief in and of the teachings of Christ, who never preached on this subject, as far as I recall anyway.
Christ is God and according to the Bible that Christianity considers to be the inspired word of God, it was created in 6 days.
Christ is God and according to the Bible that Christianity considers to be the inspired word of God, it was created in 6 days.
This depends upon your particular Christian religion. Some dance with rattlesnakes to prove their faith, but not all. Some may incorporate the old testament, and some do not. Christianity, is not a religion.
God really took only 6 days to create this universe and everything in it in just 6 days?
6x24 hours. True?


The six creative days are not literal 24-hour days. Those particular days are lengthened from the viewpoint of Almighty God. Therefore, the six creative days are of undetermined length.


The six creative days are not literal 24-hour days. Those particular days are lengthened from the viewpoint of Almighty God. Therefore, the six creative days are of undetermined length.


The problem with that is plants were created before the sun so if each day is really an extended period by our standards that doesn't work.

You have have plants, which rely on photosynthesis, without a sun for any extended period.
The problem with that is plants were created before the sun so if each day is really an extended period by our standards that doesn't work.

You have have plants, which rely on photosynthesis, without a sun for any extended period.


The Genesis creation account clearly states that God said: "Let there be light" on Creative Day #1.
Plants did not appear until Creative Day #3. Notice the words that are bolded within the scriptural quotation below.

"{3} Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. {5} God called the light "day" and the darkness "night." And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day. (11) Then God said, "Let the land sprout with vegetation--every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came." And that is what happened. (13) And evening passed and morning came, marking the third day." (Genesis 1:3, 5, 11, 13 -- New Living Translation)

In any event, the Genesis creation account does not provide minute details of how Almighty God created various things. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 simply presents a summarized account of what occurred.

Yes, "Let their be light" makes no sense when the Sun isn't created until days later.

Also, other solar systems had to be created before our solar system was created. The heavier elements found in our solar system weren't formed until the first and second generation of stars had time to become supernovas (which is where heavier elements are formed).

The first generation of stars were mainly hydrogen and helium with no heavier elements.

Genesis also speaks of the two light giving bodies (Sun and Moon) however the Moon doesn't actually produce light (only the Sun does that).

So, Genesis gets a big fail.